Congrats to Ak!!

Yep, the invisible man. Does that bother you?
Don't think it really matters much. Anyone reading my posts will know what my online habits are.
oh no, the ghost routine doesn't bother me. it sure keeps me entertained some nights though. :p

I have to take a minute here and just make a point about people's posting habits. I used to always be alone down here in this forum. occasionally alexandert or one other person logged in here. now i often come down here and there will be 8-10 others all viewing and posting. the traffic and activity has grown exponentially!! and i think the board is better overall place because of it.

tolya - glad your compilation was a hit.

I think Herve and Phil must both be busy. They have been posting less in general these days. I am sure Phil will be back. oh, and herve did have that little burst in the B & G recently. You must admit, that outside of Klink's shitty shituation, we have been a bit less focused recently. the upside is that we aren't going crazy and the world isn't about to end.:D
lol :p
There is a proportional focusness responce that depends on how close spring break is, my exams, and Anna's responce to my CD (a constant to teh equation :p)

These boards have been quite active, but I dont post as much:p almost no time ;) -- I am waiting to hear from Andrea to see if she will welcome me to berlin :p lol ;)

Anna, Andrea

you seem to attract women whose names start with A. :p

i used to attract women whose names start with D. I never could explain it. Diane, D'Ann, Drema, Dianna. and i have had so many friends named Dave. i mean close friends.


syncronicity in action i guess.

which reminds me, on my way to vote i noticed we have an Admiral Street in our little town. Maybe i should sneak out one night and spray paint AK on it.:D
Ha ha ha ha ha :p
Ed you crack me up ;-)
Given my presence on and a couple of other boards I think they would figure me out instantly lol.---unless it were done in several places at once :p

The A thing is kinda weird since I know an Alexandra and a few other Annas as well...At one point I confused Bdays because I knew 3-4 annas :p

Who knows ;) -- maybe its a weird spacial convergaance thing :p

so what are we all doing this weekend ?

well today i managed to stop shaking from site withdrawals and get outside and work in the yard. i guess i will be continuing to get the yard done and trying to get enough done before 'green trashday' on tuesday so they can haul away all my messes.:D

3 annas. that must be some sort of record!! i will make sure i don't introduce you to my sister - her middle name is Ann. (my idea - and tha was before i knew what the acronym NA meant:p )

getting bdays confused. how did you get out of that one alive? or are they still looking for you? is this why you became the international spy and work undercover?:D

ok, well everybody else post something now. it is getting about time for the ghost to show up;)
well... :p
It wasnt that bad actually. I knew 2 of their bdays, but not the third one's :p ... I messed up with two of them, thought that the one that had a bday in may was anna-maria (but it was in actuality just anna), anna-maria had a bday in january, which she told me about, so now its all cleared up :p

They did not hunt me down lol... Admiral = slippery as a snake :p

so your sister is named Ann eh ? ;) what does the N stand for ? :confused:

Hey, everybody has disappeared of us again. What did I say this time?:p

my sister's name is Nancy. Of course I call her Nan.

So I hope your work is done already because it would be about four hours overdue. I spent some time on our chat channel while I was waiting for the site to return. There were lots of people on there and you were mentioned as missing. Even Klink was on there. before he showed up I had a good talk with kilowatt. Mostly about music and Ohio. which reminds me that I still haven't made a list of jazz artists for Phil. and I need to work on your pictures.

As you might have noticed I hooked my ViaVoice back up tonight. It was working pretty good earlier while chatting. But now it seems to have a hard time understanding me. Still it is easier than typing every word.

Well I guess that is about all I have to say. Everything else is in the other thread. :D
Sorry, I've been a little busy in doing some morning overtime at my usual flat rate (dirty bastards at work). My Fiat has been in the shop and had to do the taxi thing all week. What a drag. These have to be the most miserable people on earth. What a source of drama and frustration, for cab rides no less. Uhh, last thing I needed. But I can say I yanked out a few more feathers from this albatross and things are moving along at work. I heard there's going to be some fireworks come Monday. Another round of firings of the night managers. Things just keep looking better. :rolleyes:

On the upside, I'm considering buying an iMac for pops as his first computer. He brought home this dilapidated winbox from his job as they were giving them away due to upgrades. He asked me to take a look at it and I had to break the news that it was meant for the trash. My younger brother is pushing a cheap windows box for him to buy but I think I should nip this in the bud. You have to start family out on the right foot. ;)
And you would be still awake this late with that acrid smell. That would make sense.

