Colour iPod (merged thread)

I'm gonna go on a limb here...

I can't imagine a kid listening to an iPod. Hence, they get the mini. It would be more appropriate to see a kid with a mini. Let's leave the big ones to the grown-ups. :-)

Just like macgeek here said. To expand the market and capture more market.
Well, if the Captain adds _his_ comment, I'll add mine again, too. ;-) And to put it just mildly differently: Portable video is _NOT_ only for watching whole movies. There's music videos for one, there's TV shows and there's iMovies to think about.

Lemme just say the _following_ to those who always come to these vPod threads to add their "I wouldn't want to watch a movie on a 2 inch screen, so Apple won't build it..." ... -> I for one wouldn't want to watch a movie on a TV set now that I have had my video beamer for over five years, and yet Sony's still building them.

I want my Mac to record TV shows for me. I want them automatically synched to my vPod. I want to be able to hook my vPod up to my TV Set or video beamer to watch those things. And I want to be able to watch them on my way to work in the train. I want to do that NOT on a 2" screen, but maybe on a 3-4" one. And of _course_ that thing would still be able to play my songs from iTunes.
The best part of it is that iPhoto (5 probably) will be free and available on Mac and PC ! And with its link to iTunes.... it's gonna be really strong !

The paid part of iLife is reduced to iMovie, iDVD and GarageBand.
Next generation iPod will have video playback features. If it ever happens, I'll say "I TOLD YOU!" ... And ElDiablo: _Now_ we can shut the hell up about that for a while. ;)
I'll agree with that. I think we all secretly and truly knew (or strongly suspected) that the 1st generation of the color iPod wouldn't have video playback capabilities.

I'm all for a video iPod just like the next guy, I just knew that now wasn't the right time. Not until the iPod gets a 7" screen... :D
Hehe... I guess with a 7" screen, people will switch from saying "No-one watches video on a 2" screen" to "This iPod is simply too big!". Nay-Sayers stay Nay-Sayers...
I don't see the point for a color screen, until it can play videos. I can already view my pictures on my camera, why do I want to view them on my iPod? Now today I had two hours to do nothing, but was stuck away from home. I would have loved to watch a TV show or movie instead of sitting reading a 3 month old newspaper.
Sooooooo soon after I bought my 4th gen.

Soooooooooooooo want one.

Sooooooooooooooooooooooo going to have to resist.

Just as a side note, for all you "non-nay-sayers" about the video iPod: Steve Jobs agrees with me (or vice-versa, however you look at it)...

Steve Jobs said:
"No one has any video content to put on them, and even if they did, the screens are much too small," Jobs said, adding that the iPod is the "wrong place" for video."

Jon Rubenstein said:
"Looking at photos on here is a reasonable thing to do," Rubinstein added, holding up one of the new gadgets. "Watching a video makes no sense.",+U2+edition/2100-1027_3-5427237.html
Who cares what they say, I have video content to put on them. So he was wrong in the first part. And yes I would want to watch on a small screen, of course they can make the screen bigger for video, but I have plenty of times I would want something I could carry that is light and watch whatever I want. :)
Yes, of course! Who cares what Steve Jobs and Jon Rubenstein (the "fathers" of the iPod and people most directly responsible for what the iPod does) say?

The point is, it wouldn't sell. Sure, it'd be a cool feature, but I'd be willing to bet that the people here screaming for a video iPod would not go out and drop $600 - $1000 on a video iPod the minute it was released. I think that people want the features, but would not purchase a piece of equipment like that.

Apple doesn't go the way of other companies trying to get a leg-up in the industry. Just because a feature would be "cool" doesn't mean that adding it would help sales. I think a video iPod would be too out-of-reach price-wise for most people, making it a slow seller and ultimately a profit-loser (remember the Cube? Great design, small form-factor, priced WAY out of reach for just about anyone). The demand just isn't there for a high-cost portable video player, as Microsoft will soon see. You can get a DVD player for under $100 now, a portable 7" DVD player for under $300, and a Power Macintosh for under $900. What use would the world have for an iPod that costs more than $600 and plays videos that have less quality than a DVD on a tiny 2" screen?
I hear you lnoelstorr
Sooooooo soon after I bought my 4th gen.

I just bought the 4th, thinking it would be at least 6months before a new one came out. Looks like I was wrong, now there are two awesome looking new iPods.

Not happy.
Your iPod is still new. If you REALLY want to have the iPod Photo 40 or 60 instead, just sell your 'old' one. See: The device you have (same as mine?) is still an actively sold model. Even for the same price. Sure, you won't get the original price for your used one, but right now, you still CAN get a good price for it.

I for one intend to KEEP my 4G iPod instead.
Yet they can buy an iPod that shows pictures for $600...... Maybe it is impossible to get a video iPod cheap enough at this time, I just don't see the point in color until we have video. Video has to come eventually, if we can stand looking at pictures on such a small screen, why not video?
ablack - do you use iPhoto, or Adobe Photoshop Album?

If not, the iPod Photo really isn't intended for you. It's something that I would really, really appreciate. Put it that way. I have as many photos as I have songs (craploads). I could justify the cost of this.

As could photographers, or Uni students who take a lot of pictures.

Imagine how it will sell in Japan!
I *would* like it for tha additional aesthetic reasons... And it kills be to say this, but, that's it?

It might be nice every so often ('specially around the holidays), but I was already able to transport my pictures around. If I want to show photos, either it will be on a desktop computer, laptop, the camera that I took them on (which has a better screen)... Tho the AV connection is good.

Steve's right about the lack of video content, though if I'm going to take my pictures over to the in-law's house and hook it up to their TV to show pictures, why is taking it over to a buddy's house to watch Ocean's 11 or Futurama a stretch at all?

...Tivo's getting ready to allow downloadable movies and things from Netflix, which can be shared with other Tivos. It would be really nice if that DRM extended to iPods...
texanpenguin: for windows users u just need my pictures folder for it to work with the ipod photo..i read it somewhere in the apple site.