Congrats to Ak!!

Well what kind of files are you transfering ? (not that it matters)
Remind me again what kind of brand the HD it a FW connector? Any software that came with it under OS 9? Does this copying freeze happen only under OS X or under OS 9 too ?

-- end of flashback :p --
first, i've tried it with all different kinds of files - batches of jpegs, apps, compressed files - always the same.
here is my post that i put up in general discusion that no one has so much as said 'too bad' to...
"ok, i finally tried to install my new acom 40gb external firewire hd last night. it comes with same setup utilities as my maxtor so i didn't do anything but load the 9 driver with those. i reformatted with disk utility. icon appears normally. but any file transfer over a few mb just stops before completion. the finder goes into endless spinning wheel. eventually relaunching the finder always results in forced restart being neccesary. I have reformatted twice, run disk repair utilities many times, and still no luck. my maxtor continues to function flawlessly. I was able to comlete transfers between the two in 9 after doing the repairs. any ideas before i reformat this to pc and return the thing?

oh, mac will not boot in osx with it plugged in. I have to hot plug it after boot to get recognition of it. unmounting it and unplugging then replugging freezes osx as well.

disk utility id's it as "intio" "

problem is just occurring in osx now, works fine in 9. I also did a surface scan w/techtool pro last night and it failed -said i need to do a complete reformat - but i can't get drive setup to recognize the drive. disk utilty in 10 recognizes it but only seems to let me do a quick reformat.
Dont know what to tell ya....
my western digital was a snap ;) no probs whatsoever.

on a non hard drive note... I am soooo dang tired :p
I was walking for 3 hours straight... I did get my passport renewed though -- I can go back to being the international man of mystery in 5 weeks lol

The bad thing is that virgin megastore aint open says winder I guess I gotta wait lol

boy, a lot of good your cs degree is doing (he he) shouldn't you know how to fix something like this by now?:D maybe you should have gone to devry (lol)

so where did you go hiking? in nature or around town or just shopping?
tiredness from exercise is good for you!!

what is a virgin megastore? i know you're still looking for a girl but isn't that a bit drastic??:D

hey herve - are you busy playing with your new presents?
Technically I dont have a CS degree yet...
besides I am not used to long distance customer service lol :p -- and havent dealt with that particular brand of HD....what kind is it again :P ??? he he --

My hiking was around town (3 hours non stop -- wearing army boots lol) Mostly windowshopping and taking care of business (finally got my passport straightened away! yay! -- back to being agent 009 lol)

The virgin megastore is a music & video store owned by virgin. (same guys that make video games and have the british airlines etc etc etc).
Virgin megastore does sound kinda...well like having a double entendre but I think that in the current state of world affairs most people have lost their virginity by the age of 17. Not my cup of tea since people at that age cant fully comprehend what true emotion is but anway, I guess I am an old fashioned young dude lol -- (let me just point out that I am not advocating the "save till marriage" method :p -- If I were I would not be an international man of mystery lol )

anyway, enough outta me, what sayeth thee Ed ? (or any others for that matter, there are ~120 posts, and ~ 600 views so others must be viewing in lol)

the brand name is kinda hard to read - not sure if it says Sucka or LoserData. maybe it's a Bitch. i'm ready to take it back next week. I will give it till then to succede. Maybe there is some genius out there who will know the answer. speaking of geniuses, theed really seems to have deserted us. :( oh well, i guess with you, herve and i, we make up the three musketeers (or is that the three stooges? ha ha)

my son and i got jenga up to 36 levels tonight - that was the best we ever remember doing.!! of course i was the one that finally made it fall. It took almost 40 mins. He made it fall within 10 mins the first 2 times but then i lost it when it got really hard.:p

I thought it might be that virgin. they produced some great music in the 80's. now they're going retail huh? seems like a good way to create a tax write of with the economy like it is.

army boots - what's up with that? it's one of those things about your generation i don't understand - ugly, uncomfortable shoes. give me my tennis shoes or hiking boots, suede or soft leather dress shoes or even flip flops or surf mocs and i will be much more happy. or at least my feat will. of course i really would wear my slippers everywhere if people wouldn't laugh and they wouldn't wear out so fast!!

herve - what is gsm? phontically it is gassem. still means nothing to me. please elaborate for the alpabetically challenged like myself. I also am looking forward to you using your osx drawing as your avatar. i like that pic the best of any you have done. so is that your family on your web site? which one is your sister? which one is her husband?

oh weel, back to work on the hd dilema.

"thirty days in the hole,
thirty days in the hole..."
-humble pie
Herve what does GSM have to do with anything ? :p

GSM == Gee Es Em (Group Special Mobile)
Its the communications standard used for wireless communications globally by almost every single country on the globe. In the USA VoiceStream uses it and AT&T and Cingular are converting to it.

