Congrats to Ak!!

"a b c, 1 2 3, that's how easy love can be.
sock it to me, sock it to me, sock it to me"
- Jackson 5 ??????

how's that, zen master herve? Ak may be the DJ, but i'm playing your request. Got another?

muldar is missing. what are you doing about it? We need him back. doggit is a fine agent, but he'll never be the one to save us from the aliens. reyes is sharp, but she'd get more done with muldar. :cool:

I thought Borders has no music. or is that Barnes & Noble?

as for the compilations to speak for you, they are a start but they will never be able to truly speak for you. there are always extra words that you don't really mean, things left out that you should be saying. of course they help make for a special night, but in the long run it is best not to hide behind the words of others. better to speak your own heart and be brave enough to face the response.
despite all my lyric quoting, i have gotten to the point where what i really like to listen to most of the time is jazz - nobody else's words telling me how to think or feel, just a pure emotional response.

I'll get back after i've had more coffee. got woken up too early by her work calling because they screwed up on scedualing. she's still asleep and i'm only half awake.:o
No you cant be the DJ ;) probably can for you kind of music since I dont listen (nor play) it :p

As for music...The nice things about my compilations are:
1) The songs I use dont have a lot of lyrics (or if they do they are somehow subconciously chosen for the lyrics/music combo)
2) They are vague and can be interpreted (lol - AK the lawyer he he)

I am listening to some songs now, making my picks. I think I will make some coffee tonite and listen to some more music, pick songs and maybe just maybe study a little.

I also got JPIII on DVD today so I might see that tonite.

JPIII - what's that? I even asked someone your age and they didn't know either. so i didn't feel soooo old and out of it. :D I got Final Fantasy on dvd about 5 months ago and still haven't taken the time to watch it. I'm terrible aren't i? oh well, i get more into movies once football season is over.

I also plan to go see Lord of the Rings with my son while he is visiting me over the holidays. I saw the cartoon version many years ago and loved it. the new movie looks awesome. I would go see harry potter too but he went and saw that the 2nd or 3rd day it was out. we read the 1st two books together.

btw - go to general discussion to thread 'appleworks spelling' if you haven't already. there's a nord there who wants to know what language dictionairies are supported by AW. I told him you were the guy to know. I don't think he really appreciated my taking advantage of his typo to make a joke. hey, it keeps his post near the top. he should be thankful.:p

so is that what all the language thing is about - you studying to be an international lawyer someday?
lawyer joke (told to me by a law student) -
Q: what do you call 10 lawyers at the bottom of the ocean? (answer will be last line of this post)

i have no interest in being the DJ. I'd rather be the archivist and old music trivia champion!! NOT ANARCHIST.....archivist. I saw you misreading that (he he)

i am somewhat more awake tonite, but i hate getting up so early when i don't have to. i had really looked forward to getting 9 hrs worth last nite and catching up for the 5-6 hr nites i had this week. this site is so quiet at 3:00am pst.

no 10.1.2 yet. I'm turning into an update junkie. but at this point in the development of osx, it seems like every update of any program and/or the system has some important improvement.

so is your kind of music available on your site? if so i'll check it out. or give me a link where i can sample some for free. I know some new music, but the only kind i know without lyrics is jazz. I downloaded one of lonny's songs from his Lonny Fearless releases. pretty good stuff. i liked it.

"occupational hazard being that my occupation just ain't around..."
-Jimmy Buffett

A: a good start (c'mon, laugh)
My mistake :p
JP III is Jurassic Park III. Just saw it. Very action packed. Nice movie! :) I cant wait for the 4th rendition of it lol.

Strangelly enough I havent played around with appleworks but I will take a look (if anything, just to see the joke you made lol).

The lawyer joke was sort of funny but I dont want to be an interantional lawyer...prefer to be an international playboy :p (or spy lol) -- they get all the girls ;-) .. what do you think ? am I CIA material ??? lol.

As for music
Check out my site for my music mix,
also check out for samples. is also nice for some small 30 second clips (which I hate btw :P)

ok, i'm listening to your site mix right now. I like the first song with all the drums.i really like pure drumming. i play drums and recorders to amuse myself. I especially like to play out in nature - a forest, a beach, a park, etc. i do it for me. ocassionally when others hear, i get compliments. occasionally i get strange looks. kids love to come up and play with the drums. parents hate it.

ok, i've seen JP I & II. good flicks. i gave my son the first one for xmas a few years ago i thought it was so good. i have seen the ads for III and thought it looked good too. great graphics in those movies. i have to watch those kind of movies by myself or with my son or hers. I finally watched X-men tonite with her son while she was working. It's not her kind of thing. but i let her watch most of the chick-flicks by herself.

yea, i can see you with your spy camera and bugging devices - master of disguise. but working for apple as a double agent, feeding microsoft false info about future developments so that they always stay at least a year behind.:cool:

well, as i listen to more of this music, i like some of it, some i can tolerate, and some reminds me of the cheesy soundtracks for subtitled titty movies:D or i could see you working for the cia - the record label that is.

