Congrats to Ak!!

Just came back from best buy :D
I bought some audio CD-Rs (I made the mistake of burning my mix on a data CD-R and it sounded HORRIBLE!!!!) -- on an audio CD is sounds like heaven -- I also bought some DJ headphones ($100 :eek: ) --

The good thing is they have a loooong cord so I can move around comfortably ( probably stan up and dance when I mix now lol) and the sound is just something else! It sounds a little bassy I think but it's cool.

I wanted to include a "vs" song (song vs song) called "blow my whistle inside-out" ( a "versus" mix of DJ aligator's "blow my whistle" and DJ Cerla's "Floorfilla Anthem #3" (I think, not sure which anthem number) --- EXTREMELLY nice beat but a little too suggestive in the lyrics part lol -- didn't want people getting offended.

Last nite's mixing session actually did me some good, had the blues for a few days (damn women :P ) so music made me get over it. -- This week I will be making cover art for them -- dropped a few hints in some places my friends hang out so people might be knocking on my virtual door for a copy he he)

The books that I am making are grammar references. I am done with my French Grammar reference (available in NewtonBook and PDF formats) and I am now working on the Italian Grammar version. They are free to all seekers of knowledge he he :-)

As for the "reasons to buy mac" thread... I was going to say "well because it IS a mac" but then I thought that we have some PeeCee trolls in here that dont understand the mac concept so I had to come up with more compeling reasons lol

PS: man do I love these earphones!
well, i thank you for putting more onto that post. i've been pretty surprised that none of the trolls have popped in on that thread. actually, really surprised!!!

so, we didn't get kicked out of site discussions with the new reorganization. we must be the main draw for this forum (ha ha).
Maybe we should start another one and call it 'The AdmiralAk and Ed Show':p

between sleeping late, having things to do, monday nite football and trying to give my opinions on both the imac and the relative value of flamers :rolleyes: , it has been a busy day.

i still don't understand what you mean by grammer reference books. maybe pasting an excerpt would help. sounds like it was quite a bit of work for you.

man, at $100 the music better sound like the band is in the same room with you. ( i once hallucinated a guitar player and a bass player while i was listening to headphones and playing 'air drums'. it freaked me out!!) but if cool headphones and good music help with your blues, it's alot cheaper than therapy !!!! :D

"take this badge off of me
i can't use it any more.
it's getting dark, too dark to see
i'm just knockin on heaven's door.."
-bob dylan
Great music and a good medium to send it through always make me feel better -- That's teh wonder of music, it has the capacity to build you up (but also to put you down so careful -- dont try this at home :p)

I think the way that this thread is going we a re becoming like the AdmiralAK and Ed show, always on (a.k.a. -- with special guest starts sithius - the jedi master, theed - the streaming expert, RacerX - the fast driving OS dude, and Herve -- our dutch informatics stunt guy.

SO is this a talk show or a variety show ??? :p better talk tha variety IMHO ;-)

oh almost forgot -- on the air drums thing... I usually do that from time to time when listening to heavy stuff (yes at time I listen to non-club tunes)

As for the grammar references an example would be this (from french)

PassŽ ComposŽ
-- click here for usage of this tense
-- click here for formation of this tense
-- conjugation of irregilar verbs
-- exceptions
-- rules to follow in this tense

(dont actually click :P)

It's just a "refresher" how to on non english grammars. Its somewhat medium kind of work, not hard, not easy, but its good for me because I am remembering stuff by making these references that I had forgotten -- I am done with my french PDF -- maybe I will post it when I go home and you can see for yourself

but i haven't heard from any guest stars recently. maybe we need to start asking some broad theoretical questions that will inspire them to answer. like - should children really be exposed to osx? won't it eventually lead to xxx?:p

it's a 'type show'. (he he)

ok, now i understand the books. thanks. i can see how it would help you increase your own proffecincy (sp).

glad to hear you listen to heavy stuff as well. too much club mix and you will be the one who ends up being a modern john travolta:D or maybe you would end up being a cheap european softporn movie character. that might be fun:p 'AdmiralAk Does Ibiza' with co-star Samantha Fox. (see if that gets herve's attention)

so it looks like this week might be full of software updates so companies can preview them at mwsf. i already got the new toast and i have seen notifications that several others are out. i got iphoto but i'm going to wait to install it and make sure there are no major bugs. checking versiontracker should be an adventure this week.

so what do you call "heavy" music?
My 5 year old has his own login, and it's setup to play games and mount CD images of Reader Rabbit and Winnie the Pooh etc. He really likes my powerbook though. He doesn't seem to be into my G4, which is fine with me really. That way neither of us have to share.

