Clicking on 17 inch macbook pro


I have had my new 2.6 ghz, 17in macbook pro for about a week and ahlf and just recently noticed a clicking sound on the upper right hand side near the power button and delete key. Due to that fact, I don't think it ha anything to do with the hard drive or super drive. I am not sure if it is the speakers because the clicking sound doesn't change, even when sound s muted and other sound plays fine. The sound is about as loud as if you had the volume all the way down and clicked the volume up one notch so it is not very loud. If anyone has any idea what this could be I would appreciate it as the ound gets very annoying after a while.

I have also tried turning the computer off, restarting, having the battery plugged in and unpugged, ad tried a system check with no solution.
There's one of your two cooling fans in that area. It's likely making the noise.
The fans run continuously, but are normally inaudible, or nearly so.
It's likely that some small bit of (something) has found its way into the fan area, and the running fan is hitting that.

In any case, take your MacBook Pro in for service.
I have had my new 2.6 ghz, 17in macbook pro for about a week and ahlf and just recently noticed a clicking sound on the upper right hand side near the power button and delete key.

What is causing the noise shouldn't be a big concern of yours. Your Mac is under warranty. Give it to Apple and have them fix it. (You don't want to wait and worry about this *after* your Mac is out of warranty.) the previous two posters said, take it back to Apple and have them look at it. It's tough for us to listen to it over the internet, so your best course of action would be to have Apple look at it, for free, under warranty.

Unless you're savvy at opening up computers (laptops, especially), and know exactly what to look for, there's nothing you can do. Take it back to Apple.