Congrats to Ak!!

lol yes the next homework is due at 4AM as well :p
Its due monday so I have this weekend to do it. I think that I will start off tomorrow and just have a coding marathon till 4AM monday morning :p

I wanted to make a new mix for a (girl)friend of mine this weekend but I dont think I can. I will see what I can do. IT seems that this homework stuff is taking over my life :p dangnabbit... this year is coming to a close reeeaaally fast so I hope next will too :D

As for farting...hmmmmm....I dont like the sound of it because it entails unpleasant odors :p --- so no farting ever ;-) (unless it's a silent, odorless one hehehehe :D)

Ed...come on out man!

the garlic thing is only an issue with my gf when i eat hummus. She says i stink for days afterwards. so i try to make sure i eat it when she will be working 2 days in a row to minimize the time she has to endure it. I love hummus far too much to give it up!!:D

(see other congrats thread for explanation of where i've been)

I also think there is something genetic about women and farts. Or some special training they go through. I swear they don't do it till they get in a bathroom and then it sounds like an explosion. and this is with almost every gf i have ever had:p :p

Tolya - i will see about adding those panties this weekend.;)
Hi all (thought I'd come over here too.),
I will say for me the killer food is Caesar Salads. I love them, but my wife won't get anywhere near me when I've eaten one.

maybe all women are vampires at heart.:D
well they do suck....the life out of us :p
It's a give fact that men die younger than women...ever wonder why ? :p :p :p

Well dlook, welcome to the Admiral and Ed show ;-) When you have a spare hour or two read through this thread :p I am sure you will find it suprizing lol ;-)

As for hummus, I have never tried it. Have seen it but never tried it.
women as vampires. I've been saying that for years;)

tolya, first time you try hummos, go to a nice little hole in the wall restraunt that serves it with warmed pita bread. mmmm. good stuff. we don't have any places like that near us so i just buy the premade at the grocery and eat it with either pita bread or bagels. both are good with it. I will finish off a whole little tub in one sitting.
I make small pita bread toasts at home :p
use pita instead of crackers, put it in the over and you get a nice outcome ;-) (till the cheese melts & the bread becomes crispy).

As for women being vampires....maybe that is why my X tried to bite my neck so many times leaving marks...her teeth didnt quite make it through the flesh :p :p :p
I fart in your genereal direction.

I had an intersting thought toli, what if your ex ever came to this site. It would take her about 2 months to read all of the stuff you've written about her. I believe that she would than stalk you with a machete. As long as I don't end up mopping blood off of the bar floor, I'm OK with it.

Speaking of floors, what do we have at the bar. Imagining us, we problably have something goofy, like commercial carpet. Then again, a contemprorary glowing white floor would be cool.
I wave my private parts at your aunties.....
(who has the next line?)

While we're on the subject of cool.

Have you met my new pet weasel. His name is Ollie and he likes to lick peoples toes. I can't bring him to the beach much, he burns easily.
so that's how you double post. i always wondered about that. this post was the same as the next post but now i have edited it to say this instead. Ed is natural at ed it ing.

in real life i was Ed the Editor for 7 years.
Bring me a shrubbery!!!

Hey, I think somebody is doing another search for 'AdmiralAk'. the site is really slooow right now and i keep get addressing errors from the server. We've really got to keep people from doing that:D

Hmm,, people are going to start thinking that dlookus is my alter identity. I leave, he shows up. I come back, he leaves. strange.... dllokus, please show yourself so that i will know you are not me:p :rolleyes:

I cannot imagine Tolya's gf ever visiting here. And if she did, there are enough tips on how to get him back on here that she could be very sly and have him wrapped around her little finger in less than a month. I can hear her now "Alex, I just bought one of those cute new imacs. You were so right. Apple's are better. Could you just come over and show me how to plug it in?" Like that, we would never hear from him again. ;)

and Phil, i tend to go with no floor. reminds me of a hallucination i had back in the mid 70's at a concert. It was like floating in space. so for me Herve's has no floor. it is just suspended in mid air. now if you want funky carpet or something, you will have build a floor to install it on.:cool:

"how can you tell he's the king?"
"he hasn't got shit all over his face."
I only show up while you're (I'm) sleeping. Maybe you (I) are one of theose people who doesn't need to sleep. Hmmmmm. Perplexing. I realized I got up this morning 1 hour after your last post. Maybe I'm sleep typing.

