Congrats to Ak!!

He he,
Captain kirk aged baddly though...I mean take a look at him... I would prefer to be picard....but then again he is such a stuck up... ok...I figured it out! I will be Admiral AK of Starfleet Command he he ;-)

Good to hear that you are done packing. The think I hate abou flying is when I have to fly early lol. There are two things I take a look at when I get my plane tickets (1) cost (2) departure time. If the departure time is after 12:00 then I like it since I can wake up at a normal hour. My father is the weirdo in the family, he picks the earliest flight possible :p

When I was going to greece last summer he did not believe that my flight was in the afternoon since most flights he has taken out of greece destined for the USA are at 5:00 and he has to wake up at 3:00 lol ---

At least someone is sensible in my family he he.

Well, wasnt done with my book last night, found a couple of chapters more that I need to include so I will be done today with my newton version. Will try to port it to palm ans pocketPC OSes....

Oh well...gotta start work lol

Herve!!!! o est tu!!!!!!??????????

lol - and so what is your trademark command Admiral sir?

as for early flights - this one was rare because of wierd conflicts of different people's holiday plans and ticket prices. I always buy the cheapest fights i can find. i fly my son out here 3 times a year and myself to ohio once. i try really hard to keep the total on that to around $1000 if possible. normally it's not too hard to arrange to come and go on a preferred day of the week for a particular airline with a special. but this year the holidays and school vacation dates fall so weirdly that i couldn't have him here for more than a week doing it that way. so the next cheapest option is early and late flights. but since he is unaccompanied minor (which i pay extra for) he can't take the late flights (the redeye is my personal favorite). i also saved about $60 flying him in and out of san jose rather than sfo so more drive time was involved. ( i only live 15-20 mins from sfo) but this did work out because the football game was in san jose.
going to the game was great.!! we had a wonderful time. I came home and fell asleep for 6 hours and am now back up for a bit. I was awake for the new year after all.
if i remember later i will tell you all about the hassle i had getting my son's luggage checked. right now i don't want to get all upset thinking too much about it!!

so here's hoping that your new year will be better than your last and that this will be a trend for years to come. HAPPY NEW YEAR !!! wheeeeee!! BANG!!**** !!!! fireworks!!! Whoopeeeee!!!:D :eek: :D
Happy New Year to you too Ed,
happy, healthy, and with "good brain" (i.e. greek wish to do well in school/classes :p)

Pattented command ? The people's push up maybe ?? ha ha ha --too much WWF eh ?

Well I was up late last night. Was doing installations on my pocketPC os multilingual Handwriting recogniton and some games. Celebrated new years (although no booze -- didnt feel like it -- even though I wanted to toast the new year with a shot of vodka lol) -- Finished my NewtonBook... didnt submit it to the archives yet, so I will do so today after I look it over for any typos.

As for flying -- I always look for a cheap flight. Usually coach flights to greece are about 700-850 USD. Now that I have a full time job though, and I dont have any major bills to pay (car insurance, car morgage, house morgage, electric, telephone) I think for the next few years I will go business class he he.--depending on pricing of course :P

I usually take lufthansa to greece although swissair is good too. (havent gotten into the frequent flyer thing with them though lol) -- maybe I will :eek: -- The thing I hate most about flights though is getting off and waiting for luggage -- it always seems that mine come out last, I just hate siting there idly by.

Looking forward to your luggage story lol (so what were you trying to smuggle ? game boy ? laptop? PDA ? he he)

wow, i have never seen this thread be as low as 7 down from top before.!!

so herve, you can't just sell some stock and buy the mac?

Ak - too much wwf? no wonder you have trouble finding a girl:D

no imeant something like "Beam me up Scotty" or "Make it so." You must have some stock line like that if you ae going to be a starfleet commander!

Actually it was the perfoma, a big old apple moniter and a printer. I got there and the lady at the counter looked at my two boxes and went and got a tape measure to see just how big they were. (this woman looked as if she had not had sex in about 15-20 years). She determined they were too big and she would have to charge me $75 a piece for them. I started pleading with her to let them go. I told her (truthfully) that i had used both size boxes before and nobody ever said anything. she remained tight ass about the whole thing. I asked her to get her supervisor which took about 5-10 mins. The supervisor, after more pleading and explaining to her that i was a student and not a silicon valley big shot, evetually helped me repack one of the boxes by moving some things to my son's duffle bag and let the other one slide. I was almost in tears with my voice quivering at one point in this process, It really upset me that they were being picky about a few inches and trying to keep my son from taking his xmas home with him.
then when i went thru security to take my son to gate, i got stopped and asked to take my shoes off while they wiped them for explosive residue. of course that seeed like a real minor thing as compared to the hassle with the luggage!!:p

so that's the story.
lol -- actually I dont have cable -- so if I do watch wwf its going to be smackdown -- latelly I rarelly see it anymore he he I;ve lost my interest in it.

