Congrats to Ak!!

I, of course, will be having a superbowl party at my house. No diehard football fans. Instead, we will be there celebration the commercials interjecting into the gameplay every 2 minutes. The TV will be turned off during the halftime show.

It will be unplugged as well.:)
so did you watch the best superbowl commercials on tv tonight? seems like it would have been just the show to you warmed up for the big game:p
Hmm, guess I could have saved a lot of time if I had watched that?

Guess what? My birthday is coming up in a few days, and I think i'm going to get an iPod!

Just what to know how long before they up the disk sizes, since toshiba has new models coming out. I want to use it as extra hard drive space too.

Mabey they'll have a nice MS commecial? I LOVED those "best is yet to come" ones. Just doesn't get any better than that. Those commercials captured the human spirit.:eek:
wow we have phil laughing til he cries, symphix laughing til he spews soda thru his nose. maybe racerX's wife has laughed til she hiccuped recently. if so this has been a big few days for humor:D

so i guess we will have to plan big surprise party for you at Herve's Bar and Grill. Maybe we'll even get a band:p

ok, Ak - where's that cd cover? ;)
well, i've been checking the media and still no word on where Tolya is this weekend. i'm not geting all worked up over it again. this "missed you stuff" only goes so far. and him with his overseas relationships should know that well. :D

of course he could just be avoiding have to show us that cd cover. or perhaps he is lost in a dance trance. i hope he did not strangle himself spinnning in circles with the headphones on:p

so what do you think of the bar & grill? it's going pretty good, eh? Tolya will be surprised when he comes back and sees we started a party without him:eek:
you bums :p
you started the party without me!!! lol

My ISP was driving me nutz this weekend with Authentication errors.... One more time I get this and I swear I am going DSL lol I can't take it any more lol

Covers ??? hmmm... I left em at home, to tell you the truth I forgot all about them. I made another music mix last nite while the superbowl was in session (not a big football fan) -- I haven't figured out a name for it yet but I am compiling a list for my next compilation called the "XXX mix" lol --- guess what it deals with ;-)

The one I made last nite was for a "special edition" mix for a friend of mine :-)

So what I see that we have a whole culture around us... we could make a TV station out of this web site. We can have the Admiral & Ed show, the Herve bar & Grill hour (food and gossip), teh RacerX multiplatform troll hunt (kinda like Man Hunt the UPS series he he) -- the Phil elf snow show and more ;-)

what do u think ?

what, we should sit around all weekend sitting on our thumbs while we wait for you to figure out how a computer works?:rolleyes: :p ;)

sorry you had problems again. at least i didn't act like your mom this time!! Hopefully you will be able to talk this out with your isp. of course i think spending the extra on dsl is worth it myself. if your time has any value to you, you will more than save yourself the cost in how much more you can do in the same amount of time. the plip side is that you will have more time to figure out what to do with. i imagine your post count will skyrocket:D

so we do get syndicated? i figure FX or UPN should be willing to pick us up during the summer:p

I do think we talk to each other enough in these other threads that we should conceentrate on all the new faces in the bar. if we can get enough seperate conversations going there it would really be fun.

ok, phil, i am going to go look for some incubus now. (HBD!!)
he he,
well the problem is that this semester I dont spend a lot of time at home ;) --
If I had DSL I would make my mac a server for my web page, and make endless queues of stuff to download while I sleep, eat, drink, or when otherwise not on my mac;)

Hey ed good news. Orange has released betas of OS X SCSI drivers. One close to kicking OS 9 in the bum lol.

This new "bar" thing is quite a good idea... kinda like a community happening of a sort lol.

One thing I've noticed on other boards that I go to, there is no thread like teh Cuss thread AND there is no thread THAT long or with that many views to it as the cus thread hehehe :D

looking back at some of my recent posts i think i should be proofreading them better. your answers seem like you translate pretty well, but i really should go back to taking a little more time being careful.:p

the great thing about dsl is that you can do all those things and still have bandwidth left over. as long as your processor can handle it. while i can't tell much difference between my 400 and the gf's 600 for most things, i have the feeling that doing lots of multitasking would make a difference. of course she won't let me put any of the kind of software i would want to multitask on her mac-chine. she will probably be 10 years before she even considers wanting a new one. (this is the first one she has ever owned - wouldn't even have considered it if she hadn't been forced to use a computer at work)

i am not sure if it is a good or bad thing about the cuss thread. some of it is pretty funny and a lot of it is just adolescent. it would just be fun to see a thread get that much participation without it degenerating to stupidity and name calling. i am sure i am sounding old now, but even when i was young i could cuss better than most of the stuff i see in there.

phil - i hope you were having fun on your b-day and not writing that essay that you already wrote once.:)
You called it Ed, I re-wrote it, took about 3 hours.:rolleyes: But at least now I'm satisfied with the final product, and I can't say that often about my essays.