"secret agent man, secret agent man...."
-??? but it's a classic, you need a copy
It's been so long that I've made that mix that I had to go take a look at the playlist to remind myself (although I am pretty sure it's safri duo with Played-a-live).

Man, when I was going to greece this summer, the on-flight radio had a "loveparade" mix because it was loveparade weekend and I was soooooo tired but couldnt sleep! All these songs that I liked and knew they were playing...when I heard played a live I wanted to get up and dance in the plane (yes..I know and I dont even like dancing :p ) -- it fileld me up with energy he he

As for playing drums in the careful of the grizzly bears ;) .... I can just picture you now playing drums and bringing all the bears closer lol...

oh oh before I forget -- "Played a live" is also called the bongo song.

JP III was a good movie as I should really see it :) The only time I see chick flicks is when I am dragged by my friends to go to the theater...

my turn to lol!!

actually i tend to draw skunks & racoons & the occasional turtle:p
birds and butterflies seem to be drawn to the recorders & ocinaras. I really have a pretty good collection of primitive style percusssion instruments. We always take a lot of them camping and get our friends to play too - campfire jams. i also ran a meditation group for a little over ayear and would let the group play them. It was usually everyone's favorite part of the session.

good thing you didn't get up and dance on the plane - you'd have probably ended up being referred to someone like me:D

I would never pay to go see a chickflick at the theatre. I almost never see movies at the theatre anymore - has to promise great graphics and special effects to get me to lay out that kind of money. it's too easy to watch them at home and be able to pop your own popcorn, go to bathroom when you want and not put up with other people talking. I'm spoiled, i know. I was glad i saw the matrix on the big screen. I think if i ever saw a theatre playing Blade Runner i would go, even though i've watched it on vhs about 7-8 times or more.

I'm sure i will see JP III once it comes to hbo or maybe sooner if its available as a pay per view when one of the kids is visiting. I think we are planning to watch the latest steven segal movie tomorrow nite.

" James Dean, James Dean,
you said it all so clean.
i know my life would look alright,
if i could see it on the silver screen."
- eagles

lol @ steven segal :p
I havent seen a movie of his since Under Siege 2 :p

The last time I went to the movies was this summer with friends. I would pay to see a chick flick if I went with a date :p -- I only go to the movies in the summer now, with friends when I am in greece. At other times I prefer to be home and chill and watch a movie rather than go out.

As for seing someone like you I can imagine it now..."yes doctor...I know that breakdancing in a confined space is dangerous for my health as well as the health of others but the overjoyousness of actually going on vacation, coupled with the fact that I was listening to an energetic song...well..I couldnt restrain myself") he he he....

What would you say to that ?

well, since you acknowledge knowing that what you did was wrong, you can't use temporary insanity as a defense!!!:D

and if i were single, i too would pay for chickflicks. although comedies tend to set a good mood for a relationship as well. (at least one with me) And if you can find a woman that wants to watch sci-fi and action adventure - keep that one!

speaking of women, her son and I decorated the yule tree tonight. it's the first thing i've done that has started to put me in the holiday spirit. it doesn't really feel like a time of celebration with the war in afghanistan going and all. I worry of course about my son flying out to see me and returning safely.

btw, stop by all thoughts non-technical if you have time. there's a pretty interesting new thread there that seems right up your alley.
You know, this thread is getting so long we need to either move it there when we get to 100 or ask the admin to open a new forum called "eavesdropping on the admiral & ed" in the 'other' section.
:D Flavarus or somebody was worried about the bandwidth of signatures. i wonder what their opinion is of our posts.

herve - are you home? I don't want to buy your site name, but i think you should change your title to 'one in several million'. You've earned it.:p (btw, girls that walk away are a dime a dozen) wouldn't you agree Ak?

"said i'm running but i'll take my time
a friend of the devil is a friend of mine.
if i get home before daylight,
i just might get some sleep tonite"
-Grateful Dead (will just use 'GD' for them from now on)
I protest, I am not insane (although sometimes I think I am the re-encarnation of the dali lama :p ha ha ha) -- joke ;)

Last time I went to the movies I saw 3 things
1) The mexican - with my friend
2) Swordfish - with the same friend
3) Double take - with a date.

So I can say that I had all three genres in one summer lol :p. I generally dont like chickflicks. They lack interest, plot, a cetrain je ne sais quoi. I have to say that the company matered more than the film (but how someone can hack something unhackable while being "serviced" and having a gun pointing to his head is beyond me -- reference to swordfish)

Girls that walk away are a dime a dozen ?
Heck, I would be glad if they did that. Somehow most girls that nothing happens with them manage to do something to piss me off and they spend their time asking for forgiveness...I just dont get it (what am I the pope and it's so important to them? lol)

As for this thread...I wonder how the heck we got to almost 100 postings :P

herve - the correct engish would be 'struck by lightening'. of course if you want to make it sound like a disease you could say 'stricken by lightening'. "strucked" is just not a word.

