Congrats to Ak!!

For teh PC you can get Calligrapher with tablets to recognize your handwriting. I am not sure if there is an HWR program for OS X (or OS 9 for that matter) ... imagine being able to type, speak and write to your computer .... sweeeet :)

I hope you have fun with your tablet :D

I will take those tests tonite (after enterprise) just send me your email via PM and I will forward a copy of teh results :p (does it tell you that you can send the results to others as well or what ? :P)

I have no idea. I had no idea they had on-line versions until you brought it up:p and I thought you were the expert on these tests:D

They have a whole shit load of them. Perhaps we should all take every one of them and compare results! like we did with the Myers Briggs test:p

Do you think I should ask the members of the month for their Myers Briggs' personality types? ( He he )
I thought the cosmo tests were your idea....
weird :p -- we stumbled on a discovery by accident lol :p

well I am taking them now. I expect expert analysis by 15:00 tomorrow :p


EDIT: are these tests supposed to be taken by women ? -- too many references to PMS and "my man" :P
Test 1 results:p
Do You Have a Positive Outlook?

Grounded Girlfriend

You're the even-headed pal
people turn to when they just
want to talk things out or
need someone to empathize with
their troubles. People take
you seriously because they
know you won't automatically
blow sunshine out your butt or
unfurl the
skull-and-crossbones flag
before they've finished
stating their case.

"Others count on you for solid
advice because they have
confidence in your balanced
perspective," says Robin F.
Goodman, Ph.D., a psychologist
at New York University Child
Study Center. They trust you
to root for their good ideas
and talk them out of the bad
ones. Luckily for those who
hang in your social circle and
those you deal with
day-to-day, you're the perfect
sweet-and-sour combination.

--- I think the resutls are probably skewed from the complete lack of esto and progesterone :p --- just goo'ol testostorone for me lol.

Test 2 results... (also seemed skwed to me :p -- last time I checked Diva did not apply to males :p)

Devilish Diva
You're so mischievous, you
make Madonna look like
Goldilocks. "You're an
impulsive person who goes
after what she wants at that
moment and pushes boundaries
without thinking there are any
restrictions," says Linda
Geurkink, Ph.D., a
psychologist in Washington,
D.C. It doesn't mean that
you're terrible and have no
conscience; you may have an
unrelenting desire for
attention and feel the only
way to set yourself apart is
by going wild and breaking the
rules. Or you could be making
up for a strict childhood.
"You get a high from asserting
your freedom and proving that
the rules everyone else lives
by don't matter to you, but it
only lasts a short time," says
Geurkink. And while playing
hooky from work or ditching
your sister's mutt may make
you feel like you've gotten
away with something, it's
bound to backfire and have a
snowball effect. Says Paul
Gedo, Ph.D., a psychologist in
Rockville, Maryland: "When the
fun wears off, you feel worse
because you've hurt other
people or your own reputation,
so you do another naughty
thing to avoid feeling the
pain or guilt of what you've
done. It's a vicious circle."

To keep from getting caught in
the debauchery cycle, step
back from the scenario. "If
you're contemplating doing
something a little wicked,
pretend it's a friend who
wants to do it instead," says
Gedo. "What advice would you
give? Taking a more objective
viewpoint will help you see
that the thrill you get from
doing it may not outweigh the
Test 3 results (also veeeery skewed :p --- I did not know that cosmo was a woman's magazine :p)

hey should go to (or is it .net ?) they have some FUNNY tests he he he :D

Ego-in-Check Chick
You know how to do your fair
share of giving and taking,
talking and listening. Not one
to overextend, you've learned
that maintaining sensible
boundaries is key when it
comes to extending yourself.
In the process, you avoid the
pressure to put yourself
second or third and easily
tune into other people's
emotions in ways the egomaniac
can't. "You were taught early
on that your needs were just
as important as those of the
people around you," says
Pearson. As a result, you're a
caring, reliable but
non-doormat-y friend (and
girlfriend). People are
attracted to you because they
know you won't demand their
unflinching attention or be
made to feel guilty by your
i have to type this because i am laughing too hard to dictate and i can't seem to stop!!! lol lol lol ha ha ha ha ha ha lol lol somebody help me!!

you must live a sheltered life!! i thought you knew about cosmo(politan) magazine. Haven't you ever been to a grocery store checkout ? (I still can't stop laughing!!)

