Congrats to Ak!!

now for the back cover or liner. i prefer this for the back and then the full girl for the liner. could even do a front full shot for two looks in liner. going to go watch a little olympics with my gf now.


  • tback.jpg
    13.8 KB · Views: 8
Nummi - are you so bored that you have to quote and reply to yourself? I was really expecting you to ask for the original illustrator files so you could play with them also:D

Phil - you are getting far to obsessed with the left hand column. but i m glad you found the xxx that i made for Tolya to be interesting. Of course it wasn't that hard. I already had the legs just laying around and wasn't really doing anything with them. I am expecting that by monday there will be 10 new porn sites with my xxx logo on their opening page. Which is ok as long as they don't make me pay to see what's inside:D Of course if they won't i will have to ask my lawyer, who is preparing papers to serve you at the present moment, to simply draw up another set for those thieves while he is at it. fortunately i think it would lose too much detail for you to shrink it into an avatar:p

actually it was very nice of you to refer to our avatars as intellectual property - so many people say we are capable of nothing but mindless dribble.

which reminds me, I hope you kept that rag for wiping off your keyboard handy LessTmighty. As we continue to work on Tolya's CD cover, it might come in handy. or I might just say "burlesque" every few posts just to get the pavlovian response from you.

Tolya - I liked the last and first erotica covers the best. The last one is awesome. so how do you like the legs with colors?

Klink - wake up! You don't like my triple X legs? I am ashamed of you. You should be making some clever double meaning remarks and posting learing smilies by them:D Like that. And at least Tolya didn't snore!!
(Ed starts poking klink with a broom handle careful not to be within striking distance of his fists):p :p
interesting work ed ;)
From the one's that you posted I think that the first and the 2 last are actually quite nice ;-)

From the web page that I looked at the cartoon numbered 011 on teh first page is what I though to be interesting as a back cover. That pose is actually a nice one for the back cover. Just if she were turned a little towards the right so the cleavage was more showcased than the bush :p (hmmm is the Admiral and Ed show turning x-rated ? lol :p -- ok young ones get outta here ;-) -- come back later lol). The face I like, I wonder if you could do the face kinda like the "e-rotic" face... with a northern european twist lol ;-)

I am trying to think of what the background of tehse images should be ;-) Any ideas ?

Hey! Watch with that stick! You're way to close to my privates.

I like the x legs. Had to go take a cold shower.

Ltmighty- I had to think hard where I got that from. I think it was from some silliness from a friend of mine back in H School. But I've heard others use this before. I can't believe it would be that regional.
I forgot the "it" before broski. But Ed was right, short for brother with a bit of kook.
Tolya - i thought that was the one you were referring to. I could add a thong no problem. but redrawing at a slightly different angle would be tougher. as for faces, i am not quite sure what you mean, but certainly changing a face some is no big deal.

the thing i like about the first set of legs is the way the black stockings form a definitive X. Makes the point a little more blatantly I think.
Re-drawing would be a more work lol ;-)
Just add some panties over the exposed are lol. Black ones would do fine ;-)

man I am kinda tired...tomorrow is a holiday and I have homework....bou it sucks :p

back tomorrow cause I cant think at the moment ;-)
I'll try to see what i can do tomorrow. putting clothes on a woman is almost as much fun as taking them off:D (almost)

Well, looking at the number of times those files have been downloaded, it looks like we are not getting great rating these days. Lots more guests on the show, but not as many lurkers. I guess that is good. i guess you just can't compete with the olympics. at least we are not showing reruns like every other show:p

uh, you other guys do know this is the Admiral and Ed Show, don't you? and that you are the guests?
I wasn't aware designing was such a serious and sensitive area with you Ed. Admiral and Ed, please except my apologies for being insensitive and disruptive to your conversation.
Thanks Klink. Even though you are a little strange in your ways, I won't be forced to kick your ass too bad.:confused: I dont know, its to early for me to make any sense. Where am I? :(
lol take it easy Ed :p
The name will remain Admiral and Ed, we will just have a few more people to help out with chores around teh studio lol...who knows maybe they can score us a few more guests ;-)

so we have lurkers here ? The photos were viewed 7-8 times. Considering there are 4 of us here, phil comes from time to time and HErve as well... so.. that makes 6 ...hmmm a couple of lurkers ;-)

man I need to do CS today....due wednesday :eek:
I hate C! :p

Tolya - I think you had better drink some more coffee and count how many people have been speaking here lately. Phil, Klink, LTM, Nummi, you and me. and we can figure Herve checks it out as well. I think that would account for all views in house.

Klink - also better drink some more coffee - no smilies in that last post. if there were lurkers they would think you are serious:p ;)

aw hell, everybody just drink some more coffee - it's monday morning:( :D :rolleyes:

phil you can have tea:cool:
hold on before shit gets out of control here.

