Colour iPod (merged thread)

Yes I do use iPhoto, but no I have no use carrying around all my pictures on my iPod. I like the color menus, and album art, and the way the games look now, but those aren't worth the price. Look at the Sony PSP, that would be great to watch movies on, except Sony is going to be stupid and not allow people to burn UMD's for it.

Yes it could use better batery life, but it shows you what is possible at this time.
ylon said:
iPod Video Not Dead

I don't know why everyone is getting so worked up. From my reading it definitely appears that these iPod +photo will be the base for the iPod with video. I would imagine that it will just be popped into the firmware as soon as Tiger is released 1st qtr. of next year. This is going to be the reference platform of their new QuickTime TV (H.264/AVC) foundation. We're going to see neat things over the next several months I'm supposing and hoping.
Take a look at the actual presentation by Steve Jobs on the Apple site - he pretty much kills off all hope that Apple will do a video iPod anytime in the near future.

Heh... I think Steve Jobs and Jon Rubenstein pretty much killed video ever on the iPod. It's just the wrong device to do video on they said, and I agree.

That doesn't mean that they'll never do a mini-video device, I (and they) just don't ever see it happening on the iPod.

In fact, I think I'll change my sig to include an anti-video-iPod quote... hehe... that way, people who don't want to read this entire thread and insist that the iPod is a good place to do video can read about Steve Jobs himself disagrees.

Now, I'm not against some sort of compact video device from Apple, but I am wholeheartedly against the iPod doing video.
with the storage capabilities of the ipod, the real use of a video ipod (to me) seems to be for ripped dvds. The problem with the ipod as a form factor for a video player, is that currently, the screen just is too small.

sure, I'd love to have dozens of my favorite dvds ripped to my ipod for plane viewing, or whanever, but i need glasses as it is. :) staring at that small screen to watch a 2 hour movie would kill me!

so oh well - there'll be a good solution (from apple I'm hoping) sometime down the line. for now, I'm glad Steve (and the rest of the apple decision makers) have the stones to say no to a video ipod.
If you really watched the event closely, Steve mentioned something about No Copyright! I think this has something to do with no video iPod.

So my prediction for the future, I would not be surprised if Apple is working with some movie houses or a video chain like Blockbuster to offer a protected Quicktime file with the new High Definition codec coming in Tiger. (note: I am not a professional so take it with a grain of salt.)
I would think that Apple working with some movie company would be the only way that Apple entered the portable video market. "Ripping" DVDs to your hard drive is still a grey area... it's not exactly illegal (yet) and it's not exactly legal, depending on how you interpret the license agreements for a DVD... it would be silly for Apple to enter a grey area like that, then have a court turn around a short while later and say it's illegal to rip DVDs. Ballmer's comments about iPod users having illegal material on their iPods wouldn't be ridiculous anymore... Steve don't want that.
The color screen is nice, but it is way too small for veiwing photo's- i have seen digital camera's with bigger screens.
Once the newness of it wears off, the small screen size will
be disappointing.
Well i dont really think that the new ipod will be that much of a revonlutionary product, think about it not everyone wants to have all their photos in their pocket now do they?? I think apple should really basically change all the ipods over to colour screens next year, and i think more people would probly buy them because there is soo many flash players that have colour screens and games like mobile phones. With this iPod Photo i think apple should've included a feature that lets you view videos through the tv aswell as photos. I think that would be an alright feature to have.
The Apple Store Mayfair (Wauwatosa, WI) has about a dozen iPod photo 60GB in stock tonight. I grabbed one immediately. The cashier said I was the first to buy. :)

The color screen is great. The GUI is very Panther-like: platinum title bar and spinning spoke wheel (whatever it is called). The first time I saw the color screen, I was reminded of the first time I saw a color Palm (but the screen resolution is like the Tungsten C, not the Palm IIIc). It works better than I thought for photos. Very easy and fast to navigate and see.

The iPod is large. It immediately felt larger than my 3g iPod 30GB. If you check the specs, it is indeed a bit larger.

A few things to note:
- there is no remote control
- there is no firewire 6-pin to 4-pin adapter
- the dock has s-video out
- the av cable connects to the dock line out and provides rca left and right and composite video. You cannot connect the iPod to a television without the dock!
- when sync'ing photos, you get thumb-nail images. You need to turn on sync'ing full quality photos.
- formatted capacity is 55.8GB
- you can feel the hard drive spinning when displaying photo thumb-nails. I bet this will do wonders to battery life.
- the games are in color
tbenning said:
- the av cable connects to the dock line out and provides rca left and right and composite video. You cannot connect the iPod to a television without the dock!

I'm watching the iPod Photo "Keynote" right now, and Jobs mentions that the A/V cable included will connect to either the dock port or the headphone jack directly on the iPod Photo (18 minutes, 5 seconds into the keynote for a reference of the A/V cable fitting into the headphone jack, for those that want to check)... can you confirm?
Sure enough. Page 33 of the Getting Started manual states that the AV cable can be connected to either the headphones port on the iPod photo or the Line Out port on the dock. Good catch.

By the way, the docs also say you can watch slideshows with photos and music. Cool.

Cool! Steve Jobs alluded to the fact that you can actually author a photo slideshow set to music on the iPod. I assume that means you can pick one photo album and one music track to loop and play it... can you confirm this?
I can only confirm part of this:

On the iPod photo, you can select a playlist to play during the slideshow. You can also copy the settings from iPhoto. I don't know if you can select a single song from the iPod photo.

I don't know about the photo album. Nothing is said in the user guide and I have at least another 30 minutes to go on my first music and photo sync. I am also copying some Backup files to the iPod photo at the same time.

I think the colour screen would be a great idea so long as it is introduced in the iPod and iPod mini range without any kind of price change and simultaneously.
I went to see the photo ipod yesterday at the mac store in Pittsburgh. I have the original iPod and was thinking of upgrading to the photo pod. Let me say first I am 54 and my eyes are not what they used to be.

The photos looked good on the color screen but I think the screen is too small for me. The thumbnails are way too small to be usefull at least to me. Playing with it at the store I could not figure out how to do a slide show. I have never had a need to carry all my photos with me. Actually unitl iPhoto and my digital camera I never really took that many photgraphs. Being able to show the pictures on a TV or projector could be plus, especially for presentations. Can you use it with kenote or power point?

callieX said:
Being able to show the pictures on a TV or projector could be plus, especially for presentations. Can you use it with kenote or power point?


Hey, as of yet, you can not use it with PPT or Keynote, however, this seems to be a logical step and I would not be surprised to see this functionality come in later. It would probably be a simple software update to allow it to do so.