Congrats to Ak!!

Lets see... the agora? Yes its still there. I know nothing of this Belkin you speak of.

Kirtland is just South of Mentor, east of Willoughby, right around there. Approx. 20-30 miles east of Cleveland. Kenton? It sounds familiar. Where is that?

Deleware. I never get to smashed at a party not to be able to drive my Ford Taraus home.:D

About the aids thing... didnt everyone think it was because some guy had sex with a monkey?:)
Kenton is more over towards Findley (?) - southwest of cleveland/akron area.

the Newport Music Hall on High Street used to be an Agora as well untill it was sold back in the 80's. I have seen a lot of bands in that venue.

Deleware is nice. you should visit the olentangy indian caverns sometime. really cool place.

so where are Tolya and Phil?
the sexual revolutio sounds like fun :p I wish I could have joined in lol :p Of course I wasnt even a fetus them...dang my parents had all the phun :p

I spent my day doing CS homework, I have almost everything done :) Just a small memo to write and a small F(n) = xyz do decipher (which I will post cause I spent the whole day trying to find a pattern but havent been able to).

Today was a good day :D too bad the weekend has to end ;) --- tomorrow more hard work at the office :P -- have a russian test which I have not studied for :eek: ---I might cram tomorrow morning :P lol

I think I will swing by Herve's bar and grill and see if we can get more guests on here ;)

damn, you must have had your ears burning (or would it be eyes in this case?) i ask where you are and 10 mins later you show up.

i'm impressed:p

so Tolya, is it possible you were a product of the sexual revolution? ;)

btw guys - i am trying to remember to not post my signiture in this forum. so from now on (future posts) if you see me leaving it on, rag me about it. that should condition me to pay more attention:D
Hey im here. Hey Toli!;)

So whats been going on around here, I;ve been pretty busy this weekend and have hardly had enough time to read the new stuff.

Time well spent though, I will be the best John D. Rockefeller ever!:p
welcome back phil :)
well this weekened was heck for me :p
I had to work this saturday (covered for someone else) went home beat, slept, woke up on sunday at noon (lol ---14 hours of sleep hehe), and then all day CS homework.

These forums are almost on fire :eek: you need to keep up or else you will have a lot to read ;-)

During my weekend without internet I had probably around 300 new threads to read :eek: -- very active I tell ya ;-) I wonder how many threads I will have to read when I go on my vacation in the summer lol ;-)

Well off to class, back later :D

I'll tell you the only time I see these boards light up like this is when Apple releases a new product or software. What we are seeing now is unprecedented.

I have my theory but question not and enjoy I say.
well we have our "regulars" that come here day by day and post, post their probs, and solutions to other people's probs, and then we have the bell curve of people flocking in when there is a MacWorld in session since apple invariably releases a new product then :-)
Originally posted by AdmiralAK
These forums are almost on fire :eek: you need to keep up or else you will have a lot to read ;-)

Im here everyday and there is still a lot to read. You guys sure do like to talk a lot. :)
yes, the legion of musketeers is growing. soon we will have enough to protect the queen:cool:

Long Live Queens!!;)
i am pretty sure we are sponsered by several coffee companies. and i take my coffee breaks every day. i thought you did too.:p
You have the Castro district, we have the East Village.
Had their own jubilee just like the Brits. It was called the Holloween Day Parade!
Bow your head to the queens to show your respect!
queens ??? SF ??? for some reason the only "queens" that come to mind from SF are dragqueens :p lol

Hey Ed, I am drinking coffee now :D -- I am out of cola, iced tea and anything carbonated so I made some coffee :-)

So who are our sponsors ??? NesfcafŽ ? Microcenter? THE APPLE STORE ? :D

So I was stopping by to see what was up on the boards, and I noticed that Admiral has past the 4K mark! Between Admiral and Ed, we have the friendliest site on the internet! :D