Computer Names

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Well, it's late at night and i just finished partitioning my hd decided to give them interesting names... So I wondered if anyone else does this.
My computer is named ••Tau Ceti Station•• and my 2 partitions are named the U.E.S.C. Marathon and the Lady Luck.
What about the rest of you?
My current list of named systems:
  • Euclid (Mac OS X)
  • Milnor (Rhapsody 5.6)
  • Fermi (Mac OS 8.6)
  • Riemann (Rhapsody 5.1)
  • Feynman (Rhapsody 5.1)
  • Bonnet (A/UX 3.0.1)
  • Gauss (IRIX 6.2)
  • Morse (IRIX 5.3)
  • Euler (IRIX 5.3)
  • Archimedes (Solaris 7)
  • SAL 9000 (Mac OS 8.1)
  • HAL 9000 (Mac OS 8.1)
  • Panda (Mac OS 8.1)

Those are the ones up and running currently. (Can you tell which ones were named by my wife?)
Who could leave it Macintosh HD? I have two partitions, Kent's TiBook, the main one, and another one with OS 9 and a swap partition, which probably is useless ;)
My official list (not as long as RacerX but hell, how could it be?):

• Trillian-- LCD iMac G4/800
• Tsunami-- Power Mac G4/400
• i c e-- iBook Combo Drive (dual USB)
• BlueFusion-- iBook (blueberry, 300-MHz)
• Sirrus, Achenar--SuperMac C600 603e/240 (2 partitions)
• Mac II-- Macintosh II :)
• "The Quadra"-- Macintosh Quadra 605

edited to look nicer.
My computer's name has always been "Athena", named after the Greek goddess of wisdom. My computer has been very important in my education (as is any computer nowadays). For the life of me, I don't know how to change it in Mac OS X. Now it says at login: "Chemistry Geek's Computer".
With 10.1, the name on the login screen went from being the host name to the Appletalk name. Just change the name of your computer in your Appletalk setting and that should set the name at login.
My machine was named VeggieMac back in its OS 9 days, but I renamed it Gibralter once os x came out... (it seemed fitting)

I also have my os 9 partition, Janice, and two file drives... Ass Jack and Stockyard (stockyard is where I keep my type and stock images).

Before it died, my PC was named SPY, because I made the little clockspeed LED display spell that. It was cute. Also because it had one of those faceplates with a sliding cover to protect the drive bays (or hide them).

After I setup a few more machines this summer, I'll probably change the naming scheme to the names of Coil Albums... ala Black Light District, Gold is the Metal..., Love's Secret Domain, Music to Listen to in the Dark, etc.

I love Coil :)
lol deja vu :p
this kind of thread has already been done :P
but what the hey :p

Radical Drive --> Main boot drive
Radical Firewire --> External firewire
Radical Apps --> Applications partition
Crash Dummy --> Temporary items partition (sometimes swap)

My computer's name is Admiralty lol :p

486 DX Nameserver:
Pentium2 Firewall:
SMC Router:
G3 B&W File Server:
G4 Quicksilver Workstation:
G4 Powerbook:
Key Lime iBook:
Celeron webserver:
R10000 O2 Workstation:
Indigo *Work*station: lazy to add to DNS till now...
Originally posted by ulrik
486 DX Nameserver:
Pentium2 Firewall:
SMC Router:
G3 B&W File Server:
G4 Quicksilver Workstation:
G4 Powerbook:
Key Lime iBook:
Celeron webserver:
R10000 O2 Workstation:
Indigo *Work*station: lazy to add to DNS till now...

I think would be a good addition. Or :D I've always thought Fatty Lumpkin was the best name in LOTR. :cool:
Help me a bit: I only know LOTR in German, and when I like a name, I look it up on english LOTR pages. Who is fatty pumpkin? Is the the guy who helps out Frodo and Sam in the dark forest? He is called Tom Bombadil in German.
I'm pretty sure Fatty Lumpkin is Tom Bombadil's horse.

BTW, what did you think about Tom Bombadil being omitted from the movie? (I assume you've seen the movie). I thought it was probably a good idea, because that part never really fit in with the rest of the story.

edit: Actually, I think fatty pumpkin (as you have it in your post) is an even funnier name. :D
Ah, ok!!! It actually has a different name in german.

Well, Jackson cut some important parts (like the fellowshop receiving their presents in Lothlorien, the Lorien Elves shooting down the Orks etc. etc.) but these scenes where shot and will be included in the DVD.
I am pretty happy with the choice of Jackson, I mean, the movie is already long, and there is no scene which I would say is "too much" or should have been replaced by another scene. As for Tom Bombadil, as much as I would like to see the atmosphere in the dark forest, I agree that this scene was not needed. The movie takes it's time until it actually gets going, and with this in, it would take even longer and people who don't know the book would be confused because they think this has something to do with the plot.
Yeah, I heard plenty of people complaining about the slow start to the movie, so cuts of relatively non-essential things probably were important.

So have there been any indications on when the DVD will be coming out? I'm excited. :cool: