Congrats to Ak!!

yea, i've been about ready to post something about not getting any emails since volunteering. glad to know it's not just me. of course it could be just 'us':p
i just noticed the volunteers forum today. is this something only we can see?
as for manic, i think he has been good for us in one way. he has helped bring up issues regarding relationship - ie, how to relate to one another. i imagine he will be the least likely to grow from all this, but i'll bet some of our younger members got to learn a valuable lesson thru him. i think blingbling in particular got a little look at his own dark side and will be a little less vulnerable to those like manic in the future. i really like blingbling. i am guesing he has a hard time finding many kids his own age to relate to. seems like he is far ahead of his age intellectually. and i agree with the idea that manic had advanced to fighting & verbal assault in the last few days. alas my attempts to clue him to how adults communicate only fueled him more . i wonder if his moniker of manic is related to his really sufferring from bipolar disorder? he certainly expressed some classic symptoms towards the end. most notably excessive incoherent babbling and inability to accept others perceptions.
herve - if you emailed manic, it sounds like you are the one chasing the lightening!! i was doing the same thing trying to talk reasonably to him in the forums.
I have really an email for a g4 tower 733. I have obviously set the 'little money' in the internetroom. I owns the email. I was intended NOT to buy any computer. I guess it is a Dutch or maybe a French one.
not sure i understand herve. you are getting a mac g4 tower? i don't know what you mean by the rest of the post except that i know you keep different computers in different rooms.
Yeah baby yeah!!!!
I am DONE! with italian (whole sh!t, I cant believe how much stuff I almost forgot grammar wise!!! this was a good review for me :D -- I think it's about time to find that nice looking mediterranean girl I've been looking for and practive italian --- in all aspects -- *wink* lol :P)

I am listening to music now...loud music, I feel great. maybe some coke + vodka will lighten the mood even more.... I am picking tracks for my 2nd CD at the moment.

I would like to see herve get a G4 --- imagine how much he could do --- I mean -- imagine herve with photoshop :D he he -- samatha fox to the max :-)

hhmmmm am I hyper or is it just me ???

Well while I am at time, I havent payed much attention to blingbling -- perhaps I should. I remember my first encounter with a troll... man it aint funny -- I flamed him to a crisp... I think that I have learned to not feed the trolls he he :P

yes, one should be careful playing with trolls and hobgoblins and should never feed them. if one wants to leave food where they can find it, that is generally safe, but never let your hand near their mouth.:D

after all that sitting around and typing you ought to be hyper!! your body should be screaming at you to use it:p

i hope herve really is getting a G4. if he can run osx and really understand what we are talking about, we should see a whole new herve.
looking forward to the change herve?

with the exception of an occasional outburst, one would never guess that blingbling is only 14. i would definitly suggest you pay attention to his posts. i guess he caught my attention because he is from ohio.

i guess i will go now and warn all the mediteranian mothers to lock up their daughters!!:D :cool:
There is much confusion around the euro... I have checked my email. It is still there, but it is quite dangerous. I think it is...
warn mothers with blackhaired/brunette daughters :p :p he he.

Well last nite I decided to make the cover for my CD.. Decided against making a 2nd CD (perhaps I will do a double CD once I reach the 20s...besides "neglect" is better in single digits, dont you agree ? ;-) -- going for symbolism here as well he he.

Besides, for some weird reason the CD I recorded ir presenting problems and I dont know why. The frist few times it played it played fine. Now it's cutting off and it stops and the CD played doesnt recognize it as a CD (my stereo player that is).
So I might re record it at a lower speed see if that fixes it at all.

Although I did make a cover I am not all that thrilled with it. I am getting more ideas. today, so I might make modifications today.

On the good news part I am half done with my PDF version of my italian grammar... I am psyched (drinking coffee so I am a little hyper).

Well... here is what I made, (but not that pleased with at the moment)



  • cover_versions5.jpg
    66.4 KB · Views: 11
well i kinda like your cover but it has one basic design flaw (one i have been guilty of myself at times) - too much texture. i think if you made the background sections solid colors it would emphasize the central design element more. as it is, it's too busy. also try something a little darkerbehind white letters or use dark letters. but i like the upside down musical notes!! good touch. good overall design. record center is eye catching.

20% of qualifying mothers have been warned. you'd better hurry. 90% will be done by end of week:p daughters all around the world are complaining about being locked up just because of you:D

i didn't get as much coffe today as usual. perhaps i will fall asleep sooner. i know i almost took a nap but pushed myself thru that point.

so tell me, do you speak with an accent or are you born and raised american? i saw a movie the other nite that made me curious about this? you obviously type perfect english but you are so into languages and your family is in greece. not a typical american by far. exceptional as far as i can tell.

herve - what's going on. are you building some mini-super-computer? and why were you asking about haladol in that one thread? i can get you lots of info on it if you need it.
Perhaps Bill Gates is keeping herve on that drug to prevent him from using his genious to help apple he he.