Thanks for having me on the show, guys. I'll be back next week or something. ;-)
Hey we got the guest back :D
niiiice :)

My friend has his kinds using his mac doing the reader rabbit and other such learning games. I helped him set it up -- quite cute to see the lil ones do such things he he :-) He doesnt have X yet since he has an old PowerMac Performa .

The heavy stuff I listen to are kind Rammstein sort of music (yes I know the lyrics are harsh but..hey--what can you do -- the music is good to get things off things :P )

I also listen to soft music at times (but non english -- rarely its in english --- most times its italian or sometimes greek)

CLub type music is still my main thing. AdmiralAK as a modern day John Travolta would suit me well lol --- It would certainly solve my women problem -- right ? lol :P Softcore pornstarring (or handport for that matter) doesnt interest me that much but "DJ Admiral does Ibiza" or "DJ Admiral does cannes" (featuring Samantha Fox) does have a certain appeal. Heck even "DJ Admiral live @ teh Ministry of Sound) sounds great to me (even though I dont like england that much :P )

So who here would consider being a softcore porn star ? :P

with all the moving around that the admin did, we still stayed in "Site news and discussion" so I guess we are the official "show" of press3 Ed :D

Quite an accomplishment :D
ooooppps, spoke too soon!! we got bumped:D

oh well i'm sure the show will get more of a following here. but now why will people go to the site discussion forum? it will become very sloooow moving.

i kinda like 'The Admiral and the Ed Show'. sounds like one of my favorite Jimmy Buffett songs "the Captain and the Kid".
and what about today's guests. weren't they something !! Theed seems to be back on the site with a vengence. he has made some great posts in the last 24 hrs!! some of them had me rolling and others were just so dam informative. Welcome back Theed. I really missed you around here!!

so herve, you've got 2 performas? too bad you couldn't sell 'em for one new G3 model. good to see you back in the thread as well. i'd really love to see some of your programming done for osx:)

so it looks like i'm going to mwsf on thurs.. i hope my student loan comes in tomorrow.

Ak - i'm not familiar with the heavy stuff you mentioned. try giving me a genre to work with. (i might still be lost, but maybe not)
I am by no means advocating piracy, but get yourself a copy of audiogalaxy satelite (on versiontracker) and search for teh following songs:

artist: Rammstein
Du hast

As for our guests, yes they were something, weren't they ? Theed welcome back -- waiting for a responce in the streaming caches thread he he -- also waiting to her more on your long distance thing.

Herve .. do you know samatha fox personally ?? Thinking of doing Cannes in the summer, do it with her lol :p

I have met her once. I have written to Steve Jobs and he has agreed for the release of a TFT-iMac, but has also given me the idea to write her and take contact at musicians and make some hidden publicity for her "Just one 'more sleepness' night".
well, i'm beat. spent all day at mwsf. met simx.

then came home and had several long post to make in several threads. so i'm going to keep this short.

will post pics of the day tommorrow.

so theed, how is rocket science coming? (no pun intended) isaw the perfect macbabe for you when iwas standing in the registration line. She was as tall as me in 1" flat heels so she should be 5'11". she caught my eye when she entered the room and i thought of you when she got up close. too bad you weren't there.

btw - Ak, theed et al. - lots of macbabes at macworld!!! I even had two come up to me and start a conversation. both were cute. too bad i'm taken.

well, more tomorrow when i can think strait again.

and just to let you guys be the first to know - i was standing about three feet from steve tyler of aerosmith at the expo. He was getting in the face of a guy who sells software to search the net for mp3's!!! it was so cool. i had to leave before they were finished to go hook back up with simx who never showed. but he pm'd me later. he had a good reason.
Dang do you stink :p
I want macbabes too -- ask if any are from good old Massachusetts and send them my way next time you meet any lol
(make sure to put a plug in for this online community and of course the "Admiral and Ed show" on it.