As for the virgin megastore, its been around for a while now in europe at least and there have been some stores in the USA (see the movie Dracula 2000, they have one in new orleans he he). -- It should be a nice store to visti considering that they will probably have lots of imports (yay!) and they have lots of listening stations :)

As for teh HD...its a no name one...goodluck, just return the thing today lol, save youself some frustration -- (being more calm helps you in jenga lol)

As for teh army boots, its more of a style thing. Most people (in my age group at least, here) wear jeans, sneakers, or something that looks awful on them lol. For some reason I go agaist trends wear clean ironed khakis or polos, leather jackets and polished black army boots lol. Along with an open glowing attitute I caught several smiles from nice looking girls yesterday lol -- doctor what does this prove ? :P -- you think they lik my ghotti or just my dressing habits :p ???

oh, i'd say it's just that general air of optimism that you project whereever you go:p

today we go see lord of the rings. i think i am looking forward to this as much or more than my son!!

click here to see my drive as pictured at macmall. they claim to have top notch service so maybe i will just call them today. we'll see if they are blowing smoke or walking the talk!!

I think we will play stratego next. or maybe backgammon. depends on how tired we are from sitting thru 3 hrs of the movie. (and how late we get home!!)

i wonder if the agency will be a new episode tonite? probably not. at least 'inside the nfl' on hbo will be new. oh yea, that reminds me, we staart getting wb and upn on direct tv starting today!!! this is a good thing. now i will be able to see enterprise.:)

"mars ain't the kind of place to raise your kids..."
-Elton John
Never heard of acomdata :p -- It looks nice but it looks like a no name company -- give em a call and ask.

Give us the lowdown on LOTR when you get back. I think that tonite I will be watching the tick he he. That is one hilarious show -- especiall those batmanuel & captain liberty characters he he. I havent seen the agency at all. Any good ?

Cant wait to get my iPaq tomorrow :D

is it here yet? is it here yet? please let it get here!!!!:D

so LOR was great!! the best 3 hr movie i have ever seen! i wrote a short review of it in sci-fi forum. i am anxious to see the next 2. i've got one day of the week after xmas planned for the next 2 years. the movie is even better than the trailers which is very rare. not exactly a date movie unless you know she is into this kind of stuff. go with the guys or even by yourself. although i think you will want to talk about it with someone else who has seen it afterwards.:)

i called acom - my report of that call is in my post in general discussion about my problems with the drive. too long to repeat here. short story is i knew more than the 1st moron who tried to help and lied to me so i called his supervisor who is working on it. i'll talk more about this as i decide what i want to do if they can't fix it over the net or the phone.

so tomorrow i am going to try and hook up and old performa 6200 series running 7.6.something to send it home with my son as his 1st computer. i finally decided he should spend a year learning to break and fix it before i get him something that will at least run 9, maybe x by then.:p

"head out on the highway,
looking for adventure,
and whatever comes our way
we were born to be wild, born to be wild, born to be wild..."
-steppenwolf (which is also name of a good herman hesse book)
Its not here yet, although I did leave a note for UPS at the door in case they come, I dont see them and I am online and thus unable to hear if someone comes (the stupid condo administration tied the buzzer to the phone system so if someone comes and the phone is in use they get a busy signal lol -- smart cookies lol.

In any case, the best thing is experementation. When I got my first mac (performa 635CD) I probably had about 25 Sad Mac faces and had to reinstall everything within the fist 3 weeks :p I was going in, changing resources, trying to make stuff greek, trying to revert stuff back to normal doing some basic applescripts to screw everything up -- lol... tried to see what sort of tolerence the computer had and how I could recover from it he he he ;) It was quite enjoyable... I couldnt be the man I am not without breaking my initial mac lol. (I still have the old bugger, operational but Its almost useless, since basic internet and wordprocessing is all that it can do lol. )

I think I will wait for the DVD version of LOTR. I hate going to the movies by myself...besides most of my "friends" (here) are bores lol -- I seriously think I can have a better time alone -- greece is another matter lol

ah come on, take your ipaq and get out the door and go see it - i'm telling you that you will thank me afterwards. :D

got most of the performa set up for my son today. i at least got him to where he can set it up and take it back down all on his own which will be important when he gets it home. turned out i couldn't swap out the memory from my lc 575 so i showed him how to do it and i may order him 64mb worth for his bday in march.
his favorite thing was the paint programs. he entertained himself for an hour or more just doodling and learning how they work. that was very promising to me. maybe he'll end up in graphic design someday. It was really fun helping him explore the mac-chine.

i can just see you getting frown faces and having to unscrewup everything. last i saw of my first mac it still got frown faces when booted from hd!!
btw - hope your "friends" don't hang out here under aliases!!

so herve - i've noticed you've been on the site but not posting as much. what's up with that? you must have gotten some good books!!