Well in the cover, the original top and bottm were solid colors.
The top was yelloish (the same color as the coloring in DJ Admiral) and the bottom was the same color as the color in "neglected melodies" -- it served as a contrast.

I made a mistake of running it through a TV snow filter he he and it created that color you see now.

I want to work on it tonite if I can. How do you like the broken and faded record in the center ? he he. I will post some more drafts later on tonite when I get home and working on it.

As for the rest 80% -- well no prob -- go ahead and warn them -- I am hoping for an equal and opposite reaction from the daughters so in the end they find their way to me with minimal effort on my part lol --is this a calculated risk that I am taking ? (or did I just type an oxymoron :p ?)

like i said before i think the record is eycatching. i like it. the texture there is appropriate and it conveys a sort of roughness that is often associated with neglect. it also gives me dual interpretations - i can see it both as a record and as the little adapter we used to use for 45's.

20% more mothers warned. but i understand some daughters have caught wind of this thru the underground gossip network and are going awol. i must act faster:D

i like this idea that we just respond to the volunteer questions in the forum. i have to admit many of the questions are over my head but i like being able to see them all, i am learning from them as well. perhaps everyone should be allowed to read all the posts but only volunteers can respond to them. i think i will suggest that in vol forum.

and with all those mail accounts, you must spend over anhour a day just going thru your mail!!!

so what do herve and the new imac have in common - they both have fans!!:p
we are fans of fanless :p he he he

well -- I figured I would move the record a little more to the right (it's veering a little leftwards there), make a few changes and call it a masterpiece he he.

I was doing some PeeCee upgrades in a multimedia room with kickass speakers and a mixer. The university is almost empty till the end of the month so I took my CD with me and played it in it sounds sweeeeeet!

The idea of the volunteers answering in the forums is a good and practical one but at times I dont even know the answer and it's alright because there are probably at least 100 volunteers, someone is bound to know the answer ;-)

As for emails... I check my email periodically. It takes a while but from my CS account I dont get stuff in the "off season" (when no classes are in session). From my 3 other yahoo accounts I dont get much mail, just have them as back ups, and for other spam purposes.

My hotmail one is all spam all the time, and my univesity student one I just no longer check. They went to a web based M$ deal so I dont like it.

My university staff one, only my collegues mail me so I dont get a lot.

Man... nice looking girls going lucky nite, all flocking to me ... of course I will run into a problem... I only want a girlfriend, not a harem he he

yea, i think i told you that you need to be more specific who you ask the universe for about 150 posts ago!! remember that thing about what do you want in a woman? and now here you are just asking for any lod mediterranian girl with dark hair or even just dark hair!! a harem is on its way and you asked for it. too late now!!:p

so share the masterpiece when you are done. i'm looking forward to the final revision.
you will be graded. any grade below a B- and you have to start all over again (he he)

so you didn't answer my question about an accent. try again. (must have been too busy thinking about all those girls:D )

i have 3 emails. one for things important. one for more important stuff and the roxio discussion group (this ended up being combined by lack of good thinking ) and a spam box - netscape. i figure let netscape hold all my useless mail on their servers for as long as possible. of course i get too much crap in the other 2 as well, but when i know i'm going to get spammed, netscape mail. i also have 2 redirects to my one account.

manana mi amigo
Yippeee harem :p
lol... listen to this true and funny story:
A few years back, when I was vacationing in greece I spent probably two and a half months there. Most of my friends (who were guys) worked, but as usual most of my friends who were girls were free. So what did I do ? I hung out with all the girls -- each day, and each time of the day I was with a different one :P

As some point some of my guy friends, when we did manage to get together they kept thinking I had a harem of some sort "getting it on" with almost every single one of my friends lol ---

From one part it was kinda interesting -- they kinda envied me :p -- on another part uncomfortable cause I did not want this leaking to the girls and alienating them if I said something stupid :p

In any case, I have put my masterpiece on hold till the weekend. That is my creative peak. Maybe the first flock of Mediterranean girls will flock to me by then he he...

