the brand name is kinda hard to read - not sure if it says Sucka or LoserData. maybe it's a Bitch. i'm ready to take it back next week. I will give it till then to succede. Maybe there is some genius out there who will know the answer. speaking of geniuses, theed really seems to have deserted us.

oh well, i guess with you, herve and i, we make up the three musketeers (or is that the three stooges? ha ha)
my son and i got jenga up to 36 levels tonight - that was the best we ever remember doing.!! of course i was the one that finally made it fall. It took almost 40 mins. He made it fall within 10 mins the first 2 times but then i lost it when it got really hard.
I thought it might be that virgin. they produced some great music in the 80's. now they're going retail huh? seems like a good way to create a tax write of with the economy like it is.
army boots - what's up with that? it's one of those things about your generation i don't understand - ugly, uncomfortable shoes. give me my tennis shoes or hiking boots, suede or soft leather dress shoes or even flip flops or surf mocs and i will be much more happy. or at least my feat will. of course i really would wear my slippers everywhere if people wouldn't laugh and they wouldn't wear out so fast!!
herve - what is gsm? phontically it is gassem. still means nothing to me. please elaborate for the alpabetically challenged like myself. I also am looking forward to you using your osx drawing as your avatar. i like that pic the best of any you have done. so is that your family on your web site? which one is your sister? which one is her husband?
oh weel, back to work on the hd dilema.
"thirty days in the hole,
thirty days in the hole..."
-humble pie