Congrats to Ak!!

let me take a big guess and figure that excessive drinking and/or drugging were part of her clubbing. it's almost impossible to have a real relationship with anyone who is constantly escaping. I know it's amazing to me that i once had a 5 year relationship with someone, when in fact, i was too stoned to even know myself.
several years later, my wife still wanted to go clubbing and partying every weekend after we got married. I wanted to spend time together. she wanted to surround herself with her 'friends' and i was more of an afterthought. she wanted to snort and drink all night til the sun came up. I had pretty much given up drinking and drugs by that point. needless to say, our actually being together lasted just over a year. there's a big difference between using 'artificial stimulents' for recreational purposes and using them as a way of silencing your own demons. you describe a woman with some very strong demons. with any luck at all, the universe will eventually send her what she needs to face them. Sounds like you were willing to help but she wouldn't let you, which is also to be expected if she is using and abusing. if my guess is right, you could never have what you want with her until she learns to accept herself - her true self with all its imperfections.

hey good luck on the german final. hope you ace it. you doing an all nighter? if so, i hope you got plenty of coffeeeeeee:D

"you don't have to be a straight A student
if you are then you think too much..."
- more Billy Joel

of course, i was summa cum laude with a 3.8 or something like that at Ohio State. i constantly think too much. of course then i turn around and act without thinking, so go figure:cool:
lol, the funny thing is that she doesnt drink (well she does but I have never seen get drunk) and she doesnt do drugs. She is addicted to dancing :eek: I seriously have seen her go at it (dancing) for 3 hours STRAIGHT without stoping and she enjoys this :eek:

Personally I am not one for clubbing. I like it, but not with "a significant other". I prefer quieter things with significant others. CLubbing I like with friends or large groups of people that I know.

Oh well, it's been over with her so I dont have to go crazy figuring out the paradox...

Studies a few hours last nite, will do so again this morning (exam at 13:00)...passive voice and subjunctive are parts of what is covered...yum yum

subjunctive construction
wŸrde + past participle

Passive construction
wurde + past partciple

one little umlaut can F* you up lol

-- gotta do some CS HW too that is due today --

I used to understand that. I'm not addicted to it any more. I now have no addictions, and I kinda miss them. They made life more colorful. I'm not a chemical kind of guy, I used to do a lot of phiyscal things. I don't so much any more. I need to start again. My body is becoming sluggish like a car left without maintenance for too long.

I think I got tired of dancing when I realized that we were all just hanging out in a room standing and wiggling, and nothing productive, truly social, or physically challenging was occuring. I was truly excited about the short lived swing craze. I tried to make it last longer. People these days are afraid to do anything that they might look silly doing, and swing dancing, or partner dancing in general is hard. So they all just stand and wiggle, because you can't screw that up. How many friggin' times does one have to listen to Baby Got Back to realize that it's over? Like disco was just ... over. Do something else now. I miss dancing, but I don't feel like I left it, I feel like it forgot to follow me. I'm not even interested any more. Been there, done that.

the software I've been playing with is called Calc Thingy, now available via versionTracker, and with it I feel almost like I can program again. Somehow I learn a great deal more in an open ended environment than I ever did in a structured environment like school. I really hated school. Good luck with the German, and the CS assignment.

"When I look back on all the crap I learned in high school, it's a wonder I can think at all."
"give me a nikon camera, love to take a photograph, so momma, don't taaake my kodachrome awaaay..."
-george harrison???

which is a perfect lead in to let you guys know i posted my pic on the post your mug thread in 'all thoughts non-technical'. gee, since we're having this non-technical discussion in a different forum, does that mean we are 'thinking outside the box'?:D or maybe we should talk about the site for awhile - get back on subject for a minute or two.
so i'll raise the question - i saw someone get a warning from admin for attacking someone else. has anyone ever gotten publicly barred from the site?
so clubs w/o drugs? what's the world coming to? :eek: no, really this is a good thing, glad she wasn't as messed up as i imagined. still sounds like there is some part of herself she needs to escape. sounds like you got it right Ak - everything's good in moderation. as opposed to the philosophy i used to live by "too much of everything is just enough" (-Grateful Dead).
dancing=standing and wiggling:p I used to really like to stand and wiggle myself. I still do when i go to concerts. besides being great exercise with all the adrenalin rush (sounds like Ak's lady's drug of choice), it can also be very sexual. at least for me. it was more the seduction factor that really appealed to me about dancing. Half the time i felt like i had already had sex by the time i had spent 3-4 hrs. dancing. (well, almost) i don't think people worried about looking silly is anything new. people's need to conform and be accepted has always been a priority among the 'masses'. following will always be easier.
yes, i saw calc thingy up there. just downloaded it to see what you're doing (#162). why is it one of those downloads that you have to option+click to get to download properly? those are so frustrating. so weather grok and web calender are yours too? I see grok getting constantly updated. calender is pretty popular isn't it?