I do remember the traits...oh about 160 posts ago, but I think all those were character traits :P -- I am talking about appearance now -- it's kinda weird -- I sent a few fotos of girls that I liked or had gone out with to this friend of mine (a girl) and she saw similarities in the facial appearance of these girls that I had missed -- freaky -- I guess what they say is true -- you are attracted to a certain type of person :P

Well..the accent part.
Yes and no. I lived here till I was about 4 or 5, went to greece and lived there till I was 13 then came back here. I had a heavy accent, and part of it was because I had "eeehh" pauses (thinking pauses) when I spoke because my mind hadnt been used to thinking in english yet.

Today no accent at all -- well an american accent. Sometimes I have been told that I have a slight accent but people dont generally pick it up unless they are looking for something.

In the foreign languages I speak I try to emulate the accent as much as possive -- usually how the professor speaks is how I will pick up the accent.

So where is herve and what is he up to ?

well thanks julguribye, it is always nice to know that the norske are paying attention to me:p and thanks for making an appearance on the AdmiralAk and Ed Show. Please come back as you are welcome anytime!!!

Ak, i can relate to the story about the girls during the summer. i have always had plenty of girl friends and guys who don't always assume you are just jumping from bed to bed. As i remember, the most frustrating part is that you aren't!! but perhaps i will tell you the story of being with 3 girls in one day sometime. not at once, but all within one waking period.

i think i can also relate to the accent situation. i was born and raised in tennessee til i was 12. then we moved to LA. i had a pretty strong southern accent. by the time i finished high school it was mostly gone. but it would still come out when i would drink or say certain words i didn't use a lot. Every now and then somebody still asks me where i am from after saying some rarely used words. and i just get those pauses because i have learned not to let my mouth get ahead of my brain:p

herve has been out there, just not hanging with us right now. i expect he will show up in the congrats to ed thread before long.
maybe theed will show up there as well.

i finally got the yard mowed yesterday. looks good now. Also notice my new title. i decided to change it for awhile after the mozilla thread. which is where i learned that your avatar is from freebsd. are you really into freebsd or do you just like that little guy? i have always wondered what he is really associated with. he first appeared on my old lc as an icon for an app. he wasn't there when i downloaded the app but just showed up after a few weeks. it was strange. i used to use him on a folder of my ex's stuff.

well, gotta go run this post total up some more
well.... where to start :p

I think I will start off by saying you are an amateur :p -- in 98 I think I spent a day (waking hours) with a max of 15 girls lol (true story no sh*t!) -- of course there were 2 groups of 2 each so 4 might not count and 1 group of 3 -- anyway :P

in 2000 my record came down I spent about 48 to 56 hours totally awake and in that time period I saw 6 separate girls (one of the being my X too :p) so all I can say is that I dont need no stinking PDA to keep appointment in my head he he -- it all ran like clockwork -- literally leaving from one and going to the other :P

Of course nothing "happened" so dont veer off into that direction :P -- we just had fun -- and lots of coffee and drinks -- and more coffee.

Second point thanks julguribye for making your appearance, please come again, and if you see herve, tell him to come on by. His fans (especially some samatha fox ) are waiting for him in the dressing room.

Now... accent wise I only get "detected" when I use big words or if I digress and blab on for some reason. Mostly women pick up on it and think "it's cute"...
If I really want to I can have a non-US accent. I can sound like a mediterannean guy fresh off the boat he he... It's funny to do sometimes depending on who you are with :P

Now on the devil issue...I am not such a big BSD fan (I use it, I like to tinker with it but that's as far as it goes, I am not religious about it)...
I used this icon for several reason
1) I like him -- he looks cool ;-)
2) It goes with my description -- simply daemonic
3) I actually started using this icon on my 666th post :P
4) A majority of women that I have been with claim that I am a devil.. (and lets just leave it at that!)

well new order of business.
-- when I saw your new description initially it read as "cyber anarchist" he he

-- You think think there is anything wrong with refering to an ongoing "situation" between a man and a woman as a game of chess ? :P -- sometimes I think my creative side gets the best of me lol
no, i was talking about 'something happening'!!:D (now who's the amateur??) hell, just hanging out with 15 girls isn't a big deal. i have never even counted that so i wouldn't know where i stand but 15 seems about average if you're trying.

ah the babbling, blabing accent detection trick. i know it well. you know guys probably notice too and don't say anything. take it from an old pro, a girl is probably flirting with you if she says something about it. it's like asking for your name. if a girl asks for your name, you have got about an 80% or better chance of getting closer to her. pay attention to that, it will open doors you weren't aware of.

and the pretending to be off the boat reminds me of a girl i used to know. she spent the first 4+ hours we were together going off in an english accent. i tried calling her on it a few times but she steadfastly clung to it until i was almost convinced and then she told me the truth. we were friends for many years, thru lots of sexual frustration on my part. finally we took a roll on the floor and after that just sort of drifted apart. i think we would have done that anyway so it was a sweet memory that i am glad i own.

