Congrats to Ak!!

1st, i never run any exe's!! I have to deal with my son's mom, but other than that running any program which contains an 'ex' is bad news.

I run a lot of and a healthy dose of i do not hesitate to run a diagnosis and repair program if any problem persists for over a few hours. also seems to bring some optimization to overall system when run. while this app is normally more time consuming than most other apps, it is normally very enjoyable, even when lauch time is slowed by other system functions. works in a similar fashion.:cool:
posted by the Admiral
Hey Racer did you program in C, java or assembly ? (or pascal ?!)

It is a bizarre combo of a number of common apps executed via a specially designed AppleScript, the order and actual things each app does I came across by accident. Once I had a good idea what worked with this system, I put together the script for emergencies (i.e. forgetting to empty the trash, noy cleaning up my user area, long periods of inactivity, and syntax errors). Seems to work, the only problem is when I hit that same combo and I didn't mean to, then it become hard to get anything done!
I seem to have caught a virus :eek:

it infected my semester, the virus that is :p
I guess I have been lucky encoutering this person in the 4th year of my studies and not earlier :p... what a pain in the ass though.

When was the last time you guys were called to the board ? :P -- I felt like I was on the weakest link. There is this initial coding assignment we have to do (due this saturday) and supposedly if we dont pass it we are out of the course (this "prerequisite" isnt even listed on official school catalogs!) --- his comment once I went on the board ? "Well we know who;s going to be the first to be kicked out of the class" --- :mad: --

what to do ? :p

The good news is that there is a really nice looking polish girl in my russian class :P (something to be optimistic about lol)

the prof sounds pretty tough. so just show him how wrong he is and ace his assignment. if you get stuck, hunt him up and ask him for help. profs like that are usually just in need of some attention. make em feel needed and superior and they will be your best friends. let them intimidate you and they will eat you for breakfast. Never let a prof act like he knows you are worthless. of course it takes work to stay on top so he never catches you unprepared again - which is all he is really trying to accomplish i am sure.
of course moments like you describe are why i like quarters. they're shorter. nobody gets total control of you for long. As an undergrad i used to always sign up for more classes than i knew i would finish and drop one or two before the deadline. it gave me freedom to avoid bs profs and to find the good classes.
better watch out for that polish girl in russian. she sounds like she could get you to do her homework for her. sounds like you would like her as homework:D
so phil is back and not joining us. he is too busy completing my joke in greek petition thread. they unstuck it so we are having to play bump with it now. I have decided that phil's avatar's head is bleeding. hence the bright red hat.:p
I did (about 90%) of my russian homework over the break so I dont have need of worrying for HW in that class :p
I would not do the polish girl's homework...but would surelly love to be whats flowating in her mind (instead of russian that is :p)

Well, I am getting polemical with this korean dude. I have a class with him tonite. I have tonite's assignment almost done (well the anser is in my head, I just need to get pen and paper (and "graphing calculator" in my mac) and prove my theory.

As for the programming assignement, havent started yet, but I will tonite.
It's all a a matter of remembering how the heck to do string tokenizing in C (God do I hate C...cant we do this in java ? :p)

The good news is that my german professor looks to be the best. She is cool :cool: .

Have you notived that I have almost no time :eek:

I read through most of the posts, but almost no time to contribute in the tech areas.... maybe weekends will be better ;-)

well, as you might have noticed today was one of those days that i got caught up in the site and got nothing done. i had a great day, but nothing tangible to show for it other than some new photos of my cats which i am posting to the cat thread. this is not going to help Ed Pass His Degree:p

well, at least you have a girl to fantasize about. this is good. eventually it might turn into motivation to actually get a girlfriend. then you really would have no time:D

so Phil is obviously back but not checking in here. so who will our next guest stars be? anyone want to talk about nothing with us? (we are the version of seinfeld after all) ( you can be seinfield, i want to be kramer:D )

so go over to the design forum and comment on my art in the 'idea' thread. (please) which reminds me, when are you going to share your cd cover with us? what was the final version?

I'd like to be alone with a million people 'round me,
to sing a song, only the deaf can hear,
to listen while the mute beside me speaks,
to cry and never shed a tear.
- me, when i was about 16
heck --- I dont need to fantasize about any girl... my subconscious has thrown a particular girl in my dreams 7 times in teh past 2 months :p (go subconscious lol) ---

I wish I could get caught up here but I have been busy at worked. Checked the forums twice, posted only this morning when I came in --- maybe around noon as well but not much. It's been hectic. Not to mention classes. I need to write a small autobiography for tomorrow's german class (in german:p) and pass it in. I did part of the CS assignment, I got the right answer (solved it by graphing it then picking up the points on the graph and getting my answer from there -- it was correct).

I still have not done my "qualification" assignment but I will start tomorrow. I will pick out books tonite that deal with link lists and tokenizing see if I can do anything. Someone told me to get the "C/C++ Bible" and it has a lot of good reference things in there but I have not yet (and probably no time to do so before teh Q.A.)

