Congrats to Ak!!

now why would a guy who has lived with 5 different women who were girlfriends and several others who were just roommates be surprized about all you learn from cohabitation? ;) but i've got news for you. about half of what you think you've learned, you can throw it out the window with the next one. The unlearning can be just as hard as the learning!!:p

toli is good too. It sounds more boyish though. Like Eddie or Billy. of course some girls like that kind of thing as well. My son has been going thru the name change thing during the last year. We always called him Bobby. Then he wanted to be Bob. Now it is Rob. And at xmas, he told me he wants to change his name whenhe gets older to something less common. I suggested he go by RJ. his real name is Robert Joseph. By the time he is 18, he will probably want to be called Robert.:D

i invited chemistry_geek to drop by and talk about girls after he got so excited that Herve had posted a thread about them. we'll see if he shows. other than that i'm just waiting to se who this new time slot on a different station will bring. I figure we should be getting more viewers now that we are prime time. of course looking at the number of posts and imagining that you would have to read them all to know what is going on could be really intimidating. we will get a good idea who is really bored:D

i guess herve is just out there going crazy on
I hope we see c_geek in here at some point, talk about women and all that :p he he - -I saw herve's thread and saw your invite ;)

I think that ou improved timeslot will do wonders for our ratings, even if people dont post, they see. It's like a show, people dont usually see re-runs unless they have times, same thing with us, theyr read the new stuff and keep current ;-) -- we are the all in one Admiral and Ed show on he he.

Well -- I can tell you now that I already know that I can throw most of what I know abou cohabitation out the window since women are like programs... (or OSes he he -- whatever happened to that poor thread anyway ? :p)

(madeup names to protect the innocent)
Alexandra 1.0 is not the same as Annie 1.0 nor is annie 2.0 or 3.0 the same as annie 1.0 and vice versa, to throw into the mix elena 6.0 -- they are all different with differnt GUIs and entertainment packs and terminals... They all run the hardware though he he ;-)

As for being suprised to learn a few things with cohabitation -- I wasnt that much suprized since most people have walls around them... when you cohabit( as boyfriend/girlfriend, or just as friends) those walls come down and you learn some more about them -- I just wish such walls did not exists, that you could read people like open books :P -- aaahh to be betazoid ;-)

getting hungry -- shift is over so I am going home for some food and play with my amiga emulator ;-)

Later on tonite, will be on IRC, notice to all of you to attend and have a laugh with DATA, the herve impersonator of IRC ;-)

hey, i'm sure we'll drag that tech support thread out again one day - either out of boredom or some frustration with the other sex. :p

that was awful nice of you to change the girls' names but i'm not buying that any of them were innocent if they were dating you:D

ah, the walls thing. i'm divided over that one. i used tofeel like you do. but since then i have learned that some people need to do a better job of keeping some walls up. we really don't want to see what's behaind them. but if people could just learn to be live true to themselves and stay aware of how others interact with them and adjust accordingly, we certainly wouldn't need them to be so high.

speaking of women, mine is calling me right now. i need to go run c:\yesdear:D

I hope c:\yesdear worked :p

I agree that walls are good -- they provide for a good game of relationship chess lol -- although sometimes I wish I were betazoid :p --- when the system returns "I am fine" sometimes you dont know if it is really fine or about to blow up and melt down ;-)

As for teh girls being innocent...well...they were before they met the deamonic deamon lol.

kinda tired so I am going to finish up my work on tonight's portion of the cover and get to bed -- work tomorrow (2 more days to the weekend!!!!)

well, I just got through watching the Drew Carey show and was a little disappointed that there was no new imac. Drew still has his cube and Mimi still has her old iMac. But then again drew just became store manager, so I would imagine that he will be due to get a new iMac when he moves into his new office. His iBook was 1 of the featured stars of the show tonight. They used it to show movies they had made including Drew's resume.
I am dictating this on my new ViaVoice. It is certainly not perfect. I've had to correct several things but overall it is much easier than typing the whole thing. now it is me who is speaking to his computer. Should I be Dr. Spock or Bones?:p
Yes, I am fine is a very confusing command. Especially when if you tell a girl that she looks fine she will interpret it as an insult. Male "fine" and female "fine" are distinctly different. Or could it be that female inputting and outputting uses entirely different codes?:confused:
btw - I actually ran c:\idon'tknow. this is one of those commands that cannot be run repeatedly but will keep system operating as long as there is enough memory available:D On rare occasions the system will function without memory and no further command is needed:cool: bifurcate - it just wrote that word all on its own. I have no idea what bifurcate means!!:p
i will go now before it takes over my computer.:eek:
I just thought I would add that I have taught it to say Admiral Ak and Tolya! Also I think my mac needs a name. I could call it computer but since I use the word computer in so many of my posts this would not work. I guess first I must decide if it is male or female. Then I must pick a name that is not a common one. Perhaps if I sleep on this I will know in the morning. :cool:

chemistry geek, where are you? I know you are out there:p
chem_geek is camera shy :p
Maybe we can get an affidavid from him he he he.

