Congrats to xoot!

ksoot? Yeah right xoot, I'm gonna go on pronouncing it like it started with a z. :D

Don't worry though, most words starting with x are pronounced like it was a z, so it's all good.

Anyway, I have to say that this place would not be the same without xoot, and if I stretch my imagination a bit I hypothesize that it would be considerably worse.

Congrats again, and I think I mean that more sincerely this time. ;)

-the valrus
Wow. The first good in-depth comment anyone has ever told me. Thanks. :)

Hey, Valrus, why don't you come on AIM so I can upend an entire virtual barrel full of virtual water over you. It's my way of saying thanks.

Anyways, you'll need it. It is really hot here in California, and an entire virtual barrel full of virtual water is better than a virtual water bottle full of virtual water.

Get what i'm virtually saying? :virtualsmilingsmileyface:
well ksootient to you too:D (here's a kleenex, wipe that stuff off your shirt, would you:p )

yea, i think i'll stick with saying zoot as well. just makes more sense to me. Hey, it took me months to stop saying Admiral Ack:p

so just go back to acting mor maturely now that the spell is lifted. seems like it is wearing off a bit more each day.;)

and i can only guess how you must slaughter my last name:p
Ack ack ack ack ack! ;)

I guess xoot is zoot for me, and I say spruiel like sprool . Incidently the 17 in my name is actually one-seven. Go figure.

Sorry if I won't be around much, I really am working on my site. It looks better than before. So there ;)

Hey xoot, sorry if I cut you off that one day.
Originally posted by xoot
All of the people over 1000, like RacerX, BlingBling and nkuvu are not insane posters or are converted from insanity (specifically talking about nkuvu).

Show me where I have been posting insanely. I have made every effort from day one to provide useful, accurate posts (or at least mildly entertaining).

Then tell me how my posting habits have changed between then and now. I don't think anything has changed -- except that life has been extremely busy with moving.

yes - and some days you are more "mildly" entertaining than others. Some days you are a downright slapstick, vaudville comedy show:p
xmmm... I cant really say ksoot, since if you say taht in greek it means something like "get the heck outta here" (as in leave :p) ---
:eek: You mean it's not pronounced "Ack?"

And Ed, I don't even try to pronounce your last name. :D

-the valrus
Admiral: Are you sure? Cause you look like you only know English and Greek.

Am I the only one who knows how to pronounce Ed's last name? I pronounce it like sprooel. Is that correct?

To celebrate my 1000 posthood (or elitehood, whichever you choose) I have gave myself a present: Thanks to myself.

I have worked hard on that website, but it still looks screwed up in OmniWeb (or OmniCrap, whichever you choose :)). Here are the technologies that I used: CSS, Blogger, CGI, JPG, GIF, HTML, BlogSpot and XOOT (eXtended Oral Oration Thingy). :)

Wow! That is a long post! :p
sorry Z-Z-Z-Zoot, but macguy seems to be the only one who has read the early parts of the admiral's congrats page as far as i can tell. either that or he is very good with phonetics:p it is pronounced sprool, like a spool of thread with an r in it. and say A Kay. :D only use ack to joke with him;)

and z-z-z-z-oot, i guees you just need to work a little harder if it matters how your site looks. complaining that it is a browsers fault that your site doesn't look right is a waste of time and a sure way to turn users away who are devoted to their browser or too ignorant to try a different one. really, a site shouldn't be made that turns away popular browsers like OW. at least not if you want to keep them there. this issue has been talked about extensively in the Front End forum.
lol... everytime I hear ACK it reminds me of the little reset button in the back of my old Tiger Electronic games hehehe ;)

As for Ksout its colloquial greek for "get the heck outta here" :p
Your right Ed, I've read the first few pages of Admiral's thread. Thats for the ack ack ack :D
However I've always pronuonced your name that way. Lucky guess ;)
Originally posted by xoot
Don't let this thread die! :)

Post something people!
This is the point where you bring up an interesting topic for people to discuss. That's how threads survive. If we don't have something to talk about (that isn't really covered already in another thread), we won't post.

I'm still waiting for you to tell me where I was posting insanely, by the way...
Ok: I officially announce that xoot is pronounced as zoot.

Anyone here not pronounce it as zoot? :confused:
ok, zak i can accept. i've been saying zag, but zak makes sense and is still one sylable. consider me as pronouncing yo correctly from now on.:cool:
Ok thanks, I was pronouncing your name wrong too (or not pronouncing it at all) but now I'll pronounce yours correctly too. :)
What Cocoa app should I develop?

I want one that's easy, but useful. A category in which few nondeveloped apps fit in. :)