The weird thing with this A-hole of a professor is that today he was a bit different...dont know why --- but he picked on me a few times which leads me to believe in eitehr of 2 things
1) He has singled me out for some sort of classroom humiliation
2) He has picked me out to be his "apprentice" of a sort, taking down and building up kinda thing :p

In any case, I am sticking with the class and by hell I am gonna prove him wrong ;-)

Phil...maybe phil is like George's father -- you did not see him a lot in the show lol. -- I am seinfeld -- I like being the commedian he he

oh Ed--- please --- no cooking in the shower lol

forgot to say that I will try to post a cover online sometime soon :P ---
I am currently (this weekend) going to work on a second CD...compilation, but I am making it especially for another person I know (well got my inspiration from her :P)

it sounds like you got it pretty much together even if it isn't fun. as for the prof, i'm guessing #2 but then you never know what's really up his butt. I figure you will handle yourself well enough to deal with him either way.

but what's this about a particular girl reoccurring in your dreams? tell me more. this sounds good. is it someone you really know or a product of your idealization? I hope it is not your ex. dreams about ex's are never fun. well, ok maybe if it's one of those kind of dreams;)

so i guess racerx will have to be george. at least his avatar has that same round shaped head:D
so racerX must work for teh Yankees :eek: lol

Don't worry Ed -- I am blessed (by whatever God, nature, or deiti out there:p) to not be seing my X (those would have been chilling nightmares lol). It's just a girl I went out with last summer a few times when I was in greece. What do you think Doc ? AM I gonna be cured ? he he :p
(post note: same girl I called up for her Bday a week or so ago :p)

In any case, classes seem to be going ok... I am a little tired (still need to do stuff todays that's due today :p) -- got my C book out see if I can find what I need... and while I study my mac is gonna find me some good music lol.

I was thinking of taking another class (T-Th at 18:00), it's on real time systems. There aren;t that many students in the class so there is space. IT looks interesting, I will audit tonite and see what happens.

so starts another day.....

Admiral, you wouldn't believe how close you were....

I have a giant portrait of Kramer hanging on my wall. If you're familiar with the shows, you'd recognize it as the oil painting he had done of himself.

OK, so i'm back.....I've mainly been in the same position as Admiral, only been able to read the thread, and not create the large responses that make these threads fun.

Anyway, this is what happened this weekend....

Sorry, there was no skiing done here. In fact almost all of the snow has melted. This weekend I went to Delaware for the Science Olympiad national invitiational. As I remeber Ed there were a few teams from California. So let me start off by saying that this wasn't a vacation, this was a competition, when you want to win so bad, the whole spectre of losingg badly haunts you. So after getting there on friday night after a 5 hour bus ride, we all got settled in, and studied long into the night. I couldn't even get on the internet, they had locked down all of our phone lines. Oh! the horror!:p So, after we got alex, the senior valedvictorian, to take his nose out of his books so that we could turn pff the lights, we all gathered around and found out why HBO sucks.

So the next moring was the beginning of a very stressful day. I had only gotten 5 hours of sleep, and had not gotten much before, so my first duty was to go to the soda machine and purchase a coke. It was good.

The competition was on the campus of the university of delaware. Pretty nice campus but it seemed, if this is possible, "generically" nice, like they knew what people though of as nice, as faw as brick and green grass and trees, but it wasn't laid out in a way that was surprisingly pleasant, like princeton or harvard, but I didn't even expect that much anyway....

So i got through all of my events, which, as you can imagine, was a major release, and i went over to a small resaurant and ate some gnocci and focaccia bread, like those admiral?

So we went to this supposed "dinner", which just ended up being a way for the U of D to recoup its losses from supporting the competition, the same thing had happened the night before, except then it was even more blatant, they had us buy their concession food. Did we learn? <insert resounding "no">

So after that we went to the awards presentation, but before I get into that let me explain to you the position our team is in. We have never been to the national competition at the HS level, to get there you must first progress through regionals, then states, and finally to nationals. The top two finishers at states and regionals move up to the next level. Last year we finished in 7th place at states. This year, we have the best team ever, and we will problably not be as good next year. So, we want to take it all this year (just the states, nationals is only for fun at that point)

So anyway, this awards presetation was built specifically to kill me, really, i mean it. Even if the even wasn't mine, my heart would be jumping all around in my chest, just from the anxiety. So I won no medals....:( I went in really wanting to win. And since im not scared of crowds, i really wanted to get on the stage, that seemed like more of an honor than the medal. I just wanted everyone to see me.