Ak - the mexican and swordfish are 2 i want to see. would you recommend paying for them now or just waiting til they get out on TMC, HBO, etc? how good/bad are they?

boy you must be the real stud if girls are begging you for anything, especially forgiveness!! :D
and of course you're not the pope, you just said you were the dali lama. sounds like an identity disorder. this will take years of intensive therapy, but it can be cured (lol)as to how this thread got so long, add that to the great mysteries of the universe. but my theory is that we just got to talking about silly sh*t, and then we got to talking about relationships, and then we just turned into babbling brooks.:p I think i will go back and reread this entire thread very soon and try and see what went wrong:confused: (lol some more)

"happy birthday to you,
happy birthday to you,
happy birthday dear Ak,
happy birthday to you!!

and many mooooorrrre!!"
-traditional folk song
Hey I just saw the card ;)
Realllllyyy nice girl...what's her name ? :D
is she single ? lol....

Let's wise, swordfish is a movie worth it's money. I think you should see it soon! The mexican is more of a comedy wraped around romance, so I would leave that for HBO.

As for the length of this thread...I dont care how long it gets. Heck, between you and me (and herve) we can probably solve some of this world's mysteries lol :p

Man... I think I am gonna go home, get a shot of vodka and study for some maths. (need to make my professor prescribed "cheat sheet" he he)

Be back later (post maths)

well, herve certainly supplies us with plenty of mysteries. don't you herve?

glad you liked the card. so i guess the find Ak a girl hunt is over. next thing you know it will just be herve and i talking. you'll be too busy with her!!:D just like with theed, i want an invitation to the wedding. after all, i put you two together (lol)

i gotta go shop for yule presents. it's raining here and i really don't want to leave the house, but you gotta do what you gotta do.

so has racerx been reading this thread or have you been talking about your birthday elsewhere?

hey herve, why don't you draw Ak a picture for his b-day?

"around and round,
what comes around goes around,
don't ask me why,
around and round..."
-? (Ratt maybe)
I didnt believe that kira was her real name but hey... it's even better :p -- rare person with a rare name he he he.

I seriously doubt we would hit it off though -- her being an internet model and me a programmer from massachusetts -- I feel so... programerly :p (hey did you see the movie "antz" last night by the way? the intro was quite funny lol)

My picture is in the "post your photo here" thread, so if there are any artistically inclined people ehre that want to make a sketch go for it ;-)

Hmmm... I dont doubt that RacerX probably has read some of this thread, but I think that the Bulletin Board software says on the bottom of the main page whose Bday it is each day....or at least it used to.

-- and the break from math continues for another 15 min --

PS: math question of the night--> without opening a math text tell me what a hilbert matrix is :P
well, you're probably right about that not being her real name, but it's the only one i've heard other than littleredhead. besides, you wouldn't remember her name the next morning anyway.:p

i didn't go shopping, we didn't watch the movie, and i spent anhour or more figuring out how to dump some backups of appleworks. this hasn't been much of a day. i hope you had a better one than me for your birthday. the highlight of my day was picking out your card - there were 11 other poses i believe:D

a hilbert matrix - fox tv show where dilbert's twin brother gets stuck inside his computer. he eventually learns to enter and leave this environment at wil,l hence giving him an escape from working by disappearing into the computer when his boss comes looking for him. i dunno. what is a hilbert matrix (in 20 words or less)?

i saw antz a couple of years ago . the one where the worker ant falls for the princess ant, right? i used to go see all the good kids movies. but now my son is getting to that age where he's too old for them (almost 13). so i guess it will be another 4-5 years before we can watch those kinds of movies again.

i haven't found any b-day announcement on my first page or anywhere else. so i think racerx is watching us. (its not paranoia if they really are out to get you ) lol

herve - your signature reads correctly now. good job.

"if it wasn't for bad luck,
i wouldn't have no luck at all."
- cream
lol the hilbert matrix explanation is the funniest one of all he he. I wonder what the heck happened to that show. It was on UPN but then it just disappeared (like the show freedom which I really liked).

The highlight of your day was picking out my card ? lol... I am sure you wait patiently for your friend's bday to send em cards lol he he he.

I spent last night doing math and I am not done yet. I will be finishing up today and tomorrow...exams! I slept early too, the first time in god know how long :P

In the beggining of "antz" the worker ant is talking to a psychiatrist that's why I mentioned it ;-) It was hilarious --

worker: "being the middle child in a family of 5,000,000...well I feel so insignificant"

psychologist: "well you;ve made a breakthrough today"

worker: "really?!"

Psychologist: "yes, you are insignificant"

lol :P