Well -- I have named all my computers some "Admiralty" variant.
My computer is Named "admiralty", my cell phone "admiralty T68" (needs a name for network purposes), and my pocketPC is named "Admiralty PPC".

My hard drives on the other hand have some sort of "Radical" variant. Like "Radical drive" (main drive), "Radical firewire" (self explanatory), "Radical Apps" (S.E.) and my experimental partition is called "Crash Dummy" lol (this this the only one that varies from the Radiacal naming scheme.

I like typing it seems faster to me. I tried via voice on OS/2 (version 4) a while back but I did not like it that much -- perhaps it has improved over the course of years :-)

As for talking to the computer... I prefer to be Jean Luc Picard he he -- that guy is cool (french guy with a british accent --- who would have thunk it! :p)

Hey often has the C:\silent_treatment program worked for you ? :P
I don't run c:\silent_ treatment very often. It is not a particularly powerful program on my system. However it is one of her favorite programs to run. I tend to ignore it for a while till I am ready to sit down and discuss the issue. I think this works better than screaming and yelling at just any old time. c:\emotional_outburst tends to fragment the external drive making repairs a long and difficult process.

I have decided that my computer is female. now I must decide on a name. It must be something I do not type. it will be used to separate commands from dictation.

Viavoice has definitely improved from previous versions. Corrections seem to be minimal most of the time, but when it gets stuck on a word it gets really stuck. It works a lot better in its native environment than it does directly into icab which is the way I am using it now. The most frustrating thing about it. is that it works best with M$ products which we all know how anxious I am to use!:mad:

So what do you think of the changes like closing the ask a volunteer forum an starting a newsletter?
I tend to use c:\silent_treatment rarely but usually with peripherals lol -- the main hardware doesnt cope well with it either :p

The hardware can get really heated with c:\emotional_outbursts so I try not to use it TOO often :-)

I am sooo bored today at work! My co-worked called in sick and I am all alone here -- worst of all-- I cant leave my post and go do updates cause there is no one to cover for me :p --- gotta do em tomorrow :-)
Poor Tolya:( ;)

so instead of working you're on here. it sounds typical.

btw - You might want to go back and finish reading my last post. I had to finish it in edit mode. I am pretty sure you only saw the first part.
I re-read your post :p

Well -- viavoice working better with M$ products...cant help you much lol -- but I am quite happy that the pocketmac team is working hard -- they just released a new version of tehir product making it compatible with X, they are making an extractor for PC installer files, and they are working on teh pro version. One less use for M$ desktop products :D

The changes on here are good. The ask a volunteer forum was ok, but we are expanding and we need something bigger. Also these sort of questions and answers should somehow be logged, or somehow recorded so that we can make a more comprehensive FAQ and How-To section, so that people dont ask the same thing over and over and over again. :-)

The newsletter is kind of a cool idea. Once a week is cool, we can get together, have the OS X tip of the week, the Q and A of the week, the Admiral's music recomendations or PDA talk (lol) and of course highlights of the Admiral and Ed show ;-)

IRC... seems like a cool idea but someone pissed me off last night on it so I have effectivelly boycotted it :P No more press3 irc for me lol.

It's amazing how much this site and community has grown over the last year or so -- I wonder where we will be in a a few years ;-)

Hey Ed... guess what :P we are probably the only two people on this board with a "congrats" thread lol :-)

any less use of a M$ product is good use! ( I trained it to type that for when I say the whole word:D )

developers, developers, developers, developers........:p

so congrats to congrats!! We are stars after all (hold on, i've got to get back in my chair:rolleyes: ) I think it is funny how people go around making posts about how many posts they have made. I was aware that I was getting close to 1000 posts, but had lost total track of where I was
when I went to bed that night.I post for the joy of posting, not to count them. I am sure you are the same way.

so when are you going want to to sign up to work on the newsletter? I haven't seen your name in that thread.

yes, who knows what the future of this site will bring? I have only been here a short while but I have noticed plenty of people who'd joined here after me.

not really feeling too chatty tonight. I still have to put the garbage out.
I post because I have something to say -- for the pleasure of it ;)
If I was concerned just about post count
1) I would probably only post links, non-sense messages and images :p
2) I would have probably been banned by now :P

Man... arent you glad it's friday ??? I sure am :-) I cant wait for work to end, for me to go home and start the weekend :-)

Newsletter, newsletter, newsletter, newsletter! I talked to kilowatt and thought he made a mental note, but I will go post in the thread just to be sure -- the resident DJ needs a column he he.

