Here is a scene from
Attack of the Clones with the names and places changed to protect the innocent (and not give away any of the actual story).
Scene 045:
Interior Los Angeles,
A WAITRESS is carrying plates of half-eaten food. There is a counter with stools and a line of booths along the wall by the window. A number of CUSTOMER are eating-TOUGH-LOOKING WORKERS, TRUCK DRIVERS, ETC. The WAITRESS looks up as MARLOWE comes in.
Waitress: Can I help ya?
Marlowe: Im looking for Dexter.
The WAITRESS approaches MARLOWE.
Waitress: Waddya want him for?
Marlowe: Hes not in trouble. Its personal.
There is A brief pause, then the WAITRESS goes to the open serving hatch behind the counter.
Waitress: Someone to see ya, honey. (lowering her voice) A Cop, by the looks of him.
Steam billows out from the kitchen hatch behind the counter as a huge head pokes through.
Dexter: Marlowe!
Marlowe: Hey, Dex,
Dexter: Take a seat! Be right with ya!
MARLOWE sits in a booth.
Waitress: You want a cup of coffee?
Marlowe: Oh yes, thank you.
The WAITRESS moves off as the door to the counter opens and DEXTER appears. He is big-bald and sweaty, old guy. Not someone to tangle with. He arrives, beaming hugely and give Marlowe a bear hug!
Dexter: Hey, ol' buddy!
Marlowe: Hey, Dex.
DEXTER eases himself into the seat opposite MARLOWE. He can just make it.
Dexter: So, my friend. What can I do for ya?
Marlowe: You can tell me what this is.
MARLOWE places the dart on the table between them. DEXs eyes widen. He puts down his mug.
Dexter: (softy) Well, waddya know...
DEXTER picks up the dart delicately between his puffy fingers and peers at it.
Dexter: I aint seen one of these since I was prospecting way down south!
Marlowe: Can you tell where it came from?
DEXTER grins. He puts the dart down between them.
Dexter: This baby belongs to them Brazilians. What you got
here is a saberdart from the Amazon.
Marlowe: These Brazilians youre talkin about, are they friendly?
Dexter: It depends.
Marlowe: Oh what, Dex?
DEXTER grins.
Dexter: On how good your manners are... and how big your pocketbook is...
And on and on (you get the picture).