Ltmighty- I'm trying very hard not to start a brawl with what I consider a new friend. My original post (when you congratulated Addy and I retorted with the bar comment) was just a little rib. That's all. If you took it as an attack or felt insulted, embarrassed or belittled, I apologize. But understand you came back at me with quite a brash and threatening tone regardless of your smiley. Quite different from your introduction thread. I wanted to defuse the situation with a joke (the don't hit me comment) hopefully letting you know that you sounded angry. No doubt you and nummi (how did he get into this?) were demanding an explanation simply for the matter of starting an argument or to call me out. That was plain and clear. I thought the best thing to do was to let some time go by and let you cool off.
I'm being very forgiving about this because I know what happens to people coming out of the cuss thread then entering a normal social atmosphere. One carries it over (with the exception of Admiral that I have noticed). He has mastered turning it off. It's happened to me on several occasions and the reason why I don't visit that thread. I find it too hard to turn off. So I naturally assumed that this has happened to you and am trying to be understanding about it.

Ed, I WAS serious. That last comment you made about guests seemed very obvious to me. And for a person that uses emoticons often and not using one there, would imply you were dead serious and annoyed at Phil and I's interjections. I think Admiral saw this as well and commented to calm down. Well I thought I just trampled haloed ground and immediately gave an apology.

Both of you guys, If I'm off base or am being overly sensitive please speak up. Lets clear the air and be done with this.

I despise using emoticons but if it will help to bring across my point because I'm doing a poor job of communicating with just words, I will do so.
ok, i miss a smilie here and there - comes from the days we were limited to 3 and i had to really choose where to use them.

my comment was more to say that it appears we are all a participating group - no voyeurs like in the past. klink you said you read this thread at one point so i figured you knew that at one point views of this thread were about 3 or 4 to 1 of posts. folks were watching and not joining in. Tolya and i asked everybody to join us but nobody did so we nicknamed this thread the Admiral and Ed Show. and occasionally someone would post once or twice and then be gone - so they were guests.

It is much better that you guys are all a part of it and I would like it to stay this way. I don't think it is possible to interrupt a conversation on here. I think it is cool when 4 or 5 separate conversations are going at once. please continue one and all. and when i don't respond back to everybody at times - assume i haven't finished my first cup of coffee or else i really should be in bed already.

and klink, i really thought you were kidding because the part about not knowing how serious design is to me seemed to be related to the little 'brawl' we were in with awhite.

rest assured you are among friends here and your presence is welcome. :) I look forward to waking up each day and seeing everyone's contributions. I guess the guests have become 'regulars' and this is what we have been encouraging all along.

and just so everyone knows - this is the first message board i have ever participated in. all the others i have ever seen are too full of obnoxious jerks and name calling idiots. You guys are why i have been so involved here. I never saw myself doing this until here. So i am sure i will still make some communication mistakes and break a taboo every now and then. But believe me, if i am ever pissed off at anybody, they will know it without having to read between any lines:D

Hopefully i have cleared the air around me, so lets go smoke another cigarette klink. btw - if my order doesn't get here by friday i may be bumming off you next weekend:) :cool:
This is cool. Are we going to have courtroom drama guilds visit every weekend?:D

Nice to see this all worked out, anywhere else this would have blown up for about 3 pages, and then racer x would have come in and shot you all down.

Toli, is the oven still on? A white pizza sounds nice.:p
I think Phil is also confused about where he is, sounds like he is ordering from Herve's. or do you have an oven in your room Tolya? I could see a George Foreman grill, but an oven big enough for pizza sounds too big to fit in with you and all your other toys:p

it's ok Phil, i often have to scroll back up to the top to remember just which one of our conversations i am participating in:D

you know that reminds me, did the IMF ever recover Herve's computer?:p :rolleyes:
Now that you've explained it that way I can reread the post and see how it could have been confused on my part. It took a few read throughs to convince myself though, because the fact Addy saw this as well reinforced my belief that it wasn't just me. To be frank, at first I thought you might be trying to fast talk your way out of this. LOL ;)
But you know I would like to put this behind us. Consider the air clear between us and lets go muck it up and have that but.

Maybe I have been a little sensitive over the last day or so. Shit, Friday the axe came down on the first casualty of layoffs at work, strobe rips me a new asshole for trying to help him out, I spend a 6 hour lunch with my relatives yesterday that left me with a migraine, and today I find I'm coming down with something. Yeah that's it. It makes all the sense once you write it through.

Oh Phil you are such a little devil.;)

My sentiments exactly about the board. I've left and come back for this very reason. I truly hope we can keep it like this.:)
** searches laboreously through his high school science stuff **

AHA!!!! found it!

** with one swift move he injects Klink, Ed and Phil with a mysterious clear substance **

There that should help you guys mellow out.

** He pours four glasses of bourbon **

Cheers mates! This should help you chill our even more ;-)

Now about that Pizza Bianca, Herve's does deliver....right ???? :confused:

For the emoticon crisis, I remember when we could only have three and I chose when to use mine, kinda like a wild card :p, but ever since the Admin started to make changes, the restriction was lifted :D -- I like it ;)

As for what goes on in the cus thread, it stays there :p lol --- whoever needs lessons in doing so contact me ;-) --- $1000 per hour for lesson in Vulcan philosophy hehehehe :-)