man -- I am late for a departmental meeting --
back toniteeeeee
if you have lost your interest in wwf, then i hereby declare you a true adult and grown man. :p

"i'm late for a meeting" is not a very good trademark command. :D
well the weird thing was that I was early for it (by 2 minutes) and the rest were late for it (about 10 minutes) ---
weird -- I am always early and people are always late (of course there have been a few exceptions to that -- one ....well 3 that I was on she was there before me -- stupid metro taking forever lol)

Anyway they did not complain they were candid about it :)

so about your experience at the airport -- better not wear boots when I go there lol -- it will take me some time to take em off and put em back on (not to mention I can probably kill a few people with the funk coming out of my boots lol )

The luggage deal -- man -- I would have to go through that. Usually I pack light when I go somewhere, even when I spen 3.5 months in greece I only had one medium sized suitcase + backpack he he -- it did not help on the return trip cause all my relatives were like so:
* take this for your mother
* take this for your father
*take this for your sister
*take this for your brother
*take this for your uncle

and multiply that times all the relatives !! -- lol I had to not go to several of them cause I knew they were going to give me stuff and I could not carry them -- I just said that my girlfriend couldnt part with me and they understood lol -- aaahhh those were the days ---
not I work full time, full time student and almost no life...

what can I do doc ? lol

what do you think you can do??:p

please avoid the boots (they might get you for chemical warfare:D ) and metal in general. Had i been thinking straight at 5:30am i would never have worn mine!!

family will be family. My mother always tries to send me home with stuff i could get in calif. I take the stuff i would rather not afford and tell her i appreciate the thought behind the others but i just can't fit everthing. on the other hand i am anxiously awaiting her sending me some of my grandmother's chocolate chip cookies right now by ups!!
but what are you going to do when you go back without a girlfriend to blame?

so still no trademark command. tsk tsk. I was expecting you to be creative and make me laugh with something original. i am afraid you will never get your own tv show at this rate.:rolleyes:

oh, did you see the new imac? it has a circular screen and five legs and comes in spearmint, peppermint, licorace and petchuly. it has a picture of bart simpson as the startup screen and the default desktop is a classic marilynn monroe pic. (lol)
i can't believe how carried away some people here are getting!!!
No trade mark command ? lol -- just you wait -- when "BootCamp #2" comes up I will make sure you go to it he he he -- just kidding ;-)

Drop down and gimme 100 was always my favorite -- concidering that I croack after 25 pushups I wonder how people can do 100 :P

Hmmm...well...even in the past summer that I did not have a girlfriend I did have one (for family purposes) -- lol I actually went out on several dates with several different firls so I guess it qualifies as a part time girlfriend---right ??? -- man I can see a politician born in me at this moment lol.

I like my grandmother's cooking but I can't handle it now. When I was youngert I ate much more (and most of it was in the winter) -- now when I visit in the summer she insist on cooking (actually pesters me about what I want to eat) -- when I tell her nothing she says "so where did you eat? what did you eat?" -- she just cant handle the "I am not hungry" argument --- ahh mediterranean granmothers lol --

Man it's sooo cold -- thank god ITS FRIDAY!!!!
This weekened I will start on my italian book (and hopefully with full speed, nothing else to do sort of mentality) I will be done --- I wonder how yahoo is going to deal with my web space "problems" -- I will put more stuff on my account --- maybe I will just create another yahoo account to deal with the traffic --- or maybe buy some web space ??? hmmm decicions--decisions---decisions (developpers-developers-developers-developers --> sorry couldnt help myself :P)

now, now. it is important to eat grammie's cooking. people often equate food with love and all she is doing is expressing her love and concern for you. of course with grammies you also have to say "no thank you" 20 times a day and tell them the foods you like. (this is easier than listing the ones you don't:p ) so be sure to eat at least one thing of hers every day you are with her. it shows her you accept her love. of course expressing that you love something she cooked translates to your loving her so try to love a few things as well.
mmm, i hope my cookies get here soon.:)

ok drop down.... will do as a command. not exactly the humdinger i expected out of you but i'll let it go this time.
maybe "developers, developers.." should be your trademark!!! (he he)

look around for free web space. there is so much out there it is silly. i think bravenet has free hosting if you aren't already using it.