For me it's been really quiet. Last night, while composing, I just was hit by an image --(no, a painting did not fall from the wall and hit me on the head...although that image would be quite hilarious :P) -- I decided what the cover art is going to look like!

It seems that this saturday night I will have a late night photoshop session.

I am almost done with my italian book which is sweet! I feel beat though. I am seriously looking forward to the weekend when I can wake up any dang time I want to wake up :P ---

So what product did you like THE MOST in mw ? it can be software or hardware.

actually i took a shower yesterday morning. no stinky ed here:p

sounds like this song should be your theme song -
"another saturday night and i ain't got nobody
i got some money cause i just got paid
how i wish i had someone to talk to
i'm in an awful way...

...if i could meet 'em i could get 'em
as yet i haven't met 'em
that's how i'm in the state i'm in..."
- cat stevens

(sorry, but you know how certain songs just pop into my head when iread something:D )
wow, i can't say that i have one favorite product that just pops to mind. if anything it was the new imac. it really is nice in person. it feels very different than the pics make it look. procreation had the nicest booth i think. they gave away free coffeeeee and it was set up sort of like a little cafe. sit down around tables and watch presentations. their "kbt aftereffects" is pretty cool. next time i hope i can go for at least 2 days.

so i was up til 5:30 last nite. i look forward to going to bed earlier tonite. :cool:
Feel free to put lyrics that pop up in your mind in your posts ;-)
They add spice lol -- besides it's cool to know what people think from moment to moment.

I just took photos of what I want to put on my coverart, got all my it's all a matter of getting what's in my brain onto photoshop and then to a nice printer.

Hey Ed, quick POV question, you think I should make this CD a double CD set, or should I keep the 1CD thing going. This is my 10th official compilation (I think) since 1997 :-)

Admiral -- coder, dj, international playboy :p --- who would have thunk it LOL


but i lke the idea of using a double cd to sympolize moving into double digits of your compilations.:cool:
lol :p in that case if I can find some double CD cases, I might make it into a double CD :p

I was thinking of teh symbolism of neglect being single digits....but I am sure I can conjure up something ... :)
i think my big plans for today are to mow the lawn, watch some football playoffs and try to get viavoice to work. imagine how long my posts will become if i can just start speaking them!!:p

well, i guess manic is gone. all his threads he started seem to have disappeared. i know you were in favor of this and i will admit i lost patience with him a few days ago. no great loss, but i regret that a greater principle - free speech - has been compromised. of course he is a perfect example of how an ideal can be easily abused by those who don't respect the value of it. too bad - for one brief moment i thought there was hope for him. hopefully someday he will grow up.

so i noticed you are a volunteer. i am to but i haven't gotten any mails from it. unless i used a web based account and then forgot. guess ishould check it.

I have mailed to ManicDVLN. I'm a stupid boy, why do I need a g4? There is not a monitor delivered! It is in the way. I didn't pay for that Commodore next to me. Will it attract lightning again? I'm always not far from the lightning. Why?
I think that there is a clause that says that free speech is available as long as you dont libel. The problem with manic was that he was being emotional, stepping on the toes of others and making a fool of himself by not prsenting arguments, he was fighting.

There are PC users on these forums but they are more civil than manic. as far as I am concerned manic got what was coming to him. perhaps this slap in teh wrist will make him grow up a tad bit.

I am still not done with my italian newtonbook...10 mire verbs to go so I figured I would take a break. I have been typing all day long. This keyboard is so durable. Almost 3 years of semiconstant use and it still function pretty well :D

I am thinking of doing the2nd CD either tonite or next week (I will either do the cover art tonite or the CD ). Kinda cool :)

I have not received any emails concerning volunteers which is weird, has anyone else got them ?

herve: I think we should zap manic with static electricity from our monitors...maybe this will get him brain back on track :P
