Congrats to Ak!!

B&B got cancelled ? :p
I never watched that show but sometimes it was funny in a very dumb sort of way. Have any of you seen B&B do america ?

Hey ed I figured out why I could not get online :p
My stupid LSDing ISP (LSD --> cus thread reference :p) changed the access numbers and did not notify me! (well they probably did but I never check that mailbox lol) -- so internet from home is all set now :-) I look forward to a good weekend of surf and turfing on the net :P --- in addition to the projects I have to do. Aint life grand ?

For some WEIRD reason I have lots of mix inspiration these past few weeks (even though I dont have time to mix :p)

well, Beavis is back. but acting like a human again so far. i actually like nummi when he is being rational. so let's hope this experience helps him maintain his sense of who and where he is.

don't you just hate it when an isp makes changes and doesn't notify. mine doesn't even change the website. they leave the old directions up for months afterwards. they just add the new info on some obscure page that you would need to know you are looking for to even have a chance of finding it. like the guy who knew the password to the original died or something:rolleyes:
glad you are back on track and will be with us this weekend. :)

too bad they have moved dark angel to the same time as first monday. now you will have to wait til reruns to watch fm.:(
interesting that one of the issues they covered last week - the upholding of calif's '3 strike law' was overturned by a real fed appeals court yesterday. makes me wonder what impaact the show might have had.
Speaking of salesmen... I cant stand these flipping telemarketers. Everytime the phone is open, especially during dinner, these people call. They usually ask about flood damage or a new roof. Things I dont need. I have learned to hang up on these people immediatly. They must be paid to annoy us until we give in and buy their crap. So my hat goes off to you Ed. You have more patience (spelling) than any one I know. :)
Hey LTM, welcome to the Admiral and Ed Show!!

I hate telemarketers as well. I hate the ones that call in the morning the most! I like to sleep till about 9:30 or 10:00 every day and i get about one call a week at around 9:00 or so. those are the ones i treat with total disrespect. the ones at night are annoying as well, but we just politely tell them we aren't interested and hang up. I am only a grouch when you wake me:mad: :D
i wouldn't say i am much more patient than most. perhaps i am since i was a salesman for so many years. but i'll bet if you are with a salesman whose product you want, then you will willingly sit with them until the deal is done. I mean, if an apple store salesman was willing to spend 3 hrs making sure you got exactly the mac you wanted with all the right apps and taught you things about the stuff that you could use, you'd be glued to the process, wouldn't you? We were buying a product we want. our kitchen is going to look so much better when they are done. so working aout all the details to be sure we got the best deal and the right product was no hassle at all. We called them to set up the original appt. since we live about 6-10 miles from real shopping centers and stores, it is nice to have contractors come to us for stuff like this.

so tell us a little about yourself. if you want to more about us, allot some time to read the early parts of this thread some day. or just ask if something particular is puzzling you.
hehehe :-)
I love telemarketers :p I can play with them :p
Whenever they call in the morning (like around 11) I always make tehm tell me EVERYTHING about their services and then I tell them "oohhh... I wish I could make that decision...but I am only 16 and my parents arent home" hehehehe :p

This week on first monday they had something about bigamy but I did not see it, I did not even see dark angel (that much) --- I was watching the olympics (for which I will start another thread cause I just feel the need to rant :p)

What annoys me the most is when I recieve ads for products that I already own. I would figure that they would be smarter than that. Be off with you!:D
Phil, you are so right. Pachell called for months trying to sell us dsl after we already signed up!!! and almost as bad is the product you just bought from somebody else. my gf just refinanced the house and now it seems like every other sales call is to sell us a loan or a new mortgage:p one called tonight and i could still hear them trying to talk to her as she told them no and hung the phone up:p

now here is my confessional - i worked as a phone solicitor for about a month once. it was one of the worst jobs i ever had. it was selling basement sealing in Ohio. And it started with such a con, like we were just asking some innocent questions. it was a terrible way to market, especially because there is a real need for the product there. but it could have been sold just as easily with a good advertising appproach.

yea, when you have the time and patience, admiral's way of dealing with them is the meanest. especially since most of them get paid by sales or setting appts. but i use words in the morning that belong in the cuss thread. usually keeps them from calling back over and over.

first monday was good tonight. but bigamy did not get upheld:(
lol if I were him and bigamy was ok by my religion I would marry one and have an "understood bond" with the other one :p That way I would be OK religious wise, and state wise, the state cant tell you "Admiral, you are under arest for cheating on your wife" lol :p

right ?!

I feel so honored to be invited into this conversation. What can I tell you that would be relevant to the conversation. I can't stand M$, much like everyone here. The computer I have is a G4 400. I just started going to Ohio State. I have no idea yet what I will do when I get out but I am taking a bunch of computer and math classes, since that seems to be what I will need in the "real world". Thats about it. I doubt thats anything you would care about, but whatever.

Im sure I will think of something to ask you guys later. But for now I gotta fly.:D
Hey, a fellow Buckeye!!! Go Bucks!!!

so do you live on campus? I graduated in '97 with degrees in psychology and religious studies. need any help with how to survive at osu, just ask. There are so many little tricks that most people don't know. Are you from cowtown or did you live somewhere else before?