So we won good amount of medals, but not a surprising amount, i think we expect more, but really our goals were way too high for a national competition, if anything wins the competition, its consistancy, not meadals. So they start calling up the top ten teams to come up to the front one by one. Everyone inside wants to believe that there is a chance left, but no one says it, they dont want to look like the person who can't face the facts. They've already called 10-7th place, i tell my friend next to me, if we dont come in 6th or 5th its over. 6th is called, everyone's head is hanging low now, we knew that we gave our best effort. They had called our arch-enemy school, Vestal. 5th place is called. It's us! Were all jumping up and screaming, i gave pigghy back ride to 5 different people in only about 100 feet, as we go up to the stage, we see Vestal returning, we are both happy for each other, and we are sincere, but we are also caught up in thr fat that we beat Vestal, who came in 2nd at State's last year, and our chances of success are real!

Now the other powerful NY team greece-arcadia who came in 3rd last year at states, had won a crapload of medals, we expected them to win, we took a team picture with our trophy while 4th and 3rd were up on stage, we sit down, again, were all hoping. 2nd isn't greece (no not the country). 1st is the only one who hadn't been called yet, it was all or nothing for them. And it wasn't them! are already euphoric outlooks had just gotten even brighter, were were the number one school from the state here!

We were all very pround, an we went out to get ice crea,. This was a great motovator for the team, we no longer feel like we are accelerating torwards a brick wall, there is a chance that at the end of state, we may not crash.

So thats what happened on my weekend, sorry it took me so long, but i wanted to detail it in all of its full dramatic glory.

So no, i didn't go skiing, but im going to have to recant my earlier statement about there being no snow, there was enough of it to cancel school today.:p
interestin weekend :D
Good thing you did not break a leg :)

Did all my german stuff - taking a break ---
too hungry to think of computer science solutions, so I am going to wait toll after lunch to do so hehe :)

PS: I love foccaccia bread :D
Actually, its interesting that you talk of breaking a leg. I did fracture my tibia at the end of my frshmen year. Was the most excruciating pain i ever felt. I did it 3 days before summer too!

I was playing soccer and the goalie decided that i had had enough goals and I was slide tackled through the shin. No penalty. Talk about justice.

I look back at it fondly though, really shows you who your friends are, and what its like to be handicapped. Everytime i see someone in a wheelchair i'm no longer full of pity, i'm full of pride in what i and they can accomplish.

Good stuff for a college essay.:p
Good stuff for an entrance essay ;-)
hehe. --

It sucks to have had that 3 days before summer. How long did u have a cast on ?
Full leg cast for one month, bleow the knee for about 3 months, then an air-cast for 2 more months. I was still able to do Yellowstone with two crutches and one leg though:).

My leg atrophied so quick that i could see a day by day change. :p

Tip: The ladies love a guy who gets injured on the battlefield.:D
Phil, that in no way resembled a herve post. that had enough content in it for about 100 or more herve posts:p

thanks for sharing!! sounds like you had a pretty great weekend. glad we get to congratulate you instead of consoling you!! do let us know when your next big show down is. We will root for you!!

and then you get back and get a snow day to play. what a deal!!

and speaking of Zappa, i think the following excerpt should be the theme of the show from now on:

"Questions, Questions, Questions, flooding into the mind of the concerned young person today. Ah, but it's a great time to be alive, ladies and gentlemen. And that's the theme of our program for tonight. It's so FUCKING GREAT to be alive! Is what the theme of our show is tonight, boys and girls. And I wanna tell ya, if there is anybody here who doesn't believe that it is FUCKING GREAT to be alive, I wish they would go now, because this show would bring them down so much . . . "
-FZ from 'call any vegtable'

Hey Ed....cant argue with this Zappa guy...its fucking great to be alive ;)

As for being injured in teh battle... I prefer walking off alive and partying afterwards lol --- of course that maternal feeling of girls comes into play I guess....oh well... you win some you lose some.

I am trying at the moment to find a (good) implementation of a link list (written in C)...the one I wrote 3 years ago is uncommented,mixed in and uses other garbage which I dont need....
anyone know any good sites ? :p -- its gonna be a long nite. THe assignment is due in 36 hours lol :-)

Anyone else think that it is funny that admiral think of his due date as being in 36 hours, rather than in a day in a half, or on saturday?

You really don't stop working do? Anytime is a great time for homework!
lol I guess I can find some weird way to explain how 36hours contitutes as a due date...well... it's due in 36 hours (well less than 24 now).

The good thing is that I was stressing over almost nothing. Strink tokenizing is done for me.
All I need to do is implement a link list (which I did 3 years ago) --- I just need to fill in the stub statements hehe.

The bad news is debuging... -- something that will be a pain, but it will happen. So long as I have something :D
time is always relative. at the beginning of the week he had a lots of time. now he is down to trying to figure out how to manipulate time so that it gets done without him having to stay up all night. typical college student approach to time.

i think i might start making contributions to the cuss thread that are nothing but cut & pasted Frank Zappa lyrics. I am sure i could average one a day for over a year and never repeat:p

so, anybody gonna watch the super bowl?

Tolya, i am expecting a cd cover this weekend. it is due 6 hrs after your programming assignment:D