Congrats to Ak!!

Hey Ed.... I dont know what this post means (the one by herve) but it's the 100th of this thread :p -- an you analyze it? :p
herve's over my head on this one. maybe it will come to me in a dream. maybe we should just ask herve to explain.

herve - would you explain your last post. we didn't get it.

so Ak i notice you are online as i write this. perhaps i will get it done before you leave.

a man goes to his therapist wearing nthing but wrapped in cellophane. he asks the therapist what he thinks about this. the therapist replies, "i can plainly see your nuts." :D my mother told me this one.

well today is bright and sunny here. the shopping must get done today. the house must get cleaned and jag is on tonite. also lans to go down tothe harbor for fish and chips tonite. busy day ahead of me. so i will keep this short.

"wheel keeps a turning round and round,
bound to cover just a little more ground..."
lol so this is the first thing that the doc noticed ? the nuts ? :p lol

I need to do some shopping tonite too. I need to go get some sweets for my coworkers since I think tomorrow might be the last day I see them all before xmas. I also need to finish studying :p I am done with my study guide for math, just a few more finishing touches and also Ineed to crack my russian book open and review a little.

You think drinking vodka while stydying russian will get me into the culture of the country??? lol.

man.. I feel beat! Any good masseuses out there ? :P

uh. better watch that involving yourself in the culture stuff. i can tell you from experience that it doesn't work. i can see this being an extra problem with language. I have enough trouble with english after vodka:D

ok, got about half my shopping done today. i will hopefully finish up tomorrow. bought her a bunch of new camping gear that she has been wanting. bought my son a basketball and fishing rod. tomorrow i wil also return the first hd i bought when i was having problems a couple of weeks ago and hopefully get myself a 40gb 7200rpm firewire drive as one of my presents. then i should be able to get enough stuff off the 80gb to properly defragment and optimize. then i should be running smoothly again.

you know the reason it wouldn't work out in the long run with kira is not because you are so programerly, but because she probably wouldn't pass the 'must do more than sit and look pretty' criteria. not to mention she is a pc user. I don't know how i could have been so stupid and forgotten. (i should have looked harder :D ) well, maybe for christmas...
on the other hand she is a redhead, she is bound to have lots of opinions

"fat bottom girls you make this rockin' world go round..."
- Queen
Ha ha ha :p
Well on the kira thing... I dont know...she might have something never know...of course herve might be trying to warn us not to experiment with kira cause she might be "poorly written code" lol :p

I did some shopping last nite (went to a greek pastry store and got some delicious sweets for my coworkers). Other than that I am pestering compaq to see when my new iPaq is coming in...their tag is "after xmas" lol ... idiots ;)

As for culture...hey the culture is nice...after all how can you seduce...eerrmmm..I mean enchant, girls of other cultures if you dont know what's up ? he he he -- Admiral international man of mystery lol
-- I can hold my own after a few drinks...besides..I;'ve never gotten drunk in the 4 years that I've been drinking (hey I can actually count how many drinks I;ve had so they mustent be that many lol)

sorry i didn't reply sooner today. ijust had avery busy day. right now i am beat. i finished 95% of my shopping - now i have to wrap!! this may take nearly as much work as the shopping.
I bought myself some toys while i was out. I got an Acom 40gb 7200rpm firewire drive, a wacos graphite 2 tablet, an adesso intellimedia pro ergonomic keyboard, and a global village video fx (adaptor for vga to usb input for my vhs video camera!!). I am going to have fun playing in my spare time during next few weeks!:D

maybe herve thinks kira is too old for you, like a performa, she is outdated.:p

if either of you two (or any of you lurkers) know anything about the stuff ibought today, speak up and let me know.

so herve, what do you think of this idea of promoting you and making you a real official on the site? you ready for this? or would this be too 'master' and not enough 'zen'? i think something that recognizes that you do make a valuable contribution to this site is in order. you should know by now that Ak and i both like you. Hey, Ak follows you around and gives replies to even your most obscure messages. I think he is secretly your biggest fan. :)

well, my son got here safe and sound tonight, i'll have more to say about that later. i'm beat so imma goin'ta bed.
not even a lyric quote.
I came home late last nite. I had 2 finals, a russian one which I think I did well on and a math one....well that one I dont think I did so well on :p

On stuff I couldnt answer I wrote down a few smartass responces like "Oh I wish I could remember my calculus right!" lol -- we had to use calc to answer a couple of questions but...the course wasnt about calc and I hasnt done ANY calc for 3.5 years lol :p aaaahhh oh well, I think I passed -- it was a stupid class anyway.

Today I have a computer science final which I have yet to study for, but I have till 6 tonite to do so. and after that...I am sooooooooooo done! ONe more semester down woohoo!!!!!!

Oh the toys you bought. HD...just plug it in to your FW port :P -- I have a western digital one and its beautiful! Natural keuboards I dont like, they are just tooooooo weird! -- tablet...seen it, never used it :P Just plug it in and play around with it he he.

