Quite interesting cause I heard it on the radio today they were throwing everyting in there "merry xmas, happy hannukah, happy kwanzaa,happy new year...happy winter solstice" -- I thought the last one was a joke... man was I wrong
the radio station you were listening to that said happy everthing.
glad to know it's your memory failing and not mine!! lol
just got back from monterey. i thought i was tired before. now i am about caput. we did have fun though. we went to the aquarium and saw the special seahorse exhibit. really fascinating. I tried to take pictures of these kinds of sea horses called sea dragons to show everybody but there wasn't enough light. we bought a book with a picture of one so maybe i will scan that later in the week and share. I have never tried scanning a screened pic before though.
I ate calimari steak for dinner. mmmmmm.
maybe herve is just psychic. or maybe you talked about blacklists on some other post somewhere. don't eeeeven try to convince us you remember all 3000+ posts!!!
so herve who are you pissed at? one of the dorks that make fun of your posts or somebody you know in your real life?
hey, i'm honored to be your first pm. i was just joking about how long it took to reply. It was just a "Hi" since i noticed you were online at the same time. btw -you can set your preferences to make a java box pop up and tell you that you have one immediately upon receiving one. that's what i do. it's a real surprise when you finish writing something like this and suddenly you are popped to a new screen rather than back to your post.
(and you are supposed to be picking up ak's good habits, not his antisocial ones!

well, gonna go see what else is new on the site.