"you can't go back and you can't stand still,
if the thunder don't get you, then the lightning will"
another deep post by herve ;)

Well.. I am not such a big dance person, I can move and swing and what not, but I prefer to the the Meister lol. I like being the DJ, it sets me out from the crowd lol (getting requests from nice looking girls isnt bad either :p)

I have never felt the same satisfaction from dancing he he...being with someone is in a league of its own. The end effect might be the same (really really tired and you cant move one muscle) -- but its not the destination that matters, but the journey ;)

Had my german final, it was cool. Did the same as I did with my past CS...take a few hours break and look at it. Not worried about my grade since everything has been A work thus far :P One project cant dent my grade that much he he.

yea better study for cs anyway. I felt that way going into my undergrad statistics class. I had missed 4 points all quarter. after the final i got a c- in a class of about 300-400 graded on a curve. I still don't want to know what actual score i got on it!!! glad the deustche (sp?) went well.

you know, herve getting struck by lightening explains a lot:D

I think one big difference between my experiences dancing and yours is that i always danced with somebody. there was always lots of eye and body contact. it really had a lot of sexuality in it. it wasn't just bouncing around to music. and often the 2 of you would get excited and go home together. This was before aids. the sexual revolution is over. i am now a retired captain from its army. the front lines became much too dangerous. :cool:

"if you want to know how she makes love, look at the way she dances.."
-New Riders of the Purple Sage

DJ's get to watch a lot of girls dance, don't they? (insert lecherous smilie here)

and hey, you got my official professional title exactly right that time. (people trying to read this as if it is the only communication that goes on between us will be lost here)

another revalation - theed = the ed (try that in your calc thingy on base 36 or above)
Spent the last hour and a half waiting for the RMV mainframe to come back online so that I could renew my licence... I turn 21 on monday :D!
(I wonder if they are gonna stick me with a ghetto "under 21" licence...doesnt matter... I can cause some grief at liquer stores lol :p

Anyhow, I'm done with CS, just need to write up a small discussion about it and provide a script of my runs. I took out a day extension (had 4 "grace days" but only took out one).

As for dancing...yes I can be sediucing and arrousing...but I prefer one on one talk, somewhere semi quiet. A caffee, outdoor, with dance music playing the the background, sofas and marble tables sourrounded by folliage...and a nice girl in my sights (or even better in my arms :p) -- everyone has their preferences I guess.

I wonder why no one else has joined in here :P

First I want to be a popstar, now I'm a programmer. It's something for boys. I have always prefer blond hair. Ooh I don't know. After the lightning I still lives in the same house, and I love it.
you'd think that people would pop out of the woodwork once we start talking about sex, huh?:D oh, well, i guess your 3000th post is old news now and this thread has lost its novelty.

seriously, i enjoy our little chat here. it's never hard to find in this forum - i think i started about 1/2 the handful of threads. and the conversation is consistently entertaining. I truly appreciate your taking the time to sling the sh*t with an old fart like me.

so you're just turning 21. I would have guessed more like 23. I guess i didn't think the school vs. age thing thru very well. I just went by your pics and the maturity of some of your posts. I hope you got a better pic on your license this time!

speaking of pics, i threw up some of me when i was younger. click here to see disco dancing ed and other astonishing moments from my past. I wasn't always middle aged. two pics of particular interest i think. first is me with the 4 girls. I still love that picture even if it is just a fantasy shot - taken by m ygirlfriend at the time. second is the one called 'eyes'. open that one up in a new window (they are all much bigger than slide show presents) and look very closely at my eyes. what do you notice? hint - i don't use contacts like David Bowie.;) I've always known i am different.

well this is typical, theed gets things patched up with his girl and he stops hanging out with the guys. i just hope he's happier. seems like such a nice chap. :p

i guess it's time to end this one. I've used up all my smilies.

you know, now i keep wanting to call you A J like the admiral on JAG.

"if the phone doesn't ring, its me"
-Jimmy Buffett
well herve, you know what they say -
lightening never strikes the same place twice. so you're safer now than you've ever been.

did you really get your new mac? if so, which model?

i am sure your messeges will be much more clear & understandable once you are sending them from a mac. :D

I can see a difference already!!
The long haired phot s of you strike me as you being some sort of travolta impersonator or something :p

The photo on my new licence seems better than my older one. Someone said that I look "like 12" on my old licence he he...with th new one it "adds years"...perhaps its the mini gotti.

In any case, this conversation is pretty nice...and novelty has nothing to do with a thread he he..I guess we are just a couple of bores :p

Dang.. I have this huge smile pasted on my face co-workers (all nice looking girls) threw me a suprize party at work today, cake, home cooked vietnamese food (yum yum!) and a good movie to watch as a group. They really suprized me :eek:!!!
In any case..

