Congrats to Ak!!

klink - are you saying it would be more appropriate for Herve's B&G?:p

well, i hope things level out at a tolerable level for you soon.

my big event for today was clearing ivy from the front sidewalk and getting all my good firewood stacked in one place finally. Days when the alarm goes off at 9 am and i sleep til 11:30 while hitting the snooze every 9 minutes are not usually full of positive things. on the other hand i shudder to think what it would have been like if i had gotten up at 9:p

oh, and i remembered to take the garbage and recyclables out for this week.

:D ever notice that this smilie is called 'talking', when what it really is, is a shit eating grin?
I'm actually quite busy, I stayed up to 1 AM EST working on a project, cool stuff. Basically proved that the column view is both mathematically and in practice, a more effiecient way of viewing files. Even using it for first time, users it beat the icon view 4/7 times. Buy they end of the experiment, everyone was getting their best times in the column view, especially windows users who only used the start menu and the my documents folder. Kudos to Apple.:D
hey hey :D
Life has been restored in the Admiral and Ed show :)

so how is everyone?
me? My father wants me to print out some greek stuff he typed and guess what, windows to windows compatibility sucks lol.

someone wants me to do some installations on an XP box, under admin mode everything is "honkey dorey" but under the regular user mode the licence f*cks up :p -- more play today -- windows suck

I finished my Mystery Mix CD covers. I will post em today (well all of em are bryce images that I found online, touched up and put on my covers :p)

Not so nice Addy. I'm 5'4" and when I start ranting at work, I manage to intimidate the 6+ footers. hehehe ;) Man, I must have had 2 or 3 in the last couple of weeks. Just give me some more time and I'll spill the beans fellas.

I kind of took this :D to mean a fakish grin with a bit of sarcasm thrown in.

Or this :p to reflect what Laurel does from the Laurel and Hardy comedy team.

How bout this :cool: ? Thought this meant goofingly nerdy. Not cool.

This :eek: , to mean the Homer Doh!
Well I'm bored to tears.:( There aren't any damn jobs out there for me. I feel so useless. I have a new dog to take up some of my time, but most of the time I don't know what to do with myself.

On the smily front. I think admin should implement Rickys XP emoticon. i was thinking it could look like this

I made the tongue green so he looks ill. It could be our own private XP joke.:D
of course these are not my images :p
the first one I actually touched up to add more water since the image was too small for my usage. The second one is almost the same here as I found it on the net. I wish I knew bryce (and had it) so that I wouldnt have to scour the net for images :p

I also have an inner photo, but it has a dedication so I am not posting it ;-)
hey those are nice. good choices.:)

you don't have to be the artist. being the producer is just as important at times. getting the 'feel' you want is far more important than who did the art. if you check out my website that i linked in the religion thread, even though i am displaying my art, all the rest of the graphics were gathered from the web. I used so many sources i gave the artists their own link page!!

speaking of which, don't feel like you have to use my art if you don't want to. I have had fun doing it. But i would also be honored if you decide to. I hope to find the time and motivation to work on it this weekend some. of course i have a little extra daily yard work to do one of the two days as well. if you do want my stuff, just be sure to let me know a few days before when you will actually need it.

Klink - most of your interpretations are certainly different than mine. no wonder we seem to get confused sometimes. (there should be a happy confused face to insert here)

dlookus - i agree we need more emoticons. there are really times the one you showed would come in handy. too bad you live so far away or else you could come help me do the back yard. it would be a lot of things, but not boring:D

Phil - some of us would still rather move slow and pretty. eyestrain counts and you can make icons HUGE in OSX.
Finding the art at times is hard ;) -- I spent several days trying to find these images. I also tried to find a good oasis image (you know, mystery of teh desert is finding an oasis kinda thing which parallels with find the oasis(es?) in the vastness of life...I know I know I am going to deep into this :p)

The inner picture is a semi oasis kinda image, with a sunset and a dedication :-). I used my newton to do my DJ Admiral signature, and I imported it to my mac as a graphic and put it in the inner photo :p

As for your graphics, they are cool :D (not too hard core lol so quite usable, they remind me of the e-rotic artwork to some degree and that is what I was looking for) take your time. I will probably make that XXX mix in 2-3 weeks during spring break. I could send you a copy too lol :p

As for more emoticons, there is a site that has A TON of emoticons, I forget the address. Once I find it I will post it :-)

Hey where are klink and phil ? :p
Did they leave the Ed and Admiral show for a more lucrative show ??? lol

Admiral, my contract hasn't expired yet. You have me here for the next season at least. Like it or not. :p
Nice images for the Mystery Mix CD. Fits nicely with your theme.

Ed I'm not surprised. Keep in mind I'm horrible at expressing emotions into words. This emo :D is particularly difficult for me to explain.

Phil if you're the lurker, I'm the stalker. :D

dlookus what kind of dog did you get and what's his/her name?

Analyzing Herve's analysis:
I can see 3 possibilities in what his post meant.
a) he's been left speechless due to the conversations depth
b) the conversation merits no comment
c) he has a great sense of obscure humor

Anyone else care to add?
Herve's "...." implies that something to follow will be the analysis. So, in essence, our own posts are the analysis.

4. Our posts on their own are enough of a self analisys.
5. Herve wants us to look at our own posts for the answers.

Damn Herve, I just looked at my stuff, you're good at this stuff! Stuff! Stuff! Stuff!

That entire tidal wave of "stuff" was precipitated me writing "stuff" at the ends of two clauses. Now that I think about it, "stuff" is a funny word, along with all other words with two consecutive F's in them.
6. Herve is replying to Tolya's repeated mentioning of "Analyze This" whenever the topic of my being a psychology grad student comes up.


and Tolya, analysis is supposed to take forever. It is not a short term therapeutic method.:p

if i weren't so tired i would give my dictionary of emoticons so at least you could know what i thought i said.;)

just more stuff i guess.

i am tired. yard work about did me in today.:o (ok, this one means tired, sleepy, just waking up, or bored. like much of english, context is important)

oh, and i think Herve should write us a song called "I am the Lurker" and dedicate it to Phil.:cool:
Yellow matter custard; dripping from a dead dog's eye.
Crabalocker fishwife, pornographic priestess,
boy, you been a naughty girl you let your knickers down.
I am the eggman, they are the eggmen.
I am the lurker; goo goo g'joob.

Sitting in an English garden waiting for the sun.
If the sun don't come, you get a tan
From standing in the English rain.
I am the eggman, they are the eggmen.
I am the lurker; goo goo g'joob g'goo goo g'joob.

-Phil Wood

I wrote that completely by myself.
This is Gudzyk (goodzick). Idn't she cute?:D
She's 3/4 Jack Russel (not to be confused with Curt, although they look similar) and 1/4 ?(maybe boxer,akita who knows?)

I hope the wind is blowing north the day you drop your funk bomb.

and Tolya, analysis is supposed to take forever. It is not a short term therapeutic method.
Sure it is. This, children, is called job security. Can you say Job security. I knew you could. ;)
lol Ed by diving in to the deep recesses of my mind you are running teh risk of becoming clinically insane :p ... can you handle that ? ;)

dlook... BEATIFUL dog :D