They are famous for their short quizzes which will tell women all about things they need to assess in their love lives. i was totally making a joke when i said to take one of them. (still LOL) I was thinking about whichever one would be in the current issue on the newstand. You brought up the idea of an online version and so ichecked it out and they have gots lots of them there. so i picked a few that seemed more general and provided links. (hold my side in:p ) i never expected you to take them or at least not to go past the 1st one. he he he he he

ok, i'm calming down a little. (just a little) i must say that the 1st and last ones do seem like you. the second one has a lot of you described well i think, but perhaps a bit exaggerated. but that is what i would expect from cosmo. do not fear, these tests have never been proven to lwer testosterone levels. they will give you a glimplse as to how estrogen thinking processes take place:p

i will post more when i stop shaking with laughter and can dictate:D
lol :D
I never said I never knew what cosmo was :p
I just never bothered to pick one up and read it -- it seemed vaguelly uninteresting (other than the nice looking women on the cover :p)

Ed -- go to teh spark ;-) They've got some funny tests :-)

he he he:p

well now you know. You have been given an educational experience!

I went to the spark and took the greediness test. I am 51 percent greedy. 7 percent of the people are as greedy as me. I guess that means 2% of PC users are 51% greedy as well:D

That's a yoke son, that's a yoke.

Well we're going to having a sun room put in the backyard. We put down a deposit on it today. so probably in about a month, I will have to deal with construction workers on and off all day for about a week. But it should be nice and will make the house bigger once it is done. It is going to be her sewing room. Then we can set up a real computer desk in the kitchen for her iMac. At that point I should be able to wire the Ethernet around the house instead of running the cable through it. It also means I need to get to work in the yard and get some things done first before they can start. I need to get up off of my but and get busy.

By the way, I eventually stopped laughing:D
(future) Doctor!
YOu should be the first to understand the unmeasurable value of laughter ;-)

hey btw have you EVER laughed SO hard that you cried ?? :p -- Its happened to me a few times -- quite interesting :-)

I've taken all the spark tests, quite funny ones too! I took the "purity" test before and after my X.... no suprise that my purity was lowered lol :P -- The funniest one is teh personality test (or the profession test, cant remember the name -- it tells you what your profession will be --- I turned out to be a judge :D )

So whats been going on here today ?
I missed everything! (my browser refreshed and I lost all new entries...did not have time to read tehm anyway :P)

yes, I put great value on laughter. and you gifted me with lots of it! thank-you! and while I did not laugh so hard that I cried, I came very, very close. I have laughed that hard before on several occasions. The laugh that you gave me was more like when you are high - once you start, you can't really stop and you don't really know why and you don't care. It just feels good to be laughing that much:p :p :p

Hasn't really been much went on around here today. Certainly nothing new or exciting. New versions of some difference software's have been released and I posted notices of those to the appropriate forums. one of them was icab, so I have been out surfing around the Web testing it out. It is a little faster and smoother, but no real major improvements that I can see. I did figure out that installing the a new version of it is what sets my default back to Internet explorer in system preferences. I will have to remember to change it right away from now on.

So has anybody been watching first Monday? The new show about the Supreme Court. Admiral talking about being a judge made me think of it. That and I just got through watching that before I got online:D it is turning out to be a pretty good show.

But perhaps I should take the professions test and see what I should be when I grow up:D

Ok racer X, it is the weekend. It's your turn already;)
Did not see it, to tell you the truth I totally forgot about it :eek:

I was expecting to see Dark Angel but it wasnt on, so I just surfed the net a little and went to bed early. -- that is why I woke up early this morning. I think I might go downtown today. Maybe get a book or two, get some coffee and write a few letters that I wanted to write but had no time to write during this past week :-)

I am feeling quite "energized" (perhaps it was that talk I had with my friend) so tonite I am going to make a new mix (picking out traxx right now). It's not going to be a a "big" compilation (i,e, 18 tracks) -- I am shooting more for 13-15.

