Congrats to Ak!!

Originally posted by Klink
hold on before shit gets out of control here.

Ltmighty- I'm trying very hard not to start a brawl with what I consider a new friend. My original post (when you congratulated Addy and I retorted with the bar comment) was just a little rib. That's all. If you took it as an attack or felt insulted, embarrassed or belittled, I apologize. But understand you came back at me with quite a brash and threatening tone regardless of your smiley. Quite different from your introduction thread. I wanted to defuse the situation with a joke (the don't hit me comment) hopefully letting you know that you sounded angry. No doubt you and nummi (how did he get into this?) were demanding an explanation simply for the matter of starting an argument or to call me out. That was plain and clear. I thought the best thing to do was to let some time go by and let you cool off.
I'm being very forgiving about this because I know what happens to people coming out of the cuss thread then entering a normal social atmosphere. One carries it over (with the exception of Admiral that I have noticed). He has mastered turning it off. It's happened to me on several occasions and the reason why I don't visit that thread. I find it too hard to turn off. So I naturally assumed that this has happened to you and am trying to be understanding about it.


You starting something. I come from Ohio! If you be stepping up you better watch yourself. I'll have to run you down with my tractor, or maybe even go tip some cows to cool me down.:p

While i'm tying up loose ends... If anyone ever asked me a question I never answered... YES! Whatever it is... YES!:D
If I still understand my oHIoian, i believe that means he was joking too and there are no hard feelings, never have been. He is glad to have friends who are not cows. For some reason he is having this strange vision in which Ed is walking around in an oHIo biker bar muttering "I want to hit somebody". It is strange, Ed is a young man and thankfully all the bikers are just laughing at him and realize it has nothing to do with them.:D ;)
Damn, I wish the bar could be everywhere. I just looked through about 3 threads looking for the one in which I ordered a pizza.

No wonder I'm still hungry...:rolleyes:

All of these conversations do blend together though. I'm sure all of the other users are afraid to even talk to us.:D

Herve got his computer back, but he's still quite angry that they replaves his handcrafter speed-demon floppy drive for one of inferior quality. Guess the IMF wanted to see how it worked.:cool:
Phil, you have just been too damn busy lately!! I think your sense of humor is what we have been missing. LOL at your last post.

so how about you be the delivery guy for Herve's? This way you want have to search every thread for your pizza - only for everybody elses. but at least you won't get hungry that way.:p

I realize that getting Herve's computer back has only put a small dent in Bill Gates attempt to dominate the world, but we will take any victories we can get.:D

I guess i could talk about the olympics since watching them is all i did tonight. but after what i saw, it would lead back to the political discusion pretty fast. although i have to admit i thought the french deserved to win as much as anybody. but the russians were damn good as well. could have gone either way. (dance skating). And watching australia win a winter gold was pretty cool as well. down under was on top for once!!

only other thing i did today was start trying out different dock apps. I am trying to get my desktop cleaned up a little. and i booted back into 9 to do some update installs. going back to 9 just feels weird at this point.
Ahh I feel better now. It's amazing what a bit of food and some aspirin can do. Made a nice plate of ziti with tomato sauce, a bountiful spinach salad with balsamic vinegar and olive oil, and had some excellent leftovers from the family gathering. Stuffed eggplant, stuffed mushrooms, and some BBQ'd lamb. Ah yes. It's good to feed like a pig. Burp. Scuse me.

The blending keeps you on your toes doesn't it?

Now I never got a straight answer from Herve on this. I thought he was getting a SunBlade. That guy loves sending me PM's but hardly answers my replies.

Herve are you listening?
GOTO 1 = Box full;
GOTO 2 = no reply;
If (1=2);
Else print @"send more mail";
end if;
sounds like stuffed Klink to me:p sounds like a good meal. i have reached the point eating leftover salmon that tonight i went back to a tv dinner and really enjoyed it. and i am big time looking forward to cheeseburgers tomorrow nite!!:D

maybe i started a monster teaching Herve how to use the pm's. I had the honor of sending him his first one. I know what you mean about his enjoying sending them but not really replying. He just sends a reply that doesn't address your reply:rolleyes: ;) He got me a little confused with one set. I don't know if anybody remembers the thread i started awhile back about "my friend" who wanted to convince his family to buy a mac. Well, that was in answer to one of Herve's pm's. He said it wasn't for him, but it sounded alot like his situation. I never revealed who it was or what happened because he would never pm me back with the info i asked for. so herve, if you are listening, your story has now been shared. tell your side of it if you will.:cool:

jeez, it's later than i realized. g'nite folks:o
mmmmm ziti with tomato sauce ;-)
Kinda early in the morning but I wont pass it up :p -- I like pasta :-D

I was watching one of those PBS shows one saturday when I had nothing to do and I saw that people actually made sweets from old past :eek: freaky italians ;-)

well HW due tomorrow, better get cranking, even though it might not compile (I HATE C :p)

Ed, try "launchbar" its cooler, cleaner and smarter than anything else out there. I think its part of the OS sometimes.

