Nummi - are you so bored that you have to quote and reply to yourself? I was really expecting you to ask for the original illustrator files so you could play with them also
Phil - you are getting far to obsessed with the left hand column. but i m glad you found the xxx that i made for Tolya to be interesting. Of course it wasn't that hard. I already had the legs just laying around and wasn't really doing anything with them. I am expecting that by monday there will be 10 new porn sites with my xxx logo on their opening page. Which is ok as long as they don't make me pay to see what's inside

Of course if they won't i will have to ask my lawyer, who is preparing papers to serve you at the present moment, to simply draw up another set for those thieves while he is at it. fortunately i think it would lose too much detail for you to shrink it into an avatar
actually it was very nice of you to refer to our avatars as intellectual property - so many people say we are capable of nothing but mindless dribble.
which reminds me, I hope you kept that rag for wiping off your keyboard handy LessTmighty. As we continue to work on Tolya's CD cover, it might come in handy. or I might just say "burlesque" every few posts just to get the pavlovian response from you.
Tolya - I liked the last and first erotica covers the best. The last one is awesome. so how do you like the legs with colors?
Klink - wake up! You don't like my triple X legs? I am ashamed of you. You should be making some clever double meaning remarks and posting learing smilies by them

Like that. And at least Tolya didn't snore!!
(Ed starts poking klink with a broom handle careful not to be within striking distance of his fists)