Test 2 results... (also seemed skwed to me

-- last time I checked Diva did not apply to males

Devilish Diva
You're so mischievous, you
make Madonna look like
Goldilocks. "You're an
impulsive person who goes
after what she wants at that
moment and pushes boundaries
without thinking there are any
restrictions," says Linda
Geurkink, Ph.D., a
psychologist in Washington,
D.C. It doesn't mean that
you're terrible and have no
conscience; you may have an
unrelenting desire for
attention and feel the only
way to set yourself apart is
by going wild and breaking the
rules. Or you could be making
up for a strict childhood.
"You get a high from asserting
your freedom and proving that
the rules everyone else lives
by don't matter to you, but it
only lasts a short time," says
Geurkink. And while playing
hooky from work or ditching
your sister's mutt may make
you feel like you've gotten
away with something, it's
bound to backfire and have a
snowball effect. Says Paul
Gedo, Ph.D., a psychologist in
Rockville, Maryland: "When the
fun wears off, you feel worse
because you've hurt other
people or your own reputation,
so you do another naughty
thing to avoid feeling the
pain or guilt of what you've
done. It's a vicious circle."
To keep from getting caught in
the debauchery cycle, step
back from the scenario. "If
you're contemplating doing
something a little wicked,
pretend it's a friend who
wants to do it instead," says
Gedo. "What advice would you
give? Taking a more objective
viewpoint will help you see
that the thrill you get from
doing it may not outweigh the