I'll be the delivery man but I need something cool to ride in. zOr at least something original. Mabey ulrik could work out a yugo for me, with one of those musical 4 note limo horns.:D

OK, random topic: ed, did you go to MWSF, was it good?
Addy I'm a pasta freak. If I don't have it every night I start to suffer from withdrawals. It's pretty funny. Picked it up from the old man. He's the same why. I know you're not much of a cheese fan, but I gots to have a ton of romano cheese on it or it's just not a 'un bel piato di pasta'.
I've never heard of pasta sweets, sounds interesting, I'd give it a try. But it does sound odd.:confused:
As you can plainly see I can't program basic or C for shit. At least for now.:p I'm hankering to jump back on the Cocoa bandwagon myself but just can't find the spark to relight the fire.

Oooh Ed, your 'friend' story sounds very interesting. I'm such a gossip whore it's not funny. Can't say it's one of my redeeming character traits.

Phil you can borrow the keys to my Fiat, and since it's so warm out today, pull the top down and dig into a couple of corners. It doesn't have a very macho horn, but I'm sure if you play your cards right you'll be back with more than just a pizza.:D
pasta is good :)
I love cheese on pasta ;-) Romano and Parmigian mix, and a lot of it. If there is garlic in it its eeeeven better :D

I wonder if Herves serves pasta ;)
Nice. But all of a sudden, using falcons to transport the pizza seems like such a nicer, phil-friendly idea. NYC streets are not for me. Car-wise that is.
of course Herve's has pasta. I like the angel hair best and always keep some extra stashed in the back for emergencies.

Phil, just charge 'em cab fair from the airport when it's in the Big Apple. and you don't have to deliver to the nummi and Nuts show either if you don't want to.:p

I ended up buying dockswitcher for $3. Unlimited docks. and after i paid for it i found out dockswitcher pro is coming out next week and i get the upgrade for free too.:D
I checked out your launchbar but didn't download it. I want point and click, no typing. believe it or not, i hate to type:p

Klink - one of the funny things about that thread is that Herve made some posts to it and several people interpretted them as being anti mac. It cracked me up. and i kept dropping subtle hints like herve's situtation is similar to my friend's and stuff like that. The thread did come up with some very good points about why a family would be wise to buy a mac instead of a pc. Herve even answered some of the posts with his own perspective on why his family wouldn't buy into a certain reason or something. everybody just thought herve was being herve and it was very comical from my informed perspecctive:D :cool:

Hey Herve - glad to see you're still hanging around with us. what did you think of my XXX legs drawings?:)
mmm, angel hair.

Admiral, now what kind of Italian would I be if I didn't use garlic.
Uno disgraziatto!

I guess I would of missed the jocular aspect of that if I didn't have the inside poop. I should read that thread again and see I can read between the lines.
you know I love spicy food, and garlic-y food :p
My X hated when I ate spicy or garlic cause after I would smell lol...

I guess it pays to have an italian girlfriend after all :p -- no nagging about garlic breath :p
I remember you said that in the Bar about spicy foods. I'm the same way. My uncle turned me on to eating really hot peppers. I have some kind of attraction to getting my mouth all burned up. :p

Oh the smelling of garlic is so true. I personally can only eat if it's been cooked in some way, never raw. Just way too strong. But you know it's not just the breath that will smell. Your whole body and fliuds. Ever stand next to someone that eats foods that has a lot of curry in it?
lol-- I hate curry :p
it just stinks :p

klink you got turned on by your uncle ?? :eek: -- jsut messing with you man :p

At times I eat raw garlic, I love/hate (lol :p) that feeling of raw garlic in my mouth kinda of the "hot" sensation :p

Even in cooked though you do get some smell. My X used to make me eat a little garlic if she ate)even cooked) garlic cause she did not want to be the only one that smelled :p -- at times I did not want to eat but was forced lol ;-)

women :P

Yeah I know curry stinks, well the people that eat it in abundance anyway, but it's yummy yum yum. You every do Indian food? I mean eat any?:p

I know, I know. Bear with me on the 70's jargon.:rolleyes:

I guess there's no way around the smell of garlic but it's so damn awesome in food. I can't do the eat it straight deal, that's too much for me.

lol- That's funny that she made you eat it when she did. Now what happened if she farted in front of you? Did she make you fart as well? lol :p
ha ha ha ha :p
she never farted :p -- she made me eat something garlic-y if she ate something garlic-y. Sometimes if I were not hungy but she were she would not eat cause I didn't lol ;-)

women :p .. what can u do ??? ;-)

I got my first HW back from CS, and it was an 80% :p, so I am feeling a liiiiiiiiiiiittle more optimistic. even if I f*ck up this 2nd assignment ;-)

I am still interested in graphics and sound though lol.

AdmiralAK -- polyglot multimedia programmer man of mystery ;-) heck the ladies will find me irresistable :p :p

I think if they fart in front of you, then you know that they are in love. Can't be more comfortable with someone than to fart in front of them. lol :D

So is this the infamous hw that was due at 4am? What a nutty professor.

What a title! Sure that will fit on your ID?:p