mac shaman
now why would a guy who has lived with 5 different women who were girlfriends and several others who were just roommates be surprized about all you learn from cohabitation?
but i've got news for you. about half of what you think you've learned, you can throw it out the window with the next one. The unlearning can be just as hard as the learning!!
toli is good too. It sounds more boyish though. Like Eddie or Billy. of course some girls like that kind of thing as well. My son has been going thru the name change thing during the last year. We always called him Bobby. Then he wanted to be Bob. Now it is Rob. And at xmas, he told me he wants to change his name whenhe gets older to something less common. I suggested he go by RJ. his real name is Robert Joseph. By the time he is 18, he will probably want to be called Robert.
i invited chemistry_geek to drop by and talk about girls after he got so excited that Herve had posted a thread about them. we'll see if he shows. other than that i'm just waiting to se who this new time slot on a different station will bring. I figure we should be getting more viewers now that we are prime time. of course looking at the number of posts and imagining that you would have to read them all to know what is going on could be really intimidating. we will get a good idea who is really bored
i guess herve is just out there going crazy on macosx.com

toli is good too. It sounds more boyish though. Like Eddie or Billy. of course some girls like that kind of thing as well. My son has been going thru the name change thing during the last year. We always called him Bobby. Then he wanted to be Bob. Now it is Rob. And at xmas, he told me he wants to change his name whenhe gets older to something less common. I suggested he go by RJ. his real name is Robert Joseph. By the time he is 18, he will probably want to be called Robert.

i invited chemistry_geek to drop by and talk about girls after he got so excited that Herve had posted a thread about them. we'll see if he shows. other than that i'm just waiting to se who this new time slot on a different station will bring. I figure we should be getting more viewers now that we are prime time. of course looking at the number of posts and imagining that you would have to read them all to know what is going on could be really intimidating. we will get a good idea who is really bored

i guess herve is just out there going crazy on macosx.com