We also need a few more guests on here. I saw that you extended an invitation to lonny. Herve need to make a comeback as well....hmmm...and racerX should come and lend his OS experties in here as well. I wonder what ever happened the theed?

Well -- gotta go run some errands -- again alone at work today -- I hope someone comes to keep me company lol

you talked to kilowatt? do you mean in person? I thought he was in Ohio. Maybe not. I know that he has things he can't tell you or else he will have to kill you. are you guys part of the same spy ring?:D

As for the weekend thing, that is the problem with working at home. All days seem pretty much alike. on the other hand you can make any day a Saturday.:)

I do wonder what we have said or done that nobody comes by to play any more! I see Theed posting to other threads regularly but he never comes by here anymore. I wonder if we are being shunned. On the other hand, maybe he just wears himself out with those other post. Theed, If you are listening please drop us a line and let us know you are ok and that it is not us at fault. Or let us know what we have done.

RacerX, again our thoughts are with you.

The raccoons were out by my garbage last night when I went to take it out. They are so funny. I once had one come towards me snarling. Most of the time they just turn around and walk about 2 ft. away. We fill jugs of water for them and the feral cats outside on our back porch. Our cats are funny to watch as they watch them. :p

I guess that's about it for now, so this is press3 reporter Ed Spruiell signing off.
I did not take into account that you work from home :p -- well its friday afternoon -- I am sitting here with my ice cold cola ..

I am so tired, BUT on a good note, our department got 4 new iBooks, and 2 of them are in my area. Given that faculty are the equivalent of teh village idiot when it comes to computing and they dont use macs, I can claim one for "personal" use -- just so they dont go to waste he he he :D

As far as PeeCees, I have 5 Dell latitudes in my area too as well (pieces of PeeCee junk lol)

I need to get cranking on my german book this weekend --eek-- I have a week and a half to do it before the semester starts again :eek:
Perhaps if I work all day sat-sun and MLK day I can get it done ;-) what do you think ? That way I can throw in the start of a spanish reference :-)

My eyes are soooo tired though...
Hey Ed do you watch dark angel ? (nice show :-) )

As for theed...he will be back -- he cant resist our show for long! :-)
(btw do you think we will get our own colum in the newsletter ? lol)

wow a new iBook would be cool! Work supplied portables are great deal. My sister had one for years until recently when she left that job. Which reminds me, I haven't heard from her this week to find out how her interview went. I think I will call her tomorrow.

I think we're going to have to get you treatment for this obsessive compulsive workaholic behavior of yours. It is the weekend, remember? You should go out and have some fun at least one night a week. Going out by yourself is often the best way to meet girls. Just look for a girl who is by herself. Neither of you will have to worry about not liking the other one's friends. Or being liked by them.

I watched dark angel once and while I thought it was pretty good, it came on at the same time as another show I watched. I tried to check it out again but just couldn't follow it. It's OK, I have too many shows to keep up with now. But I guess at the end of this season I will have one less. I saw today where X files is being cancelled. :(

So how can you tell when I am using ViaVoice? Look closely! I will give you a hint. The capital of California is Sacramento. :p

"All the cats that you meet on the street speak of true love,
Most of the time they're sitting and crying at home.
one of these days you know they gotta get going
out of the door and down to the Street Hall alone"
i hope you have not replied all day because you were following my advice and having some fun - maybe even met a girl:D

(really, i hope all is ok with you tolya)
I have a girlfriend. She is a goddess. I like to hug her and squeeze her and kiss her all over.

"X files is being cancelled"

I loved that show... I have a ton of X-Files books... but, the show is crap now... not enough alien stuff... no more Mulder. I am glad the are cutting it off. I do not want them to trash it anymore.
"girls, girls, girls..."
-motley crue

hi herve and nummi!! good to see you here.

hugging and squeezing girlfriend is a very good thing. i encourage that kind of behavior:D

I am looking forward to how they answer all the questions as they finish x-files. i have kinda adjusted to the new version and would have liked to see it go for at least another year and really conclude it with an indepth wrap up. but at least they are not going to end the series with some never to be answered cliff hanger like so many shows. they are talking like there will be movies to follow -sorta lik star trek. muldar would probably be in those if they don't kill his character off before it ends. duchuvney is into making movies now.

where is ak? i hope he is ok in all the snow up there. hopefully he is snowed in at some girls apt. and she has no internet connection. he is hugging and squeezing to keep warm. :D

"all the girls in the world beware..."
-Grand Funk