U Dumb Ass... WTF is U're Problem!?
OK... If u wanna be Such a Wise Guy...
Here We Go...
WinMac For the Finder bar
AquaDock For the Dock
WebBlinds For the IE Skinning
There is No Proper Way of Skinning Messenger! LOL! ...3rd PArty... Yes Dude, Whatever...! i think U're'll Find the Answer Lies Within "Res Hack" <--Ooh Is that Resource HACKER?! Sorry Dude!
Besides that.. the background is just a background and is NOT important! lol
icons... Ummm...
Have u even Heard of Shell32.dll ?!
OK then... Hack that... i think U're'll find, u're'll have 2 use Resource Hacker.. Edit All the icons u wish 2 modify... then Save it as a Different File Name, Boot into Command Prompt, manually replace the DLL ... And Boot into Windows! ... Durr...! lol... How Else Do u change Default Folder Views and Such?
Hmmm... What Else! ? ... Errr...
Have U ever Realised that the AquaDock Software takes the icon, Found @ the Begining of the application Window, and therefore, looks Really CRAP!? ... No AntiAliasing or anything is applied 2 what often are poor icons anyhow!? ...
Well... Modify... the IE Icon... Hmmm... What DLL Hold's the Key?! ... Err... Would that Mean i would Use Resource Hacker, AGAIN!? OMG... What a Surprise... the DLL, is MSHTML, in the System32 Folder!
Right ... WHAT NEXT!?
the Start Button, the Button has Been HACKED?! Oops... Did i say that!? ...Explorer.exe! <-- Of Course u knew that.. EVEN U, Yes u can guess that one!
... Ok ... Bitmap 143 Controls the Logo that Appears in Dumb Ass TellyTubby Land Luna...
And the string text is found in .... "String Table" / 37 / 1033
and "String table" / 38 / 1033
Once Modified, Explorer.exe will need 2 be Killed From the Processes, Saved and Reloaded...
Note that in all cases of HACKS... Windows File Protection is Enabled... and also, the exact same protected files need 2 be deleted from the dllCache Folder...
Now Dude... i think i have proved my point, and could Keep Going On... But Whats the Point, when u seem 2 think u know everything!?
Happy Hacking...
oh... And Enjoy Luna...Lemmie Guess.. is it that Kickass Blue, with that Awesome Green "Eye" ?! LMAO