As for kira... age doesnt matter lol...(well it does but not at kira's age he he -- the stories I could tell :p --but that I wont lol)

As for the crazy dutch bot we call herve....all I can say is WOW!!!! I came online this morning and there must be 15 herve posts more than half are with attachments he he :P

well, herve's up for a site promotion. he's gotta look good. (rock 'em herve!!)

wow, another really long, busy day. but we finally got everything ready, had yule eve's dinner with our kids and some friends. lit the yule log and talked about the last year. tomorrow we get up and open presents. i'm pretty sure my son will be surprised when he sees some things he gets - like a cordless phone with headset and a big wheel skateboard for offroad. he still can't figure out what the big long package is even though it is something he asked for - a street hockey stick!

i'm tired but like you i feel like i just finished the last test. time for fun for the next few days. i'll probably only manage to post once a day and a short one at that.
hope all your finals went well, i can see from your reply to my questions about my toys that your smartass attitutude from math was still lingering. :D I hope you do ok in that class !!

herve, i'm not a programmer so whenever you speak code, i will not get it. sorry. just do your best in plain english please. we will do our best to figure it out!!

Happy Yule to you both!! (winter solstice)

he he, You are the first person I have ever met that celebrates the winter solstice -- if it a common thing ? Quite interesting cause I heard it on the radio today they were throwing everyting in there "merry xmas, happy hannukah, happy kwanzaa,happy new year...happy winter solstice" -- I thought the last one was a joke... man was I wrong :D

I am all done, and right now I am not worrying. No need to worry since I cant do anything about it :p -- At the moment I am trying to battle the stupid administration of my university to not take 3 general education requirements. If I do, I will probably graduate in 2005 :P lol -- these guys at Student Advizing are complete jackasses, this is their responce:

"well, why not drop your german minor and do the classes?" -- whaaaaaaat ? :eek: -- drop something that I (1) like and (2) will actually show on my diploma that I did do some work and for what ? to take 2 art courses so that I can know what the F* expressionism is ?! What a bunch of dimwhits lol...--they must have a calus in their head or something. I will talk to the my boss see if he has any string he can pull -- and then talk to the director of student advising. I think what is causing problems is that I look very your and people dont believe that I work here full time and that I am "part of the family" ....

Hmmm...well since classes are over I can focus on a few things I've been meaning to do :-) ... I can finally write those newtonBooks that I wanted to (and translate them to eBook format too), and I can make some editions to my web site (as well as start learning another foreign language) -- aint vacations grand ?????

I have mailed Steve Jobs and Samantha Fox. Whole I got was a big silence. Steve you are an old man! Samantha is nothing for you!
I don't know if celebrating yule is a common thing, but i personally know many others that do as well. we usually celebrate xmas as well for our families' sakes. besides, the more parties and gifts the better. our family will only have a small xmas this year as her kids will be other places and she has to work during xmas day. (she's a psychiatric nurse at a hospital). so our big day has just ended. tomorrow we are day tripping down to monterey to visit with her brother and his family.
i got lots nice presents - statues for the yard, jerry garcia ties, a singing bobble head doll like they show on monday night football, and a new robe and pajamas that she made for me.

my son was surprised and excited with his gifts. the hockey stick was one of the last things he opened and he thought it was going to be a fishing rod. (the rod was shorter, i took it apart)!!

i can really relate to your advising problems. I had the same kind of screw ups at ohio state untill i made an appt with an honors program advisor. after seeing her a few times, i signed up for the honors program and had no problems from there on out!! but the jerks in general advising didn't know shit. find yourself a good higher level advisor who has been there a while if you can. like i said, i started seeing the honors advisor before i even thought about being in the honors program.

so are you going to be around for vacation or are you going home? time to start enjoying yourself and doing those extra things you never seem to have time for.:D
so herve - how long ago did you write them? you can't expect an instant answer. I pm'd you several days ago and it took you awhile to reply and you're not even a famous person. (infamous maybe, but not true celebrity status yet that i know of). and it will take me a few days to reply to your reply. so don't expect too much of steve and samantha - they don't even know and love you like we do.

hey, i'm hoping you get the mac for a holiday present! I would say xmas but i don't really know what holiday you celebrate. You could be jewish for all i know. so happy everthing, like on ak's radio station!!:D

come to mwsf - we'll have coffee and snacks. (you too ak):p

actually i would rather you bought the new mac rather than spending money to go look at new ones. btw - this will be my first computer expo kind of thing. I'm kinda excited. i always have fun at psychology conferences and seminars as well as other expos for things i am interested in. plus i just figured out where the mosconi center is the last time i got lost in sf a few weeks ago. (can't wait for simx to buy me coffee and pastries):D
general advising sucks,
the good thing is that I know several people that know the head of general advising so I will try that route. Next week I will be composing my argument, filling in the people that know him the best and working at it :p

I already have 2 other advisors (Italian, Computer Science, German) which are WAY more knowledgeable so I dont have to deal with general advising. I do need to go to general advising for those stupid general education requirements :p lol -- oh well -- for now I am calm (that woman was a biatch anyway, very condecending like she knew everything :P)

As for what I want to do... At the moment I want to start learning another language (vietnamese), Write 4 grammar books (one NewtonBook version, one eBook version for PocketPCs), and chipping off at web site updates :-)

I think I will do the majority of my russian HW for next semester ( I know what it is) so that I will have some extra free time next semester.

I also want to make a new compilation. I promised a friend of mine that I would make her one. I am listening to songs now. Perhaps I will make an intermediate "change" to the web site with part of that mix, and do teh full fledged update in july. (oh btw I did not understand what you said about my web site to herve :P )

Oh..before I forget... I am home I am not going anywhere. My univ. is close to where I live so I commute :P -- Since I wont have classwork, and I will have less work/customer base to contend with I think I am going to be here the same amount :P
