Congrats to Ak!!

actually, Herve's point is a made in a noble and self deprecating way. He is making fun of his own cheap I hit 300 post, while ironically showing that AK's posts of social worth that are actually intended to benefit the forum have given him social mofo status despite AK's intention of not providing quantity but quality. Herve is, while simultaneously making a joke and an ironic point, congratulating Admiral on a job well done. As are the rest of us here in this thread. Although Herve saying so much with so few words, ... it's like poetry really.

As for women, the more the merrier for AdmiralAK. I just want a shot at the leftovers. My self esteem is horrible ;-)
herve, is that really what you said, or is theed just making it up?

theed, if you can recognise that you have self-esteem then you are on the road to making it better. unless you beat animals and molest small children (or vice versa), then I am sure you are a good guy with many redeeming qualities. anyone who can identitfy a billy joel song from 'ak ak...." must have an exceptional mind and some sense of shared experience. hell, why settle for Ak's leftover's? why not get first choice? what would your dream girl be like? (hint: be realistic but don't settle for a description of : "female")

did you know you can change 'he' to 'theed' without having to start all over?
I can say something, I have once given a ring at a girl, after it I did'nt see her back. She is one in a million.
public static void main(String []argv){
/* something Herve might understand */



printf("please enter parameters: ");
/* Doing some complicated stuff here */
/* No need to see copyrighted code */

return dreamDate;


Now for the post for teh rest of you :p
I go off for a few hours to study and a whole discussion has evolved :p

In any case,
looking for a girl about my height (5 6-5 9), medium built, black hair (intelligent blodes welcome :p), eye color doesnt matter.

* Must be able to talk, sitting and being pretty is NOT an option (lol :p)
* Must have opinions (dont wanna hear "what do you think about it? I agree with what you say)
* Must be able to think critically (this item is connected to #1)
* Must have some sort of moral/honor code
* Must not under any circumstances give the "macs suck just because I dont use them" speach
* Must NOT be a leach...while I may be a gentleman I dont want to be a dope and pay for everything she wants.
* Finally and most importantly --> must be emotionally and psychologically stable.

Is that a lot to ask for ? :p

OK Theed, post your list, you did so well in analyzing Herve and his subtle post, now its time to look within you ;-)

As for making more How-tos ... After the semester is over, once I get done with finals...then I can play more with my OS X and tinker with it...

well, let me start by saying I currently have a woman, but the relationship has been lacking a bit recently. It's likely related to my job sucking and us living 3 hours apart. Anyway, how things have been going has been making me ponder how well suited we are for one another. Thus I begin here group therapy...

- Kinda tall, I'm 6'3" and short girls are a novelty that wears out quickly.
- Somewhat athletic, I don't want to fear breaking her by accident. And I like to do stuff occasionally other than sit on the couch.
- Similar to what Admiral said, I think she needs to have an opinion, and can not be an emotional leach. I think I might even be OK with a financial leach if my finances were better, but not having a sense of self... I mean really, if I wanted to be alone with my thoughts I could do that without the girl.
- optimistic. I have a weakness toward depression and hatred that I fight all the time. If the girl brings me down, I can't have her around. Realistic is fine, just not gloomy.
- Technologically accepting. Despite that my current girl is a rocket engineer (no joke) I start to talk about computers and she just looks at me funny.
- Must be fluent in English. I have a large vocabulary, and not being able to actually talk is very inhibiting. I was in Korea for a year and figured how important language is to me.
- honest. Lying will not be had. Also holding grudges is a bad thing.
- in short I'm hoping for a peer, not just arm candy for me to tote around, and not some power wench who expects me to bend to her every whim.
- Looks, well, nice eyes and a pretty smile go a long way.

I think I might even let the whole psycho factor slide if she passes all my other tests.

I think that's my list. Since I have a girl right now, I don't really expect to effect the types of women in this whole march of brides thing we're planning for AdmiralAK, but still, I'd be interested in perusing the leftovers. ... I'm awful.
the site's been acting funny tonight, took me three hours to get on. I spent an hour before that fixing what my girlfriend's 21 yo son broke on her mac. I still can't figure how he reduced the brwesr windows down to miniture toothpicks but grabbing them by the bottom right hand corner did the trick finally. I want to blame it on the aol instant messenger he inisisted on installing. Hey you guys did EXCELLENT in analyzing some of the most important parts of a relationship!! I am truly impressed. There is real hope for you guys that you won't be in your mid thirties before you find a good one (like i was). But theed, take it from my real life experience, DO NOT LET THE PSYCHO FACTOR SLIDE!! Fatal attraction is not just another funny movie!! Slashed waterbeds, stitches in head, lawsuits, etc. These are all potential parts of the sycho factor. (hmm, that was a typo but i think i will leave it).
the one factor that neither of you touched and is often a big one in relationships is religion. No need to post how you feel about religion here, but do consider it as an important thing to evaluate in relationships. At least being tolerant of each other's beliefs, or lack of, is major. Church of Bob is fine as long as you both are ok with it.

And theed, you're not awful. You're a man. some would say 'same difference'. 3 hrs apart is rough. nobody but you will figure this one out. I would definitly have had the girl for you at a Further Festival a couple of years ago. She was 6'1" at least and very secure for herself. she was trying to pick up an aquantince i met in the parking lot. I think he liked short girls - felt threatened by her.

If there are any single, intelligent girls out there who feel up to the challenge of these two men, i would suggest you send them an email or private message soon. They sound friendly and open. What have you got to lose?

(how was that for a direct plug?)(rule two - gotta ask for what you want, nobodies going to just give it to you).