Tolya - your answer to the question of bigamy was why the guy lost in the end. His first attempts to to solve his problem was to see if he could divorce one of them and just have the arrangement. That showed he wasn't really religiously convicted.

personally i can't imagine living with 2 women who got along well. they would always gang up and i would never win an argument:p
Yes, go Bucks!

I actually am chillin with my Uncle. He lives pretty close to the Campus. Its not a bad arrangement. No, I am doing pretty well with figuring out what to do. There are actually quite a few people I know from High School that now go to Ohio State. I originally came from up near Cleveland. Some little town you probably have never heard of.

Who's got the problem with his ladies? I wish I got that much attention. :D If I were him I wouldnt be complaining. ;)
I don;t think Ed has a problem with the ladies at least, I seem to remember a night when he was back at the circular table, smoking some kind of cylinder, with a girl at each side.:D

Sure hope Ed's wife doesn't read these threads, she might try and get him on some kind of medication.:p

So how's the beginnings of college been? I'm very intersted to know...
Either I am smarter than what I previously assumed, or everyone has lied about how difficult this is supposed to be.;) I guess that it has been relatively easy. These math classes are about the hardest thing I am taking, but I usually figure out whats going on with about an hour of studying a night.

I like it. The women are easier to get drunk here. ;) Me and my buds hang out a lot. That is, when im not at home on me computer.

I dont know what else to say. Oh yes, dont let these women push you around guys. Yes, I would do almost anything for my girlfriend, but you gotta draw the line somewhere.
"Im gonna have 2 women in my life and you are gonna be one of them. Why is this so hard for you to get?" ;)

No sex for another week. :D ;)
no religious conviction eh ?
then he would be like teh rest of us hehe :-)

I cant imagine living with two or move wives of girlfriends...imagine the headaches! I get headaches just thinking about it :p

It's hard enught trying to get down to what 1 woman is actually trying to communicate...imagine if 2 operating systems (to use the analogy) ran your hardware,no dual boot, at the same time :p
Having a lot of time on my hands I went to Ed's Homepage. Were you a player man? Whats this I see? Ed has 4 chics hanging off him...and they are dancers. Talk about being in trouble.:D
Ed smiles the smile of many fond memories. He takes a moment to reflect on days gone by and knows there is little he would change. the adventure of the chase. the thrill of victory. life in a pre-aids world.

ed snaps out of it.

I suppose you could say i was a player. I had a 4 and a half year open relationship from the time i was 21-25. Then i moved to cols. where the girls on High St. were like dreams come true. Far more women than serious relationships from the time i was 25 -31. Since then i have calmed down. I've been faithful to one woman for almost 10 yrs now. In the pic with the girls, i was about 28 or 29. But better to play a young man's game when you are young than to suddenly think you can in middle age like so many guys.

and that statement back there would more likely get you no sex for 2 months, not a week.

so LTM, what is this town near cleveland? i lived in Ohio for 15 yrs., i might know more than you think. i would probably know exactly where your uncle's house is with a clue as to what it is near besides campus. I know all of cowtown, not just one side or the other. I was last seen living near Bethel and the river rd. or bethel and sawmill.

Tolya, take 2 tylenols and remember we are just imagining. no one is going to force you to live with two operating systems.
I am never good with directions or distance so when I say pretty close to the campus I mean like two towns away. Not actually in Columbus. I guess that I am still not used to being so far away from where I grew up, which is the little city of Kirtland. I say Cleveland to most people because it is the biggest land mark up there.

To change the subject:
I bet you were quite the ladies man. Those pictures show what a hunk you were. *SMACK* What the hell did I just say? *SMACK* I think I will go over my girlfriends now, just to make sure im not losing it. :D ;)
so what, do you commute from Deleware? or maybe Chillocothe? or maybe Marysville? any of those are a long drive home after a party on campus. lancaster would be even worse. only dui i ever got was leaving lancaster after partying there.

I have heard of Kirkland, but never Kirtland. so you win, i didn't know. In relation to cleveland, where is that? Have you ever heard of Kenton? not Canton, Kenton. that is where my gf grew up.

Do they still have the Agora in cleveland? And does Belkin still promote all the major concerts up there?

hey, i did alright back then. i had friends who got more girls, but many more who got less. I had the advantage of being a somewhat important person in the local entertainment scene. I ranked below musicians and above roadies on the babe magnet meter:p
Ed it seems that you have a lot of people thatyou have something in common with :p (other than the member deal :p) --

Is there any place you have NOT lived ? ;)

hmmmm pre-aids word.... being born in a word of aids I dont know how you feel when you say that :p -- how did aids come into being ? who was patient zero? I've been hearing sme conspiracy theories latelly that aids was introduced as population control :p -- crazy huh ? ;)

gee guys, one of the things about growing older is that you have more stories to tell !! simply by virtue of more time to have lived them. i prefer that to the alternatives, don't you?

I have lived just 5 places - (in this order)

cleveland, tenn. (near chattanooga)
Los Angeles
San Diego
Columbus, Ohio
San Francisco

obviously i am giving the name for the larger areas known by those names. I have lived in many different locations in SD and Cols.

as for aids, i remember becoming aware of it in the mid 80's. at first everybody just thought it was a gay thing. by the early nineties we knew better and the sexual revolution was quickly disbanded. It was fun while it lasted.;)