Chimera 0.2.5

i really hope they make a way to turn off aqua. i wouldn't mind aqua as much if it didn't override css. IE does tihs for scrollbars. if apple wants to force us to look at aqua for every program that they make for X, fine, but they can't force us to look at aqua on web pages that have CSS that over ride the default buttons. i think there should be a "aqua except when the web page wants it a different way" option. or even "aqua off". the scroll bar in IE doesn't respond to style sheets, either, though. it's still all aqua all the time.
that said- i use chimera all the time now. i switch over to omni when i need to download something (but chimera actually does download a lot of things, it just doesn't tell you about it ^_^).
i also quite enjoy the ability to turn quartz rendering off.
customizable without being bloated. i like it.

[ boi ]
look under the 'view' menu.
they're trying not to cram everything under the preferences to prevent it from looking bloated. just a simple on/off deal.
or use command-].
Finally got this build to download. So far, so good. About to go try a Java site and see if I crash and burn :D
JavaScript seems to work, but Java applets bring it down faster than a Windows server that's been pinged by a script kiddie :D
With this version, I've started using chimera at home as my primary browser. There are a couple of things I would like:
1. tab loading in the background
2. cmd-option click to load link in a new tab
3. when you option-click on a link you always get a save dialog box. I'd like a preference for autosaving to the download folder instead.

I'd also like to see the URL bar take on search functionality. e.g., you type a question mark and a space in the URL bar followed by one or more keywords. Chimera should then take the word(s) and pass them to your favorite search engine as keywords. This is the only piece of IE functionality I really miss since switching to Mozilla and now Chimera.
I'm sure a lot of requested features will come in time. You have to keep in mind that Chimera is a 0.2.5 release, and has been in development for less than three months.

Tab loading in the background really needs to be fixed though ;)