Excuse me I you wrote something yesterday and I didn't write back. I recived so much mail from the forums, and so many repeat copies that i just deleted them all.

Incubus was good, but I thought that cover they did of britney spears was done in poor taste. I guess you can't win them all, can you?:D

So who's birthday is next?
One of my friend's Bdays is in 10 days...but I haven't talked to her in about a year and a half (lost contact after we went off to college) --- I might call her house and find out her cell phone number in greece, give her a call and suprize the heck outta her lol :p

My ISP is STILL acting up! I will e-mail those bastardos today :mad: --- they have really fried my fish!

bastardos? What language is that?

Wanna hear a cool fact, I found out from a kid at school, his mother works at the apple store: Employees get HALF off of all of the products. Thats an iPod for $200!!!
I used to work at Barned and noble and I think that they gave us like 35% off purchases which wasnt bad. 50% off sounds really nice :D If I were her I would make a BTO and that would be a grand deal :D

Bastardos is spanish I think, I am not sure though :p

Hey Ed what do you think of deez and nummi pasting their smit all over the board. This imature behavior is starting to annoy me :p

How about the herve "crack" thread? "Respect for my name." I think I laughed the hardest I ever have at these forums.;)

Yeah, too bod I don't have mod privliges on windows CE, those two would be knocked into the eighth circle of the wasteland. Can't expect admin to read everything though, especially with the site problems.
gee, where to start. guess i'l start with the spanking of our two little friends. You might have noticed that earlier i asked them to chill. I don't think i have been back since and that would have covered their 'prime time' for posting. when i did get back admin had answered my request with a notification that they are only allowed back on with parental supervision essentially. i have to guess they escalated instead of chilling and probably said some things to admin or at least ignored his warnings. People always seem to dig their own graves deeper around here when you point out that they are screwing up. oh well.

"don't ask me what i think of you,
might not get the answer that you wanted to...oh well."
-Fleetwood Mac

and about the discount thing - i always figured apple had a good mark up. that is the standard markup in most retail environments. obviously discounters don't mark up that much. autos don't. I'll bet lots of computer stuff does though. the fact is that electronics stuff from asia is dirt cheap to make. has been for a long time. I worked for a semester right out of high school for an import clearance firm. My job was to open boxes for customs inspection. Stereos that sold for $100 - $200 were valued at about $25 - $50 each at point of import.

so now we are getting the kitchen cabinets resurfaced. i spent 3 hrs with the salesman and then watched tv.
3 hours with a salesman ?!
wow -- YOu deserved teh TV you watched hehe -- that must have been torture :p

Hey Ed, in your customs days did you ever come accross pirated goods ? :p I have an uncle in greece (my mother's cousin) that works as a customs agent all around greece (no permanent post). Kinda cool.

As for those little "raskals" they were annoying as hell, I reported one of their posts, so I guess the Admin saw it. Can't say that I did not warn them before reporting lol, they just did not listen....aaahhh...youth :p

actually he was a pretty nice salesman, we all smoked cigarettes and talked about cats and kids and ... Don't forget that i was in sales for about 20 yrs. so salespeople are ok with me. and i am pretty good at spotting their bullshit if they try it. We will see, but i think he was alright and we ended up buying a product we need at a good offseason price.
I never was involved in finding any pirated goods. the closest i came was one time we were clearing a trunk of personal belongings for a friend of the businesses owner and the custom officer found a bullet. upon closer examination it turned out to be a roach clip. he put it back in and cleared the shipment. if it had been a bullet, he would have confiscated it. I also spent a few hours getting high with a cutoms officer that i knew after he picked me up hitchhiking and we remembered each other. and crossing the border coming back from mexico one time they piled all the roaches they found on the dashboard and put the joint i had tucked into my hat band pointing up like a feather:p Customs officers are much more interested in big time smuggling than guys like you and me.
yea, beavis and butthead got their show cancelled:D