Congrats to RacerX

originally posted by coach
Sounds like an average night at my home.

now see, this is the problem with the world. if we lived down the block from each other we could have great times together. our women would watch Law an Order together and we could goof on the 'puters and eat tacos and..

but instead you live in western siberia and i live on the left coast.:(

but at least we still get to goof on the computers together:D
Ahhhh, but my penance won't last forever. Someday I'll shall returm to the land of my birth... and live happily ever after (or something like that).


are you absolutely sure?

he he

I moved ot ohio for what i thought would be 6 mos to a year. 15 years later i finally could call myself a Californian again.

and i am absolutely sure i will never miss driving in the snow:D
--admiral in serious thinking mode ---

california --- silicon valley
california --- lots of nice looking single women...
california --- Ed and Racer live there...

hmmm... is there a connection :eek: ?!?!?!
Yep, California has pretty much everything you could want. You can live at the beach, go skiing for the day, and then come home for the sunset. We even have DisneyLand there!

I have often thought about running for president of California. I would make it into it's own country, with three states: Northern California, Southern California and Baja California (Mexico doesn't need Baja anyway), and the District of San Diego would be the home of the new nation's capital.

Can you imagine the property value of the coast line of Baja (that practically encircles Baja) if it were part of the United States of California!

(Okay, okay, I know it sounds crazy, but it's my thread... and I'm quite home sick :( )
said by Admiral
hey racer, if you have an earthquacke though it will the the Submerged United Stated of California ;)

Nah, they wouldn't sink, just get really shaken up (and we would all move a couple inches north). Parts of USC are actually on the Pacific plate (the same plate as Japan) and not on the North American plate. The Pacific plate is rotating counterclockwise and rubbing the North American plate.

Besides, the worst earthquake I've been in was a 3.6 (I was on top of that one :rolleyes: ), and the Northridge quake, but I was over a hundred miles away from that one, so I hardly felt it (it was at like 4:30 am, and I was sleeping :o ).
well i have been in a 6.something earthquake back in the 70's in LA. It woke me up with stuff flying off my shelves. It didn't last long but it was a bit scary as it was the first one i had ever really felt. Since then i have come to accept earth movements as common. no big deal. i missed them when i was in oHIo. I think i have felt 2-3 of them since i have been in the bay area even though they happen somewhere around here almost weekly.

I think we tend to worry more about brush fires during the summer. They are always devastating and risk the lives of the firefighters as well as others.

tolya - for an international man of mystery, your concepts of calif. are kinda stereotypical:p
Originally posted by RacerX
Yep, California has pretty much everything you could want. You can live at the beach, go skiing for the day, and then come home for the sunset. We even have DisneyLand there!

I have often thought about running for president of California. I would make it into it's own country, with three states: Northern California, Southern California and Baja California (Mexico doesn't need Baja anyway), and the District of San Diego would be the home of the new nation's capital.

Can you imagine the property value of the coast line of Baja (that practically encircles Baja) if it were part of the United States of California!

(Okay, okay, I know it sounds crazy, but it's my thread... and I'm quite home sick :( )
I'll accept that only if Sacramento is part of Southern California and San Franciso is the capital of Northern Capital... If not SF, then Humbolt.
so Tommy, what is wrong with Sacramento? it seems like a perfect place to warehouse politicians to me:p

I would prefer we not clutter the city with anymore of them than we have to. and just exactly which piece of empty land would you build this new capitol building on?:confused: ;)
So if you want Sacramento to be part of SC, who is going to take Fresno?

I don't know, I just thought that we would make everything north of SLO town be Northern California, everything else (except SD county which becomes the District of San Diego) would be Southern California.

Any ideas about what would be the capital of Baja? That is the area that would see the most dramatic changes by joining the USC.
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell

tolya - for an international man of mystery, your concepts of calif. are kinda stereotypical:p

lol its the fact that I have not been there in order to see first hand what goes in ;)

maybe one of these days ;)
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
...and just exactly which piece of empty land would you build this new capitol building on?:confused: ;)
If you've been here in the last few years you'd know that our "royal" Mayor slick-Willie Brown has all of the necessary palms pre-greased.

I've lived near SF my entire life and have never seen an massive of a building boom as right now. Where does the land come from? Eminent domain of course. :)

You should see his city hall. Somehow me managed to raise "private funds" to have the top of it guilt (guilded?... you know, encrusted in gold).

Truth be told, if Willie brown had his way he'd build a castle on Treasure Island. I have no doubt that would also be where the State capital would be located.
Originally posted by RacerX
So if you want Sacramento to be part of SC, who is going to take Fresno?

I don't know, I just thought that we would make everything north of SLO town be Northern California, everything else (except SD county which becomes the District of San Diego) would be Southern California.

Any ideas about what would be the capital of Baja? That is the area that would see the most dramatic changes by joining the USC.
Since Fresno (a land of toxic fertilizer laced dust storms) is well south of Sacramento, this is a no brainer. They can have it.

The gerrymandering would be a bit tricky. Basically I'd like Northern California to keep it's water and some of the farms. Southern California can invest in desalination and negotiations with Colorado/Arizona for Colorado River water.

Possibly Southern Claifornia can have the eastern edge up to Sacramento and Northern California can take the coast down to SLO/Cal Poly.
Okay, lets remember that we are talking about the United States of California here (not the My State is Better than Yours States of California), which collectively is the 6th largest economy in the world. We aren't going to get anywhere if people hog resources. There is enough water in the Sierra Nevadas (which runs the length of California I might add) for everyone, and we are all going to be using desalination. There is no way we are using drop one from the Colorado River (we are not asking the USA for anything that we don't have to). The only thing I care about having to do with the Colorado River is the the water that comes out of it into the Gulf of California is completely clean.

Besides, you would be giving SO complete control of the future power supply that way. I plan on making a number of solar field in Death Valley to help power USC.

And something tells me Baja is going to produce more from their farms within a couple years of it becoming a state than both NC and SC combined.
Hey Tommy, Slick Willie is my man. :D

and i hadn't thought of Treasure Island which i don't really consider to be part of the City. but it would be the perfect place for such a capitol building. I still don't like the idea of having that many more politicians that close to us. And I would hate to see the beauty of Humboldt disturbed by their presence even more.

and while i too believe in the country of Calif, this whole north vs south thing where californians want to split into two states already is a problem. I have seen both sides of it and basically see the current sharing of resources as beneficial to all. I am sure there is room for improvement but have never focused on how we might do so.

RacerX - why would you want to provide more power to the University of Southern California?:p ;)
said by my troublesome friend Ed
RacerX - why would you want to provide more power to the University of Southern California?:p ;)

:mad: You know what I mean!

:rolleyes: They could use some more power though.