The Apple Store Mayfair (Wauwatosa, WI) has about a dozen iPod photo 60GB in stock tonight. I grabbed one immediately. The cashier said I was the first to buy.
The color screen is great. The GUI is very Panther-like: platinum title bar and spinning spoke wheel (whatever it is called). The first time I saw the color screen, I was reminded of the first time I saw a color Palm (but the screen resolution is like the Tungsten C, not the Palm IIIc). It works better than I thought for photos. Very easy and fast to navigate and see.
The iPod is large. It immediately felt larger than my 3g iPod 30GB. If you check the specs, it is indeed a bit larger.
A few things to note:
- there is no remote control
- there is no firewire 6-pin to 4-pin adapter
- the dock has s-video out
- the av cable connects to the dock line out and provides rca left and right and composite video. You cannot connect the iPod to a television without the dock!
- when sync'ing photos, you get thumb-nail images. You need to turn on sync'ing full quality photos.
- formatted capacity is 55.8GB
- you can feel the hard drive spinning when displaying photo thumb-nails. I bet this will do wonders to battery life.
- the games are in color