"mama tried to raise me better
but her feelings i denied.
that leaves only me to blame
cause mama tried.."
LOL herve must be playing with his Xmas gifts he ge ge :D (or having fun confusing new osx users ;) )

I got my iPaq yesterday (almost thought it wouldnt get here) and I played till midnight with it installing apps, games, dictionaries, handwritting recognition stuff on it, plahing with VPC trying to activate stuff... man it was a learning experience. Still not done playing though. There are many things I want to test out that I have not yet. The day is young, its only 9:50 lol.

I still need to finish writing that french book, so I guess tonight and part of today I guess will be dedicated towards authoring.

Any luck with your HD ?

I remember when I got m hands on my first computer(well my friend's :P ) -- it was an amiga 500 and we played games all day long he he

glad to hear you are playing with your new toy:)

no news on the hd - never got the firmware update they promised. oh well. i will call again next week and if that doesn't do it - i'll exchange this one. i've been too busy getting the performa tweaked and teaching my son the minimal things needed to run it. i expect a call at least once a week once he goes home to ask me about something. I can't wait till the first time he can't boot. that should be a real bonding experience bewteen us:p

he continues to be excited with graphics programs - i showed him how to make his own icons and i am sure his files will look very different next time i see his computer. he started to venture into games a bit. the kid has three different game systems and he was still entertained by the old crude and simple ones that were written 10 - 15 years ago. :D

well, i know herve is ok. he replied to my reply pm and wished me a happy new year. hope you're not working too hard on those projects of yours.

"saturday, saturday, saturday night's allright..."
-elton john
btw - how do you like my new avatar? it's an old 'TalkWorks' icon from the gray screen days. i'm working on a colorized version. I figure this fits me till i find something that is really me.:p

ran across it going thru the old floppies of ancient programs before i gave them to my son. i tried to filter out anything he might mess up his system with too bad!! and i figure the right versions of most of them are too hard for him to find on his own.:p

what i should really have is this smilie with a beard and long hair (lol)
Smile and long hair ? :eek: -- my God! You are Fabio! :p (I cant believe its not butter! lol)

Took a small break from playing with my toy (tryin to get stuff installed on it) because ActiveSync was giving me headaches. I finished about 4/9 of my frenchbook -- today I will try to as much. I want to get done with all my grammar books soon before the new semester hits. I will leave my web page as a side project for now, since I have stated that the next update will be in july. No need to rush he he....

anywho... the TV has nothing but reruns these days (stupid networks! :P) so I guess I will be spending most of the time with my mac.

yea the reruns suck but then again if you had other things to have to do over the holidays you would be glad you didn't miss any. someday everyone will have digital recording and shows will be new every week for the whole year. of course there would have to be lots more shows. maybe then you could be an internationally famous tv star:p

well i guess we've gotten boring. everyone including herve has abandoned us:( of course there is evidence still that others are reading - like the Ak Ak Ak....... thing in that one thread recently. you are the real world famous AdmiralAk aren't you and not just an evil imposter?:D

i expect today to be a busy one and tomorrow even more so. I have to have my son at the airport around 7 am which is a 1 hr drive and then we are going to the silicon valley bowl game at noon. I'm rooting for fresno state and she is rooting for michigan state.

here's hoping you solve te mysteries nd your headache stays away!!!
lol I think herve is taking a mental holiday or something, i have not seen him on the board the last few days.

I am almost done with the verbs part of my frenchbook lol... when I am done with verbs, the rest should be clear sailing. -- once I get all my stuff in line I can publish my newtonbook but after that I need to boot up my stupid windows emulator to run M$ bookpublisher lol. --

These days I feel like I am in star trek or something. I talk to my iPaq (it has viavoice) lol -- it so hilarious when I say something like "f u" it say " pardon me??" lol --- too bad viaVoice doesnt have easter eggs that I know of (like in MacOS voice recognition if you say "joke" it will say "knock knock" lol).

I hope you have fun tomorrow. Football isnt really my thing, tomorrow is my last day off from work before I got to get back, so I think i will spend the day keyboarding the start of my italian book lol. Work isnt going to be much of a challenge this week either, the only thing I have to do is upgrade our windows boxes... (I sure wish people would just stop using floppies though! -- our floppy drives are ancient and dont work, the other variety we have are brandspanking new dloppy drives and they are REALLY picky with the floppies people use. if tehy find flaws they say "please format disk" he he )

Oh well.. life is good... each day is a discovery :-)

i'm glad you're having fun playing star trek. i hope you are captain kirk. he got the most girls.:D

got my son all packed up. i hope the boxes aren't over the load limit!! i'm going to bed soon and will have to get up at 5:15 am. i am not looking forward to that.:(

i'm sure i'll have more to say tomorrow but for now - i'm going to sleep.:o