Congrats to Ak!!

yea, i agree matrix agent.

which is why i am a little worried about him given the weather conditions up there. :(

i am keeping my fingers crossed that he is enjoying himself somewhere and that posting is a million miles away in his mind.:D

(let's just hop he didn't find a life:eek: :D )
jeez, the echo in this void is getting terrible:eek:

or maybe there is some sort of mass case of the hiccups?

or bots are replacing all my friends. oh no, data is trying to get revenge on me. soon i will be talking to myself. :p

worse, soon i will be listening to myself (he he):cool:
Man... I am almost (not quite) beat...
I spent the last three days...and most of today snowed in with 15 nice looking, black haired mediterranean girls :eek:

(bellissime ragazze, con carini occhii e bellissimi corpi :p)

Ed the plan is working :D --- lol

Oh how I wish that were true ;-)
well I had ISP troubles, so I could not log on.
I made the best of my lack of internet and I started my german book -- 200 newton pages in 2 days lol -- continuing today -- maybe I will get done before wednesday, who knows :-)

It has been nice here, snow makes things have a romatic quality about them. Snow you can enjoy alone, rain on the other hand you cannot ;-)

So in my absence we have had several guests one the show -- cool! We are gaining in popularity! :-)

yes, there have been many guest hosts in your absence. now all we need to do is get them to speak intelligently! ( he he )

I am glad you are OK! Sorry there was no harem snowed in with you except in your imagination:p bummer about the ISP. But I guess you got to be a workaholic after all!! I suppose it was just as well given the weather. . Although snowy weather decreases the number of women who go out, it often increases the percentage of women who would like to snuggle:D but again I guess it is just as well as we are not ready for you to find a life:D

however, your undercover expertise and knowledge of computer platforms would have come in handy dealing with Matrix Agent's renegade computer! I am still not sure we're safe, so stay alert:eek:

By the way nummi, I enjoy more of the X files episodes that are not about Aliens. It was the emphasis on aliens that kept me from getting into the show for several years at the beginning. I am more fan of the supernatural and unexplained phenomenon episodes. although I admit that when I went back and watched reruns the alien plot line did hook me.

Phil are you there? Are you safe? Please assure us you have wrestled back control of your computer! I will not be answering the door until you do:p

Yes Tolya, you were missed
I stopped watching the X files right about the time Mulder left. I saw a few episodes with that Terminator guy but I found the X files to lose their taste, that special something that kept my interest. I think I will start watching again to see how it all ends :-)

As for snuggling -- given the right girl I like that too :p(heck I aint going out to shovel snow :P -- in bed under the warm bed spreads is where I wanna be ;-) )

As for being workaholic... naaahh -- I spent last week doing absolutelly nothing :D (well work, but nothing "extra" ) -- this week I wanted to get this german book done because I start classes next week (the 28th) and I need a small review. I will have a new german professor. for the past 3 years I had the same one so I knew his style, and gradin, now with this new professor I need to refresh my memory of all things german in order to be prepared for the worst lol.

Tonite I am going nothing -- just some good ol'TV... some "boston public" and some "angel". Tomorrow work

Hey there a name for the "feeling superior because I know something the professors dont and I am actually teaching stuff to a PhD" sort of syndrome lol :p (dont worry its not gonna get to my head :-) )

So --- lets see some more guest on here. Whats this with nummi and spanking I hear ??? Nummi get on here and explain this!

Ed analyze him ;-)

ok, ok, ok, I'm back!

*heavy breathing*

You wouldn't believe it. No I am not a BOT as some people would like you to believe. In fact, ManicDVLN has just left my house. I have broken out of the ropes he secured me to a chair with.

It turns out all this guy wanted was someone to listen to him. Someone to listen to his psychotic rambling rants against apple. It turns out that ManicDVLN was a former employee of Apple. In specific, he was the employee that was leaking all of apple's secrets, and got busted in the process.....

So i listened to this guys insane rages against all things apple, for about 6 hours today, until Manic passed out on the floor of my kitchen from what looked like a binge on breyer's ice cream.

Once he woke up, he ran out the door, leaving bloody footprints in his wake. It seems even a banning from this site will not stop DVLN from being heard.

On second thought, I may have gone skiing today.....
ok Phil, that was pick me up and put me back in my chair funny!!!:p :D
it also reminds me of a jag episode!! have you been watching too many reruns? I tried listening to Manic several times but to no avail. apparently it was your approval he was really after:p
I am glad you are making the most of the weather. I hear skiers actually look forward to the stuff.

Admiral - as for a term for your condition - maybe 'smug' or 'role reversal' or 'pompous little peacock' (just kidding about the last one - racer should know where it came from:D ). It is hard to tell if you are experiencing a superiority complex or an inferiority complex disguised as a superiority complex. extenseve testing will probably be required:eek:

as for analyzing nummi - he claims to be on drugs. not much more to add. pretty self explanatory. I remember an old friend who said to me "if drugs and alcohol only exagerate and enhance what is already there, what do you do if you're an asshole?" only nummi is a whiner at heart. a nice guy when he wants to be, but not very aware of how he affects others. He appears to be RacerX's new toy (project?) since there are no trolls at the moment.

nummi - think you can defend yourself without whining?
Hmmm--I like the peacock one :p
Maybe I can be the new logo of NBC (and its affiliate stations he he -- imagine my face platered on your TV each time you turn it on to watch the news--or shows lol)

Matrix -- next time manic ties you down and starts rambling, make sure to get it on tape. We can get Ed here to analyze and publish his results, we DO have an upcoming newsletter :p -- perhaps he can be nominee for TROLL OF THE YEAR he he he :D

Nummi -get on here and explain yourself. 2 days I am outta here and you whine ? (do you also dinne ? :P)

