general advising sucks,
the good thing is that I know several people that know the head of general advising so I will try that route. Next week I will be composing my argument, filling in the people that know him the best and working at it
I already have 2 other advisors (Italian, Computer Science, German) which are WAY more knowledgeable so I dont have to deal with general advising. I do need to go to general advising for those stupid general education requirements

lol -- oh well -- for now I am calm (that woman was a biatch anyway, very condecending like she knew everything

As for what I want to do... At the moment I want to start learning another language (vietnamese), Write 4 grammar books (one NewtonBook version, one eBook version for PocketPCs), and chipping off at web site updates
I think I will do the majority of my russian HW for next semester ( I know what it is) so that I will have some extra free time next semester.
I also want to make a new compilation. I promised a friend of mine that I would make her one. I am listening to songs now. Perhaps I will make an intermediate "change" to the web site with part of that mix, and do teh full fledged update in july. (oh btw I did not understand what you said about my web site to herve

Oh..before I forget... I am home I am not going anywhere. My univ. is close to where I live so I commute

-- Since I wont have classwork, and I will have less work/customer base to contend with I think I am going to be here the same amount