Hey Ed what is your most memorable "laugh till you cry" experience ? :p
For me it was when I was in greece, probably in grade 7 in my english class. I used to watch lots of american cartoons there (part of the english practice I guess) and there were several ones with Leprechauns in them, having heavy irish leprehaun accents. I had a friend in my english class that looked like a leprechaum. Anyway we were singing Xmas songs prior to an Xmas vacation and he was making voices sounding like a leprechaum...(although I doubt he knew what a leprechaum was)....I say his face when he started making those voices its was just so hilarious I could not stop laughing...everyone in class was staring at me :P

So where is racer ??? perhpas disaapointed we couldnt get him any trolls ;-)

I've been taking all day to respond to this because I was trying to remember a laugh till I cried incident. but I can't think of any. I did think of some other funny kinds of laughs. Like the laugh and spew pop out your nose laugh. Or the laugh and start hiccuping laugh. :p

you're laughing by yourself must have been pretty embarrassing. and yet I am guessing you're laughing so hard you didn't care!:D
posted by my good friend Ed
Ok racer X, it is the weekend. It's your turn already;)

Yeah, but catching up with you guys is like reading a small novel :p ! And I've started correspondence with a number of my professors who I haven't talked to in a couple years.

Like the laugh and spew pop out your nose laugh. Or the laugh and start hiccuping laugh.

My wife is great! I can always tell when she if finds me funny because she starts hiccupping. It is quite fun! :D
It wasnt that embarassing because I was laughing so hard I did not care.
The weird thing is that while I was laughing people were staring at me and I was trying to xplain what was so funny while laughing ;-)

I have has a few times that I laughed while drinking something (thankfully only water) and it came out of the nose :p .. one time it was soda and it bothered my nose for half an hour or so.

Tomorrow classes start...dang nabbit :p --- oh well... lets start this semester to get it over with :-)
good luck with the first day of classes. it's always a pain to have to start being regimented again. i am sure in 2 weeks it will seem normal again though.

racerx - just a couple of minutes a day will keep you up to date. we have written oodles so far but mostly in short bursts.

so do you purposely go for the hiccup laughs to confirm your skill with humor or does she usually take you by surprise? are you ever disappointed when you are trying very hard to get a hiccup and all you get is :rolleyes: ?:D

then there is the laughing at Ak's jokes first thing in the morning while trying to drink coffee. first you must keep from choking and then you must keep from spilling. this can be a real challenge:p

today was beautiful weather but the rain and cold are back tonite. the way it looks we may not get to go hiking on tuesday.:(
well that is enough typing for now;)
It's foggy here....
well I am ready t o kick some arse...
just lemme at em :D
(I will be on campus today from 08:00 to 21:30 classes + work lol... this semester I officially have no life on MOndays and Wednesdays :p)
posted by my good friend Ed
so do you purposely go for the hiccup laughs to confirm your skill with humor or does she usually take you by surprise? are you ever disappointed when you are trying very hard to get a hiccup and all you get is :rolleyes: ?:D

It is funny, things I think are only slightly amusing she starts hiccupping at (which makes it that much more fun :D ). As for disappointment, sometimes, but then there are the times when we are in major arguments and I'm able to get her started (and it defuses the situation). And then there are the times when it is just not appropriate (you know, when someone hiccups with you it is one thing, but at you is something totally different), and I let her know that I'm not happy about it and it make her do it more. One time she almost past out because it got to the point where she couldn't beath. Of course I still don't get what was so funny that time :( .
hmmmm I can see that RacerX uses a unique
C:\joke_that_makes_hiccups.exe .. quite marvelous actually...

Hey Racer did you program in C, java or assembly ? (or pascal ?!)

My ex OS was very jealous so I used a custom made

It always worked....

Hey ed what program do you use the most ? :p