I'd stay and add more but i'm getting tired. It's been a long day w/too many ups and downs.:eek:
ACK !! I CAN'T SLEEP!! (that's really an ack, not an Ak)

and no, herve, i don't know what you are thinking at all. if i did, i would be working for miss cleo instead of slowly pursuing a graduate degree. Please tell us, in a foreign language (but spoken - not just foreign to me) if necessary, what you think of SF? (allright, latin would be ok, too). I don't possess theed's ability to understand you. I'm still trying to decide if you are like 'cousin it' from the adam's family, or some cryptic zen master, sent here to keep my chaos balanced. Maybe you are putting hidden messages in your post and that's why i can't sleep!!
Really, it's ok herve, you can join in and type full sentences & paragraphs like the rest of us. None of us will laugh.

So Ak, do you think this post has gotten to the point it should be moved to 'all things nontechnical'? :D BTW, is sitting and being pretty and talking with an informed opinion ok? I also think being "emotionally & psychologically stable" may be asking for too much. Not many of us really are. Maybe you should shoot for emotionally and psychologically aware or well adjusted. We all lose it from time to time. It's the healthy ones that recognize it before they go too far. And you've actually heard girls give the "macs suck just because I dont use them" speech? No, you're just saying that;) Is it anything like the "M$ and Aol are great because my last boyfriend taught me how to use them" speech?
(i gotta get a new keyboard before long, i've spilled too much coffee on this one)
theed, you get your own post because the damn text box was starting to drive me batty with the line i was typing jumping in and out of view. Plus i figure if we each start posting 2 posts for everyone of Ak's, we should catch him sometime before 2005.
to regress a bit (and actually i guess this involves herve too) -
He's trying to make a point there that quality matters, and that the market share will likely follow. Therefore we shouldn't be upset about Apple's meager market share and microsoft getting a pat on the back by the US DoJ for being focussed solely on quantity instead of true innovation, long term sustainability, and improving the user experience in a fundamental way.
if this is true, then why is Bill Gates the richest man in the world? The facts if life seem to dispute this premise, although i admit i believe it to be true on some levels. I WANT IT TO BE TRUE!! Explain to me why it's not. the more i think about that statement, the more it bugs me!:mad: ( see Ak, get me talking about M$ and i tend to lose some of my emotional stability.

i like the "not holding grudges thing". Very insightful on your part. I 've got a few ex's that insist i am the cause of the world's problems. surprisingly, my partner is a scorpio with lots of vengence, but she's very good at putting things behind her. of course she's also very good at working things out so they don't have to become grudges. It ain't rocket science, but it isn't simple either!!
As for being depressed, the world will do that to all of us these days if you let it. best cure i know is simply being 'in relationship' with other people. Being in a relationship is great, but being in relationship is vital. As corny as it sounds, this site & this thread are a way of being in relationship with others with a similar world view at a certain level. that's why i like it so much. It is definitly my favorite truckstop on the web now that i found it.

So, are there any interested girls lurking out there? Surely there's got to be a few in the 140+ folks who are eavedropping on this thread. Even if you're not a girl, speak up and say something while you are here. if you got this far in this thread, then you are as much a part of it as we are. It's not nice to sit and stare.
I think that it is a very strange feeling to have if everything is slowing down. But I know that there is much activity at the chipfactory(they are speaking about IBM-they want speak about Apple). I have heard it over the radio, I have also find that they are doing some work for Motorola-the arm processor was a spin-off. It is worldlargest independent chipsfactory.
Ak wrote
I had a transatlantic relationship for 2 years lol
looking back on it, was it worth it? or did it it seem...
such a waste of time
- theed quoting billy joe from ack ack songl
(be careful how you answer this one - i'm guessing most women reading this would be transatlantic from you now, might be wrong)

whoa, herve, good post. I could understand that one. it is true that less important things often get more attention then truly important things. mass appeal will always get the press. imagine me, a 60's/70's kid. War is in again and i need a Peace smiley. (would go right here). Here's some interesting apple news. And here's some more. too bad this isn't front page stuff instead of tucked in the back of aol's transparent front, eh? don't get too caught up in the talkback section at bottom of first one. I think that's what got me so riled up i couldn't sleep last night!!
My guess is you were better of without the girl, but should have gotten the ring back. the ex wife burned me for the ring, too.

We're going to buy the yule tree today.
"deck the halls with boughs of holly, falalalala..lalalala"
It was worth it because it was geniune.
In the end though it wasnt teh distance that killed it, it was a realization that she wasnt really the saint (or the right one for me) that I had made her out to be. She had serious flaws in her character (moral wise) that I really did not like.

Both good and bad...unfortunatelly the bad outweighted the good at some goes on in search of another :)

zaza: what's the point of you post? please refrain from making junk posts
" goes on in search of another "
I'm sure there must be a song for that one but it's not coming to me right away. and did you forget to add a sarcatic/funny smilie after your comment to zaza? cause he's my fault, i asked everbody just to say something, anything , when they drop by to stare at us like monkies in the zoo with nothing better to do.:D how many other lurkers have something to eat or drink?

zaza: I've got apples. grown on the tree in the backyard. taste good dipped in caramel sauce. bananas are better in chocolate.

theed must be visiting the girlfriend today or else she's in town and he doesn't want her to see this by accident. Hope he's at least doing something having to do with living.

got the yule tree.

herve: >>>>>I<<<<< :)

anyone who is not a registered user should go back to start and sign up now. or go to top of page and hit 'register'. don't hit it too hard.
I thought I was being original when I said "life goes on in search of another" ...dang :p

As for zaza he posted some other non sence post too so I guess it might have been a carryover from here :p or the other way around lol.

Theed must be visiting the girlfriend...maybe he realized he cant live w.o her and doesnt care about the left overs :p