I've got nothing against him, except the fact that he doesnt make his HTML W3C compatible :-)

Finally -- for the interest of the show -- Ed -- hook me up to those electrodes! (you did say you needed to do extensive tests...right ?:P)

sorry i don't do electrodes. i once worked on a research project that did, but not on that phase of it. I got a quick instruction on how to do it but then i got transferred to a different aspect of it doing observational judgement and scoring. using electrodes is more neuropsychology which is too much like real science for me. i am a social scientist. see how social i am:p

i was thinking more along the lines of the MMPI, MCMI, TAT, MSE, WAIS-III, WCST, BDI, BHI, the Cognistat and the Rorshach for starters. This should only take about a week of your time, cost you a couple of thousand dollars or more and confirm my clinical suspicians about you:D

or you could just pick up any edition of Cosmo and answer one of their tests. I will accept the results of either:p :p

Phil - one other thing - good taste having Breyers on hand.
Does Breyers ice cream say anything about my personality?

I am indtimidated by what appears to be mystical mind reading powers!
Hmmm ....
Given the option.. I would much rather spend the money on a new G5 (or a cinematic display) and take the online version of the cosmo test...what do you say doc ? ;)

--so doc--tell it to me straight---what ARE your clinical suspicions ??? :eek:

and I do have to are quite social :p -- this suits you well ;-)

The on-line Cosmo test sounds perfect. This way you can forward me a copy of the results:D

As for my clinical suspicions, I suspect that you have above average intelligence which makes you too smart for your own good sometimes-especially with women. Aside from that, you are about as normal as a Greek can be. Unfortunately you suffer from charisma. This is further complicated by the large hunks of time you spend indoors.
In other words, you're reasonably well adjusted for a 21 year-old:p

There is one thing and your site that I find confusing. It seems out of character for you. You know the things about winners and losers. Something about fucking the prom queen:eek: :p

Woolworth ( I said nothing, it just typed that - perhaps it is a stock tip since Kmart filed bankruptcy today. )

So what do you think about the idea of notifying fraternities about your greek petition? They are a different kind of Greek, but I bet many of them would be willing to sign it. Especially at about 2:00 in the morning!! I can hear them now calling all their friends around to sign it while chanting, go Greeks! ( hey, it could work ) (he he):rolleyes:
posted by my good friend Ed
... He appears to be RacerX's new toy (project?) since there are no trolls at the moment.

Yeah, what is up with that? We only get one, maybe two trolls every blue moon? Is there a troll hunting season thing that I don't know about? Do I need a troll hunting license? Have I met my quota for this season?

Some days I miss ManicDVLN, he was soooo easy to bait! :D
don't blame me for Manic. I stood up for him. I even tried to teach him how to fight. What more could I do? I do not think that finding trolls is so hard. The difficulty is them finding us. We are hidden in this wonderful little grove in a corner of the forest. The problem is that only the bravest trolls ( or the most foolish ) will venture into such beauty. The sight of smiling faces is usually more than they can stand:p

and while you will not be able to exercise your Don Rickles like charm, you can certainly feel free to shoot the shit and express your wit with the admiral and I. you are a welcome addition to our club, a special guest star on the show and the head of our pit crew. ;)

I know I know, it's not the same. But at least you have a newbie, uh nummi, for now. Of course, I have the feeling that if he would get more sleep he would not be such an easy target. :D

Just like I told manic that he should take his lithium:cool:
Since i spent all of monday with manic i think i could do a good job pretending to be him.


Let's start it off with a news article:

This is the next version of WiNdOwS!!! MAC wil never beat this!!@!!!DSF

Racer X you are SuCK because you use MAC, go run awasty with your one button mouse! hahaha!

Why no one reply to my theaadds? You're all too scareded of windows, windows hAS BEEn better simce 1988. Get over it, you're just to stupid to realize it.

Think im jokinng about all of this? Wel'll i have a web page, and 5 BMW's, i live in a high-rise in NYC, and i drive on the autobahn to work everyday!

If that does mot proven me right, then you are all stupid MAC usters!

My feets are bleeding i am going to go get some mice creama.
Hmmm Ed... gimme a link to the cosmo tests you want me to take :p
As for the web site and the quote...dont tell me you have not seen "the rock" with sean connery :eek: !!!! -- Who said I dont have a daemonic side to myself anyway ? ;) An admiral needs to have fun ;-) (the weird thing is that right now, the last "admiral" I wrote was not an "admiral" -- my fingers typed "admin" --- man --- a freudian slip or what ? he he he :P)

Hey racer, I think you need special class 5 cyber weapons for troll hunting this time of year. It's getting close to spring and I think its their season of procreation he he he :-) --- I think there are a lot of trolls on Yahoo! boards, especially in computer related matters :P

Matrix you are SuCK bEcAuSe you donT uSe Pc and WindOws... It Is Da BoMb! ...ReAlLy GoOd! :P

Hey Ed I almost forgot --- if we go to frat houses on a saturday nite, we can get at least 1000 signatures lol -- too wasted to know what they are signing :p

How about these tests to start?

This should be enough for initial analysis:p

As for the frat boys, I was thinking we would just start an on-line site called freebeer. com:D Far too much work to go tromping around the campus on Friday or Saturday night.

So I finally got my other new toy out-my graphire2 tablet from Wacom!! wow this is pretty cool! now I am not using a mouse, I am using a pen. Mickey may have retired. This is another thing that takes an adjustment but I think I'm quickly getting the hang of it. Talk about quickly moving the cursor around, this thing works like magic. I got far more than I bargained for when I bought it. Of course it has its own little quirks, but I think it's advantages outweigh them. RacerX, at least I am using the pen and not the multi button mouse:D
I can see already that this deal will end up costing me lots more money. I am already looking forward to getting OS x versions of programs that this works with. :D