Congrats to Ak!!

Good lord :eek:
4k ?! already ? :eek:
when did that happen :p ???

wow... I am speechless ;)

Let's all got to Herve's during the afterhours and have a toast :)
so Tolya, you must be about ready for a new keyboard, eh? can you still read the letters on the keys?:p

i don't care if you do pronounce it A K, it's time for another

ack ack ack ack ack ack ack ack ack ack:D

now back to business, i was hoping for Maxwell House and maybe Hills Bros., Apple Store would be good, maybe a nice clothing sotre so i can keep the wardrobe up to date - it's important to look good when you post:p :rolleyes:

Maybe a movie studio or 2 as well. they could fly us all to meet at one of their premeirs somewhere. get us limos and arm candy.:cool:

and RacerX, thanks for including me in your nice thing to say:)
Grazie Klink :D

lol can't wait for 5k so that Ed will do the ack ack ack thing again :p -- somehow this reminds me of "Mars Attacks" :p

Suprizingly enough the letters on my keyboard are very vivid :eek: --- I must be a light typer...I wonder what would happen if I used a tablet with HWR to do my post ;)

hard work, a good keyboard, lots of coffee and OS X, and good people to talk to ;) (herve made sense :eek: )
Hey Ltmighty I think you might be lost. Herve's bar is down the block, 2nd door to the left.

Laci I for one will be congratulating you in every post I make for the next 3 months. hee hee
That's exactly what I thought when Ed started singing ak ak ak ak ak ak ak ak ak ak ak. Gotta love a flick that has Tom Jones, Jack Nicholson and green martians in it!
yea, herve made sense. but it is time for another english lesson.

"How did you do it?" would be the correct english in this case herve. but the way you said it was close enough to understand. your english seems to have been improving again lately.:)

btw - you really should drop by your bar & grill more often. your sudden interjections will be most accepted there.

perhaps when Tolya hits the big 5000 we should all watch that movie again and then laugh at the funny parts with each other. it would be interesting, given our diversity, to see which parts were universally funny and which ones have 'quirk appeal':p

my gf came home early from work today and has called off for tomorrow. she is getting sick. now i am going to have to go buy her a valentines day card and present while she is here. the worst part is that she brought me home flowers the other day as an early present plus one of our dinner gueats brought more. so my main idea of flowers is gone. and she is hypoglycemic and can't eat chocolate. this is going to be tough.:confused:
No chocolate :eek:
that must be torture :eek:

I loooove chocolate (will it be my valentines ? :p lol)...mmmmm chocolate.... ** runs out the door to the quickiemart to get some**

**return** where were we? aaahh yes mars attacks ;-)
The this I wont forget from that movie is "Let the american people that they have 2 out of 3 branches of teh government working for them, and that aint bad" :p

Another week is done! 12 more weeks of classes left :D -- I cant wait for summer ;)

Originally posted by Klink
Hey Ltmighty I think you might be lost. Herve's bar is down the block, 2nd door to the left.

Laci I for one will be congratulating you in every post I make for the next 3 months. hee hee
That's exactly what I thought when Ed started singing ak ak ak ak ak ak ak ak ak ak ak. Gotta love a flick that has Tom Jones, Jack Nicholson and green martians in it!

I can have a glass where ever I want, ok?;)
Hi, I am using the Ti book over at Herve's to post here. you can drop by there and see why i am so sore i am not moving.

well, i am feeling a little better than i did then. so without getting back into the politics, has anybody else been enjoying the olympics? i kinda liked the womens combined event tonite that the girl from Croatia won. 1st ever medal for Croatia and it is a gold. not bad. it was also the first time i have seen a snowboard event. i missed the one that the US ripped it up in. I was surprized that i really could tell who was going faster just from watching. i find that hard to do with the skiing.

my guess is that phil is watching the olympics instead of posting. i hope he is at least keeping up with reading some stuff or he is gonna be lost when he gets back:D

mmmmmm&mmmmmm's peanuts !!
There was a lot of controversy about the russians and the canadians in skating. I think something smells rotten here on both sides. ALl this politics is sickening ... down with political motives :p

Hey I started my 4th Newton/PDF book (on spanish this time) -- hopefully by weekend's end I will be done with it :)

I also need to write a few letters to a few friends over in germany (well in france for now) and make a greek music mix for my double CD ;) -- title ? Mystery Mix ;) -- I already have ideas for teh cover art :D


wow, i slept till noon today. makes it feel like the day is almost over right from the start. the morning rituals seem so different when done at this time.:eek:

If i don't get my sleep patterns straightened out i will have to either go do more yard work so i can get to bed early and exhausted or do an all niter.

so Tolya, i am still waiting to see these CD covers. or are you putting naked women on the front of them?:p

in which case email me a copy:D
lol so much impatience ;)

Here is my neglected melodies cover. Not radically different from teh original one I had proposed.

I am currently working on CD#2 of my 2CD compilation which I am calling "Mystery Mix".

CD1 will be "Mystery Internationale" and cd2 "Mystery Greek" (Just greek music). I am tossing ideas in my head at the moment.

Finally my last CD (untill get back on track) will be called the "XXX mix" which will have...well highly suggestive songs lol-- for this cover I dont even KNOW yet what to make. No porn though, that's a bit distasteful. I am expecting you to come up with a few ideas Mr. Co-host lol ;) -- Once I finalize the CD I will send you a tracklisting and you can tell me what u think :p


i do that all the time.

i like it. looks like you took some of my advice about textures. the final result looks good. nice way of making the space and half records work to allow readable room for the titles.

maybe i should send you the link ot my site with my nude and semi-nude drawings i have done. if you liked any of them i would gladly donate them to an Admiral CD cover. even if all you used were a pair of legs or something. actually i just had an idea. perhaps i will work on it and submit it for your approval in the next few days. ( i am learning to not to just say these things, otherwise my idea will be some porn site's logo by monday):D

ok, i'm going to go watch some more olypics right now. the skating should be close to over and i am ready to microwave some popcorn.:cool:
Ltmighty- you got broski. Just don't hit me.

Nice CD cover Admiral. I especially liked the tilte "Neglected Melodies". I thought it was funny yet meaningful. Just a note. If you decide to use any of Ed's nude photos, please remember to disguise his face. He might be sensitive to that.

Ed, must of been that rosemary bush that put you over the edge. Bet you had to dig a few feet down to get at that one. That kind of work is exhausting, I've done it myself, uhh.
I suppose this is all for the new extension right?

Sorry to get out of context but did you see Phil's new avatar? It's freekin hilarious.
klink - you hit nail on the head with the rosemary bush. planting the ones out of the pots was relatively easy. It is for the new addition and relandscaping. I have 2 more rose bushes, a small bush and a very large bush still to transplant. plus 2 bottlebrush plants in pots. And i have a 3 feet deep 8x10 area to dig up to sink the pond in. i am going to be complaining that body hurts quite often over the next 2 months. if you would like to fly out and help, we have a guest room:D

oh, and probably at least 2 butterfly bushes, some calla lily bulbs, and some other assorted plants we haven't bought yet to plant as well. And all this is on a timeline of being able to throw a 'graduation from law school' party for my gf's son in may. i am sure i will hire some local hispanic laborers to help with the really laborious parts but still it is going to be a challenge.

see other congrats thread for my illustrious comments on Phil's new avatar:p