U.S.D.A. Prime
Everything is manufactured by 3rd parties. hp doesn't make their printers. Dell doesn't make their computers or monitors. Neither does Apple. Neither does Gateway. If that's a surprise to anyone, well... sorry!
I would choose the Apple display if I could afford it, but go for the Dell if I couldn't. I doubt you'd regret that decision. I've got a cheap 15" LCD from Dell that's pretty damn good. No dead pixels, no color-shifting, nada, but of course the chances of those happening on a smaller screen like a 15" are lower than they would on a larger display.
I would choose the Apple display if I could afford it, but go for the Dell if I couldn't. I doubt you'd regret that decision. I've got a cheap 15" LCD from Dell that's pretty damn good. No dead pixels, no color-shifting, nada, but of course the chances of those happening on a smaller screen like a 15" are lower than they would on a larger display.