Ed, can you imagine Herve as part of a boy band lol..he will be the one with the lyrics he he :P

PS: most people take me for older. Maybe it's the way I behave and carry myself. I've been told that I look around 28 (one person told me this and I was just shocked he he)
well, i know you probably have lots of 'conversations' going on, but this is the thread i run to first when i log in. It always puts me in a good mood, keeps me from losing it too bad when someone tells someone else that the only way to fix the problem is to reformat !:D !

but we can't be too boring. look at all the other people viewing this thread. they're just shy and worried that they won't be able to add insightful comments like herve. ;) you know, i think herve probably already was a popstar. probably used to write and play with T Rex. A combination of excesssive drugs and the lightening would about account for everything. (lol)

"herve are you listening,
herve are you out there,
just knock if you can hear me..."
-paraphrase of pink floyd

yea, the white suit is pretty funny. somewhere i actually have a pic of me doing the travolta pose.(lol, lol some more) if i find it, i'll post it for ya.
hey, glad the folks at work treated you so well ! I'd be smiling too. I'm sure friday was a better day to celebrate than monday. too much work to do then, huh?

lets start talking about theed as if he isn't her, cause dammit, he's not.

btw, if you look closely at my current pic, you will see i still have long hair. i just pull it back in a ponytail now. (the steven segal look:p )
and you didn't mention my eyes. could you still not see them very well? best pic of them i can find so far. i do squint a lot.

ok, there's some room left, i'll talk about theed. have you checked out his calc thingy. it's way over my head. but his instructions on how to use it are as funny as he is talking with us!! he must be one really intelligent geek. (said with love and respect theed). I gotta assume he's off in his own little world just programming his brains out right now. if you look at his site, he is also author of some other programs that i see all the time on versiontracker and macupdate - weather grok and web calender. i'm telling you, some day we will tell our grandchildren that he used to take the time to chat with us every now and then!! they'll look at us like we're crazy and say "no way" or however our grandkids will say that their way. (confusing last part of that sentence - hope you got what i meant)

just got my disk copy of DiskWarrior today. it had a free pass to MacWorld SF in it, so now i know for sure i'm going. I think i may get ahold of simX and see if he wants to ride up to the city together, save on gas and parking. I'm sure i won't go more than one or two days, but it should be fun. of course i'll have to take a handkerchef with me to keep wiping off all the drool:D

"I'm just a fool for the city.."
- Foghat (i used to party with them whenever they came to town)
To be honest I did not notice the eyes :p
The hair was the immediate attentin getter since I dont see many men having long hair lol :p (although I have seen several on campus it getting popular all of a sudden ? the highlanger look I mean ;) )

Friday is the best day to do it. Monday wont be busy but there are final exams to think of and not everyone could gather on monday. Furthermore it was a nice occasion to celebrate the end of the semester. On monday too I have a departmental lunch/Xmas party, with all the big guys (since I am a supervisor now lol). It's going to be kinda awkward since I will be spending my time rubbing elbows with the big guys when I am not even HALF their age lol.

TO be honest I would prefer to stay with my employees (which I consider more of my coworkers/friends) on monday but it's a good opportunity to network and share some insightful ideal.

Oh well..

So in your photo do you do the "staying alive" pose ? he he. I've been trying to find some 70's disco style comics JPEGs for my upcoming compilation. I cant find much. Any ideas ? :P

tah daaa, this is my 300th post.(insert totally silly, goofy, cross-eyed smilie here)

yea, i think the highlander look is more in these days. of course i live in the SF area, so long hair on men my age is not so uncommon. I'll have to admit to being a highlander fan. I've got some highlander hair ties that look like duncan's and a replica of his sword. i have two other swords as well - wish i knew how to use them. i took fencing I at ohio state but foils and sabers are very different than larger swords.

hey you hang out with me and i'm more than twice your age. you should be just fine in there. don't forget they put you in that position because of what they see in you. just be yourself and relax. you have every bit as much right to be at your stage in life as they do at theirs. treat people like equals and they will treat you that way too. over the years i have had friends that have covered the range from starving artists to millionaires. as long as you treat others as equals and with respect. I have a saying that i coined "we are human beings first and everything else second. Let's treat each other as such." it's always worked for me.

can't say that i can think of any disco comics right off the bat. despite the goofy clothes i wasn't really ever into disco. i only went to those clubs for the girls and for my business. the girl dancing with me in the disco-ed pic, she put 7 stitches in the back of my head with an ashtray after we broke up. remember, i said DO NOT IGNORE THE PSYCHO FACTOR!!

"don't take me to a disco,
you'll never even get me out on the floor.
in five minutes i'll be late for the door,
just give me old time rock and roll,
that kind of music just soothes my soul.."
- Bob Seeger:cool:

about my eyes - they're 2 different colors. one blue/green and the other brown. i change back and forth on my driver's license. some years i put blue, some years i put brown :D
Well I am cool ;)
I blend in, its one of my better qualities :p So I will be fine.

As for teh graphics part... I am tring to find something to go with the title "dance lessons" or something similar to that. Once I make my compilation and have it burned I can get a better dea for teh covers I want to design.

The title "dance lessons" comes from something a girl once told me, and the CD is mainly dedicated to her...soo... what else can I say. I have created music mix compilations which better convey what I am trying to say than tomes of books could ever can ;)

what's the saying anyway? Music has no borders ? he he.
