Congrats to Ak!!

Hmmmm interesting :cool:

Hey Ed... I think Herve is spying on me! :eek:
I usually blacklist old friends that piss me off... maybe herve is a supespy and knows my every move :eek:

Quite interesting cause I heard it on the radio today they were throwing everyting in there "merry xmas, happy hannukah, happy kwanzaa,happy new year...happy winter solstice" -- I thought the last one was a joke... man was I wrong

the radio station you were listening to that said happy everthing. :p
glad to know it's your memory failing and not mine!! lol

just got back from monterey. i thought i was tired before. now i am about caput. we did have fun though. we went to the aquarium and saw the special seahorse exhibit. really fascinating. I tried to take pictures of these kinds of sea horses called sea dragons to show everybody but there wasn't enough light. we bought a book with a picture of one so maybe i will scan that later in the week and share. I have never tried scanning a screened pic before though.

I ate calimari steak for dinner. mmmmmm.:D

maybe herve is just psychic. or maybe you talked about blacklists on some other post somewhere. don't eeeeven try to convince us you remember all 3000+ posts!!!

so herve who are you pissed at? one of the dorks that make fun of your posts or somebody you know in your real life?
hey, i'm honored to be your first pm. i was just joking about how long it took to reply. It was just a "Hi" since i noticed you were online at the same time. btw -you can set your preferences to make a java box pop up and tell you that you have one immediately upon receiving one. that's what i do. it's a real surprise when you finish writing something like this and suddenly you are popped to a new screen rather than back to your post.
(and you are supposed to be picking up ak's good habits, not his antisocial ones!:D )

well, gonna go see what else is new on the site.

later. said something baout internet radio (so I figured you were refering to my site as an internet radio station :p -- simple misunderstanding lol )

I was energized last nite. Saw face off on TV and did a chapter of russian HW (figured if I do it now, I wont have to do it next semester lol -- 3 more left to go lol) -- TOday I will start writing my newtonbooks -- should be fun-- remember the fine points of french grammar too he he.

As for Antisocial skills...well..there is a sayin in greek. People are like stamps, the more you spit, the more they stick -- meaning the more you blacklist/ignore them, the more they pay attention to you lol. -- its all a part of a bigger plan my friend -- its one of those deals that when you are really mad you dont talk to the person instead of yelling, it causes a greater effect. I am not the psychologist (or trainee psychologist) you are :P -- there must be a technical term lol -- give it to us ;-)

Man... I still cant believe that I am on vacation!!!! I feel great!!!!!

How is everyone today ???? :D

oh oh before I forget -- one of my better traits is my unmatched optimism lol

well i can't place any specific term for what you are referring to, but it certainly falls under the broader category of passive-agressive behavior. which overly simplified means that you don't do something in order to hurt the other person.

today was nicely quiet. just kicked back and watched football, tv shows and did some occasional cleaning up. i could use about a week of days like today right now.

I can't imagine spending my vacation doing work that isn't due until next term. that's not a vacation, that's just continuing to work. please do yourself a favor - do something fun that involves human contact!! go somewhere, do something. let go of school for awhile. we all need to recharge - do not attempt to be the energizer bunny.:p

so herve - i think Ak's sense of optimism would be a wonderful trait for you to pick up from him. it's like in the movie "shakespeare in love" - "things will work out. i don't know how but they always do."
feel better now that you've slept herve?
herve - a simple router will take care of that. you can get a good one for less than $100 these days. notice i use one. my lady and i can both broadband at the same time from opposite ends of the house.

it's pretty simple to install, i am sure a brainymaniac like you could do it.

so herve what is this i read about you going after high school girls? in this country you would e considered legally too old for them.

btw - the guy who wrote my new book on sea horses was born in holland. but he lives in australia now.:)
I don't like(love) to go back to work! They are doing some dirty stuff there. They are always facing what I'm doing. I love to hide me and work hard.
lol well ed...if those high school girls are 18 it is legal anywhere :p :p

As for the secret paper aint secret any more... he he... you scaned it :p
merry xmas to all!!

so what did you guys get from santa claus?? nice clothes, computer stuff, books?? hope he was good to both of you. :)

I've finally tried installing the new hd. Ak, I wish plugging it in and away you go was all there was to it. This thing comes with the same support software as my maxtor. after having no luck with that i intialized it with disk utility and got an icon. but it will only copy a few hundred mb of data at once. if i go over about 775mb of tranfer it freezes the system. at first only while the copy window is in foreground but it eventually stops all open applications from functioning. It is just ass bad in 9. there it stops copy after about 30mb, reports an error and quits copy. the folder that is left on the drive can't be trashed because it can't be found. I now have an opinion on acom drives - they suck.:(
it also makes a loud noise like it has a fan inside. this is mildly annoying.

now i'm half afraid to pull my other toys out.
which just reminded me that i forgot to give my son one of his presents. i hid it in my stuff. it is a lord of the rings trilogy collection boxed set. i went and put it by his bed so he will see it when he wakes up.:)

so have a happy everything!!
Merry Christmas Herve and Ed :D

Well I am waiting for UPS to get me my iPaq :P -- compaq shipped it yesterday.
I also got a book on Chinese script (something to wrap my brain around ;-) )

I have spent the morning SMSing all my friends abroad lol (and everyone asks if there is snow here -- which there is not :P ) -- I wish I were in greece lol... see a particular someone I want to see :rolleyes:

Anyway, on the hard drive issue. Is it an external firewire ? If so, (and if it is like my external Western Digital one) teh software is only required for OS 9. For OS X, if the HD doesnt appear on the desktop just unplug it and plug it right back (no need to reboot). This happens to me from time to time. Why it freezes I have no idea. Are you just copying stuff to the HD or are you making a CD ?

I'm just trying to move files from one external hd to anoother. last night after i wrote my posts i ran diskwarrior on it and then it seemed to work in 9. after that i tried with x but still no luck. it froze after 14 mb of a 15mb transfer. :(

too bad about not being in greece - even international playboys have to spend some hoidays at home:p

so, are you guys christians? is this a true religious holiday for you? if so then may the spirit of the holiday touch you today.

if i can't get this drive to work right after a couple more hours of work, its going back. I really just want it to be more of a backup/alternate boot drive so it won't even be running most of the time. but the ability to make large file transfers is crucial to my intended use.

hoping everyone has the kind of day they were hoping for:)
I just had a flashback :P
I am listening to a song called "dream bells" by omega vibes... supposedly an Xmas song, but it sounds A LOT like Ecuador by Sash!!!!!

anyhow lol... I am greek (christian) orthodox. If I were more religious it would be more of a religious holiday but I think that in my age group not many people are religious anyway. My religion is more of a custom since lots of greek customs and greek orthodox religion stuff go hand in hand a lot of the time.

Dont give up on the hard drive :P take one step at a time...and as herve :D

happy flashback.:D

so, you got any ideas on the drive. it is one step away from going back into the box and exchanging it for a different brand. :mad:

i would blame the system or something but i just transferred 4 gb from my internal to my old maxtor and the job went smoothly. it may just be a defective drive. it was the last one left in store when i bought it and someone had already returned it once.

i might post a thread asking for help before i give up. maybe.:p