Computer Names

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I preordered mine on

Sometime in autumn. They will release two DVDs. First, the standard DVD with the movie, then, a month later, a platinum (or like that) DVD with a running time (fasten your seatbelt) of 4 hours 45 minutes! 1 hour and 45 minutes longer than the movie! This is called the "dreamcut" - as Jackson named it in an interview - of the movie. I am looking forward to it, nearly as much as I am looking forward to the battle for Helm's Deep in The Two Towers Movie :D
My current computer's name is Daedalus. My old Performa was Greased Lightning 2, my Mac II w/ a 68040 was Greased Lightning, and my old Mac Plus was Molasses.

My IIvx:
300mb - Sexy Lady
80mb - Big Mac


Performa 6300cd:

Performa 6400:
The Wopper

Don't remember my iMacs HD name....
the old Q700 is called the old computer, the partions on the iMac are OS X and OS 9 (damned original) and the duo is 'duo 230'

After a while of using Trillian and Mystic, I've decided to change their names. The OS X "Aqua" machine, which is an LCD iMac (LIQUID CRYSTAL DISPLAY) will be called Liquid (as in Aqua), and my iPod will be called Crystal (as in crystalline, which is what the front reminds me of) from now on. :) :)
I take all of my station names from Greek and Celtic mythology.

  • iMac TFT Helios (Sun god, sounded cool)
  • iBook Snow Zanaibar (not mine)
  • Sony VIAO Hebe (daughter of Zeus; belongs to my sister)
  • Compaq Presario Thanatosus (god of death (NOT Hades); so named because my laptop is a piece of c***).
  • Dell 2.2GHz Phobos (perversion of Phoebus Apollo)
  • Dell 250MHz Demeter (god of harvest and reason for having crops at all, it's my LAN fileserver and render client)
  • SMC Barricade Cerebrus (three headed dog that guards the
    underworld; it's my firewall DSL router :))
  • iBook Clamshell (when I get it): Merope (one of the 7 Pleiades)

wow can it get more involved than that....someone beat me--I dare ya! :P
wow...all these greek names :P

The greek name for death is "Thanatos",
Hades isnt a god (to the best of my recollection) Hades is the place where you go in the afterlife.
Computer Name: Helios
Drive 1 Name: Daedelus
Drive 2 Name: Aquinas
Drive 3 Name: MP3-A-Thon

(Thank you Deus Ex for those excellent names. :D)
Heh, well, mine are kind of unimaginative...

10 gig boot drive: Valrus Disk
60 gig external: The Big Valrus

Oh well!

-the (not big) valrus
Originally posted by scope
Computer Name: Helios
Drive 1 Name: Daedelus
Drive 2 Name: Aquinas
Drive 3 Name: MP3-A-Thon

(Thank you Deus Ex for those excellent names. :D)

Yeah, I was gonna say... sounds like someone had been playing Deus Ex a bit much :) well, it's a GREAT game... :)
PB G3 - Osiris
beige G3 - Anubis

dead things. dead things. must get it from the funeral business....
Computer Names:

Pc Server:Konfuzion
Pc Gaming Machine:Konfuzed
Pc FreeBsd 4.6 Box:Tormented
Pc Ibm Intellistation(Linux): Deranged
Apple iBook:tityfsck
Compaq BeOS box:tity