Congrats to Ak!!

You will all have some pictures within 2 days, and perhaps some of it actually flying.

I hope it will win, but the top contenders fly for 2:45, with only a rubber band.:eek:

Thats why this is so painstaking, everything counts. I worked on my propeller for 45 minutes last night, and only got one half done.:D

Oh I never mentioned this: Once my friend wanted to piss off our science teacher, so he came into class, and played "the sound of a black hole.":p
lol too bad you aint a psychiatrist :p
that way you could have given me some psychotropic drugs to mellow me out :p lol ;) -- just kidding...I am a clean admiral :)

I dont think it will be that bad, rumor has it that the homework will just be time testing, I will look at it tomorrow, so it might not be THAT bad. I am going to spend time developing the english version of my web site over the break, and slowly by July I will have it localized in another 5 languages :D

As for working, it wont be that bad :) -- its usually slow during spring break so I can bring stuff to do at work -- like HTMLing on my mac at work, I can leave early and whatnot :P --- more $$$ to spend on my trip this summer ;)

Ed you need to gimee your address before I leave for vacation :P I can send you all post cards :p lol or souvenirs hehe.

Neat Phill I'd love to see those picts .
Oh btw, I had taken the Apple tech cert test some 7 or 8 years ago. Thought I was all that back then and failed miserably. :D They made me take it on a winbox and I had never played with one before, let alone setup/use Acrobat to view the Apple "tech manuals" which I've never seen before up till 1/2 hour before the test. It was open book! I remember lots of questions involving how to use Apple's parts cross reference system and some very basic trouble shooting skills. But I'm sure the style changes, specially now with OS X. If you're serious about taking the Apple certs tests (not downing Admin's tests), I definitely would suggest buying there course books if you can get a hold of them. Forget about the expenses courses themselves. I think the Apple training centers might be the places to look. You might want to ask Racer. I remember him saying he had these books.

I haven't had a drinking session in 2 years Ed. I'm afraid I'll be a bit of a pansy if I suddenly become Irish this weekend.

Ed can you imagine this board without an Addy post for 3 weeks? He just drops off the face of the earth when he goes to Greece on vacation.
Klink I don't have osx, I can write osxsoftware without having the hard and software. Informatics is not always a dactylolesson, so post counts is not important. One important reason why a song as "Let's the dj" failed is that you can hear the fan(everyone is a fan).
lol klink just ask scott :p
It happened last year ;)

I actually visited the board once last year, but there were about...2000 new posts in 2 weeks (maybe more :p) and I did not read them all, so I decided this year ONLY email (wirelessly from my iPaq and cell phone). No forums :p
when I come back I can take my time to read and reply to all ;)

what will u guys do without me for 4 weeks? lol

Create a new super-member, which is actually a collective manifestation of me, ed, klink, ksv, scott and tismey, and retake the post # crown. Simple as that.

Boy, we sure are going to miss you.
lol maybe Ed can outpost me in 3 weeks but u guys ? :p lol ;)

nah... I will keep my crown victoriously I tell ya ;)

hehe If I remember correctly, last year you prepped us a full month in advance of your leave. Now, jeez it isn't even spring yet. ;)

What ants in your pants! :D
Yeah! His post counts will drop!
I have put a towel under my notebook. Who is learning me such things? Everyone knows now why a x has rubber underpants.
Originally posted by Klink
hehe If I remember correctly, last year you prepped us a full month in advance of your leave. Now, jeez it isn't even spring yet. ;)

What ants in your pants! :D

lol... Ive got a devil in my pants....but shhhtttt...thats's a secret :p lol.
I am just excited to be having a REAL vacation ;)

hey herve...I dont have rubber underwear :p

got me, i ducked. i could tell it was going to hit me right in the face and might hurt.:p :rolleyes:

i have already started to prepare myself for when my good friend Tolya takes off for awhile. I am counting on you all to make up for his absense. i like Phil's idea of creating the superuser. i think i said something similar awhile back about making a shared user that we make posts for 24/7 till somebody figures it out:D

of course this person might seem a little confused as he argues with himself and posts contratictory info all over the place.:p

so Herve, is your computer leaking? why the towel?:confused:

and i know it has nothing to do with rubber underwear.:cool:
nah, ebay doesnt sell quality life ;)
I prefer to make my own ;) (homemade is always the best :p)

Taking Ulriks request I poped a CD of classic musik, but mine has a techno twist :)

later on tonite I will install wolf :)

Ed, klink, phil, wanna join in a game (if I can get online ? :p)

well, i'm game for a game but tonight is not a good night. i'm about to head out the door to go out for mexican for dinner and then food shopping and then we will probably watch a movie. maybe another nite. ( i also would need to pick up a demo):cool:
I downloaded the demo today at

I will install tonite.

How about tomorrow nite ?
klink, u can be an Axis soldier and Ed Phil and I can hunt u down :p hehehe ;)

I am not much of a games (any more) but I find time from time to time to enjoy things I used to enjoy (man I spent A LOT of time with my best friend when I was your playing games on his amiga 500 :D )

Just say when you guys are available tomorrow. I will also make a general announcement in the off topic forum about it.