we've just had the best 2 days of weather we've seen in almost 2 weeks. extreme cold is something i don't miss. but how about the norske - they've been talking about below zero. think about that, maybe it will make you feel warmer. (burrrr...shiver, shiver):cool:
oh yea i forgot. i looked at my avatar on the other imac and it looks just like on mine. so there. i like it like that. (sound of tongue sticking out and blowing across lips):D so there. you guys picking on my purple mac. you should be ashamed. just be glad i don't have a flower power one(he he)
This song just cam to mind reading your last post
"that's the uh huh uh huh I like it
uh huh uh huh
that's the way uh huh uh huh I like it..."

he he he
well maybe next summer I will tell her to make more salads (I love fresh greek salads -- in the winter they lack that rich taste, in the summer they are the best).

As for developers, developers, developers, developers, that's Psycho Balmers tag line (dont want to be Balmer and dont want to be psycho) --- I think I have been using whats in my signature for so long that it might just as well become my tag line

Seit ihr bereit fuer club admiralty?

what do you think ? :p

It's sturday and I have so many things to do...gotta back up my HD on CDs. gotta make a music mix and gotta make a PDA out of my french book (half done) --- its times like tehse I wish I had a couple more macs around lol :P

i think it is in another language and i have no idea what it means:p

but other than that it's perfect.

we took down the yule tree yesterday and plan to finish cleaning the house today. not a day i look forward to but you gotta do what you gotta do.

as for having more macs around, hey that's what osx is for. hell, i've got drive10 running in the background doing disk repairs on my external as we speak. and speaking of externals, i finally got the new one to work right and isolated the remaining problem with my maxtor. now i need to update the driver for it. so i will be keeping it after all. acomdata's techsupport supervisor turned out to be a great guy who really put a lot of effort into helping me. i would have to reccomend them now just because Chris is so helpful if you do have a difficulty.

and the song that comes to my mind -
"sometimes we live no particular way but our own"
- GD
Its german :P
It means "Are you ready for Club Admiralty?" he he he :p

I am completelly done with my french books in PDF and NewtonBook form :D 1/4 done -- tonite I might start on the italian part -- or maybe I will mix some music -- dont know yet --

I still need to burn some more CDs, -- done with about 6 of them -- need to do another 6 lol :p

so much to doooo--- my god---

hey has herve abandoned us too ?
i don't know if herve's abandoned us or if we just haven't been hit by his randomization lately:p hey i talk to herve other places and some of them have been getting to be more and more like conversations. i don't know what that foriegn language thing you guys all got into was about, but seems herve was really going in his native tongue. i was impressed.

another day of more cleaning and then we watched 'cast away' with tom hanks. not a bad movie, not a great movie. it was worth watching but could have been shorter and better.

so stop in my 'realistic reasons to buy a mac' thread in gd and give us a serious reply. i'm really interested.

hope you got work done today that makes you happy:)

think i'll try installing my ne keyboards drivers so it will at least be fully functional in 9. i'm using my old one now because of working n the drive yesterday and being too busy (lazy?) to change it back.

That thread is looong -- and consider that it's not that new :p
I read a few responses but did not reply yet.

Last nite I slept at 3 AM he he :D -- I started picking songs at 9 and by the time I mixed them and created the tracks (the CD isnt burned yet) It was 3 AM --- I had a blast -- and after a screwdriver and some really strong cold coffee I was so energized with the music that I wanted to get up and dance ... -- I think its about time I soundproof my room, get a couple of turn tables and just go music crazy --- I also need better head phones --- I might go get some today -- DJ quality ones. I have ones that go obehind the ears which are nice when you go out...

In any case, I am totally done with my first PDF file :-)
Now today I will start on my italian version.

I havent seen a movie in a while -- of course nothing has caught my attention THAT much to make me want to see it ...

nothing since JPIII, huh?:p

sounds like you entertained yourself well last nite. good music can definitly do good things for one's moods. this has actually been proven with research!!! there are certain songs that are used to induce moods in emotional research for psychology.

hey your contribution to the thread was great. well thought out and presented. anybody who says or implies you've got a high post count because you just post fluff is full of it!!

so about these books - exactly what are they and how do they work? what do you mean by publishing them?

hopefully we will finish cleaning house for a couple of weeks today!!!