no, i'm not an anarchist!! i went thru a very brief period in high school where i thought that was cool but never since. and yes, i think referring to it as a game of chess is ok, but be careful about saying that to her. if she is not intelligent and aware that she too is 'playing' she might take it the wrong way.

so i'm sure you got my pm. the person found you on another site and followed the link back to your web site. better learn to cover your trail better than that:p

so you probably just got thru watching jag as i am typing this, huh?
As a matter of fact I was watching Jag :p

Now I am back, started to rework on my cover art ;-)

As for teh person, I dont know why he would need to go to another site to find the link to my site since it IS in my signature lol -- geez people go to so much trouble :p --- in the end I dont know what significance my name has -- unless...he is planing on sabbotaging my ongoing plan for those mediterranean girls :eek: egad! we must stop him :p

As for 3 in one day.... heck never been there -- u beat me :P on a serious note though my X was something out of the ordinary. We co-habited for 3.5 months once summer -- and let me tell you she was very energetic --- lets just leave it at that -- :P

As for accents, in my university you see a lot of british girls (with geniune british accents) -- but having gotten nothing but bad things from the UK for the last year or so I look upon them with a weary eye (the only exception is my phone, that is probably the only good thing from the UK :p). If they comment on my accent again -- I will keep it in mind though ;-)

I wish I could see the post that person made... it would have been interesting. PErhaps I will go onto IRC and ask -- someone probably saw it (doubt anyone can remember or pronounce my name without looking at it though lol )

well, i remember the post. i just didn't realize you were so open about it. i have been to your site and not found your name. i would have joshed you about it sooner if i had:p he said he found your name at and followed the link back to your site so he knew it was you. really, i'll bet alot of us have checked out Admirality and never found your name.
I don't think i could spell your name, much less pronounce it without looking at it again. Apostolos Koutropoulos. (copied and pasted:D) there we'll just get it out there for all to see. i like Tolya. it has a nice sound to it. Like you should have one of those greek fisherman's caps or something. (actually i look pretty goood in one of those. i plan to get one when i find one for cheap) For a guy who was born in tennessee, Tolya is much easier and sounds less harsh than Tolis. so maybe i will start calling you that. Even Admiral Tolya sounds ok. definitly use Tolya with the girls. it sounds so much more mysterious than AK. "My close friends call me Tolya" (said with the smile of a sly fox and a gleem in your eyes accompanying it) or maybe Tolis wit the girls. the way the tongue behaves when doing the s might stimulate them:D

pretty good jag tonite. the part with chegwidden(sp?) was interesting. i thought they could have done more with that.

btw - congratulations on 3.5 months of cohabitation. I didn't do that till after i was 21. and then it was 3.5 years.:cool:
I dont remember how to spell chegwidden (its in the opening credits though :p) -- I just wanted to slug that lil bastard though lol -- if someone spit on me I would he he.

On the cohabitation would be suprized what you can learn about a person when you live with them (it was just us, no parents at all) -- and also what you can learn about life, and economics lol -- all in all it was a pleasurable experience, the goods outweighed the bads. A valuable lesson in life :-) -- I look forward to doing it again, but not with the same person -- this time around I'll find someone else he he...

On my web site there is an "about me" page which is were I have some info "about me" :P -- it's kinda weird though since I have never been on, and there isnt even a link to show the people that work there he he. weird! maybe he was making up the bit so that he could buff the story up instead of saying "hey guys, I followed the link in the admiral's signature and found his site" LOL :p -- doing some "investigation" makes it look like the info is concealled and that he actually did something :P (Kinda reminds me of "jackie chan adventures" where the bad guys get beaten up by jackie, but they report back saying "well we did not accomplish me mission but we got Chan reaaally bad!" ;-) )

Tolya is a weird thing. Only about 5 people call me that, and I know them all since (or even before) 4th grade. My good friend that actually gave me the name died in a motorcycle accident about 5 years ago (RIP), so I dont give the name out to just about anyone, since you are my co-host though on this show, you can call me that he he.

In Greece people prefer to call me toli (tolis but in the vocative case). Tolya sound a little vulgar to them :P -- there is a russian name that is Tolya which is kinda weird too :P

Hmm...the S sound in tolis would interest women eeehh ?? lol :P
Better not tell them the nickname someone gave me a long time ago -- I will have problems on my hands ha ha ha :))

Well --- gotta get going to a departmental meeting.

back later on

PS: who is scheduled for guest apperances this week on our show ?