Is anyone else scared of hummus? For me it's that it's so close to humus which we all know is the compnent of soil made up of decaying animals or vegetation. Yuck!:D
Hehehe :-)
Well Phil :p -- the last time I saw her she was still going strong with the PeeCee dark force in her and she though that all macs were cripled machines running OS7 :p lol

I doubt she will ever be a macuser in her life, even if she comes and reads everything...what can she do ? :p absolutelly..nothing ;-)


well you could use the alternate spelling chummus if you think that would make it taste any better.:p

The first time i ever had it was at one of my old boss' house for dinner. He was Lebonese and it was excellent. It wasn't exactly a situation i could say no thanks and i have never regretted trying it. My GF even likes it, just not as often as I do.

this dual identity thing would explain why i wake up so many mornings not feeling fully rested.:p

Hmm, maybe what we should do is invent a person and all of us share the login and make this person appear to be awake 24/7. I wonder how long it would be before anybody noticed? We would need to get a european or two to help as well. I bet Ulrik and symphonix would both pitch in.:D

"runaway, runaway, runaway"
That would certainly increase your post count hehe ;-)...

as for other personalities.... who know...perhaps you are even sleep walking/posting :p

what'd'ya think ? :p

It's the fur that scares me, not the fangs.

I like hummus as well but I might loose my appetite if you start spelling it chum-mus. Who likes fish bait? :D

"Bring out your dead. (clank!) Bring out your dead (clank!)"
well, how about if we just call it chickpea paste?

well, i put my wheelbarrow together today and fixed the fence. i did a few other small things in the yard and all in all it was a good day. If i feel brave, i may start digging the hole for the pond tomorrow. and i may just do more little stuff. only tomorrow will tell.:)

i suppose it depends on how i feel after the hockey game:D
what fur are you refering to klink ? :p
you lost me lol ;-)

Well last nite I had no motivation to code, so I created part II of my Mystery Mix (the mix for my friend Anna). CD 1 is "Mystery Internationale" and CD 2 (the one I made last nite) is "Greek Mystery".

This is compilation #11 (lol good occasion to start the double digit compilations). Now I need to burn em and create some cover pages :-)

I wonder, do they sell 2-CD jewelcases anywhere? Everywhere I have been to (best buy kind of stores) I cant find em :( -- Perhaps I will canibalize some ones that I already have :p

In a few weeks I will create my xxx mix :-)

Today....C coding...shucks :p

how about you guys ?

chickpea paste is nice.
Ed sounds like that yard is rockin. Would you have time for a pict to show us?

Sorry Addy, I might have mixed up my Monty Python scenes. Mayby not. Ed's 'run away' was the scene in the Holy Grail where the knights ran away from a large furry rabbit with big fangs. What a hilarious movie.

Phil I had the impression you were a Monty nut. Are you not? :(

I've never scene double jewel cases sold in stores myself, but you can stick up to 4 or 5 CD's in a single if you had to. :D

I'm not sure what to do with myself today. First time I had both Sat and Sun off in like 6 years. It feels very strange and my comfy schedule is all disrupted. Maybe I'll get my ass off this chair and get outside a bit to dirty my hands with the Fiat. :)

Hey you guys might find this interesting. The studio had the former Prime Minister of Israel, Moshe Sharett in for a voice over Friday. Body guards and all. What secrecy. Felt like I was in Bond flick or something. :cool:
Agent 007489, eerr sorry I mean Klink :p
I have never heard of this guy...WHEN was he prime minister ? hehe..
must have been when I was young and did not follow politics.

I am just about done with my coding, just need to compile and test. Still have about 15 hours before it's due :p --- you know I am starting to loathe coding in C...before I just hated it... now I loathe it...all these dead lines...mixed in with pointers and wrapped up in structs....good thing my music is keeping me sane ;-)

I know that I can cram a couple of CDs in a regular CD case but I want to make it special :p lol... make a good impression ;-) (ah the things we do for women :p)

The irony strikes again.

The subject matter of one of these threads finally turns torwards my field of expertise, and I'm out for the weekend. Went skiing.

"And next to the shrubbery, you shall place, another shrubbery! But a little bit to the left so that it makes a little path. A path! A path!"