Chimera 0.2.5

I dosen't do that in IE or Omniweb. It does do that in Netscape Mozilla and Chimera. Must be a feature on Mozilla based browsers.
Originally posted by serpicolugnut
Some of the complaints I'm hearing are:
1) Better flash support
2) Better use of Aqua form elements...

Hello? Have you people actually downloaded and used 0.25? The iConcept site (and just about every other Flash site I tested) works fine, actually, even faster than IE.

Um, no. Go to or, and you'll see that Flash is both inferior in sound and speed with Chimera than it is with OmniWeb or IE. The Flash implementation still needs work.

As for the Aqua form elements, as I type this page, all the form elements appear to be Aquaifed to me....

As was noted, the buttons are too big and often overlap, and the default button doesn't pulse.

Chimera is getting better, but there's still a ways to go.
No DL manager yet, but option-click a link to download it. No progress indicator on downloads either :-p

It's icky and nasty, we know :)
Don't you get this: (see the attached)

It dosen't say it's downloading, but it is.

PS. I tried writing this message several time in Chimera and it wouldn't let me attach the file.


  • progress.jpg
    54.9 KB · Views: 14
The fonts seem bigger because of the font smoothing. If you turn them off ( under the view menu) it seems reagular size.
You can set the default font and size, though you might have to use the Terminal.

Go to or something like that. Somewhere in the catacombs of the folder there's a file called "all.js"; if it's not where I said it is (I'm working from memory here), just find it yourself. Go all the way to the bottom of the file and there will be the default fonts and sizes (I think it's about 6 lines). I think you can figure out the rest. Go to town.

-the valrus