No sparks or fire Herve? It's not a good die if it doesn't catch fire.
My work isnt done yet. Lots of compilation errors.
I gave up last nite and went to bed at 01:00. I will continue today (I have about 11 hours left to do it). If it still doesnt compile I will create a big memo explaining my ideas and implementation and all that. Even if it doesnt compile they should give me at least a smidgeon over a passing grade (of they dont I will bich like hell :p)

I came online last nite for a break from my work and saw the notice. I did not come to the IRC channel cause I've boycotted it :p --- I had a sour experience once :p

Was herve on the IRC channel ? ;)

ok, well then the this time the deadline really has passed and so all the stuff i said before now works.:D

Herve - i could have sworn you didn't smoke. but i have heard you complain about not getting any before:p

so i met my nextyard neighbor today after living here for 4 and a half years. He has lived here for 12. He does therapy as well but not as a psychologist. I think i may finally have met a friend in my neighborhood. He has a sort of british accent but i never got around to asking him where he is from. i guess working in the yard has side benefits as well.:)
Ed what out :eek:
Herve gets a little pfeisty when people say that he smokes ;) -- you never know what his reaction is going to be ;)

one week till spring break and I am so excited :D -- the advent of NO CLASSES whatsoever is nice ;) ... some quiet time, relax, work on web page, and of course, make the new xxx music mix that I have been putting off :)

so i take you aren't going anywhere and you don't have to work. sounds good. i just hope you do not wear yourself out doing all the stuff you do when nobody makes you do anything:p

so where is Phil Dirt, er i mean Wood? In cols. ohio there is an oldies band called Phil Dirt and the Doziers. they were pretty popular and played at lots of big public events and things like that. I think they were actually older than dirt.:D

and klink must be busy. Klink i have to say i liked what you said to matt. you might have been a bit harsh but still things that needed to be said. so now you have been a bad influence on me and i have said my say in the right to life thread. i might have been a bit harsh too;) :D

but i think i was disturbing myself thinking them and not expressing them. :cool:
Edward. I'm here. Just say my name, and I'll be here.:p

Eh. I've been keeping my posts to a minimum lately, working on my competeition plane. It rocks. It's got a wingspan of 50 cm. And It'll only end up weighing about 10g!

Long and tedious though. Like brain surgery on wood.:D So looks like we've been getting a few new users with some interesting stuff, as sell as SimX! He's really rippin the forums up, with a bunch of fun stories.

Anyone know about Apple's technician tests, and where some good things to study are? I've pretty much set my goal on doing this by the end of the summer.:)
phil you should post photos of your plane ;)
And tell us teh results of the competition, when does that happen ?

Ed... I need to work :mad: my boss sent me an email telling me that its not off for full time staff since we have speciual events taking place :mad:

I also found out that I have a midterm AND homework to pass in when I return from break, my damn ahole of a professor said so :mad:

argh :p ...

what can you do ?
wait till summer....and wait and be patient ;)

Phil Wood doing brain surgery on wood. i am sure there must be some sort of good joke there, but it is evading me right now. Klink, any help here?
I agree, show us some photos or at least a design.

sorry to hear about your unexpected work plans Tolya. that sucks. of course i am sure the money won't hurt you but the time not relaxing has got to seem like imprisonment at this point. Even worse, having to have work done when you get back . worse still, it's in the class you don't really like. If at any point you come in screaming or babbling incoherently we will understand and try our best to bring you back to reality. or at least to a reasonable fantasy:D We will talk soothingly and play nature music in the background. We will get you herbal tea instead of coffee for a day and send flowers to your website.

so does anybody have plans for St. Patty's ? It takes all the fun out of it for me since i don't drink beeer anymore. and since it is on a weekend, no one will even know if i wear green or not.:p