Ding-Dong the Witch is dead!! IE no more!

Hopefully, even if the store doesn't support the beta, it will support the final release, which should come in about 4 days.
Originally posted by gwynarion
Inevitable and very welcome except for a one site that I must use it to access*
This is exactly why this IS bad...

Do you think all of those sites that are IE only are suddenly going to start supporting Safari? No way... They are just going to use this as an excuse to stop supporting Macs.

This is not about personal web sites, or content sites... This is about your home banking and other Web applications that you MUST access... Without IE most of these will simply become unavailable to us.

This is bad... especially since Safari is still in its infancy.
Originally posted by fryke
Let's hope that the manhours go into VPC and Office 11:mac.
ME: I can't access your Web site from my Macintosh

Support Agent: I'm sorry sir, but we only support Macintoshes that are running Internet Explorer within Virtual PC.


Just another friggin way to make us buy WinDoze...
Perhaps we are thinking about this the wrong way.

IE 5 is not the last version for the Mac, it is the last *free* version for the Mac.

MSN has included what amounts to IE 6 into MSN for OS X.

The difference is that if you want to use IE 6, you need to either pay Microsoft $9.95 a month, or pay $79.95 a year, or pay $21.95 a month to get MSN for Mac as your ISP.

What Microsoft is doing is beginning software subscription services for consumer level software. What you could see is the start of an ugly trend where you have to rent the software from Microsoft every month to use it. IE might be first, but I would be willing to bet a similar system is being planned for Microsoft Office and even Windows OS. It just depends on how greedy Microsoft is when they set the price and how desperate we are to have the software in the first place.
Originally posted by uoba
...Again, some one else has pointed out that Microsoft cannot gain access system-level wise (as Apple obviously can)....
Bull S#!t!!!

This is an open source'd based OS. Of course they can do exactly what Apple can do.

The only damn reason they are saying this about Apple it because it is true about them. This is nothing more than the pot is trying to deflect the grime on to the kettle.
Originally posted by Pengu
But of course you need Windows for the internet! Bill Gates/Microsoft CREATED the internet, remember...
I thought Al gore created the Internet... And now that he's on our board he is going to boot all WinDoze machines off... Right?!?
Originally posted by pyroboy
I just went to filemakerpro.com to purchase some software. I couldn't because there was a warning message that says,

This is a company that is owned by Apple and it doesn't support Safari...
Hasn't Filemaker Inc. been seperate from Apple Inc for several years now?
Claris is long dead as a company.

All of the apps that made up Claris were brought in house a few years ago. That is why ClarisWorks is called AppleWorks. FileMaker was rolled off as a seperate company in hopes that it would thrive. Unfortunately, that company has been leeching red ink like gas out of my pants after a big bag of Taco Bell food.

It is expected that Apple will roll FileMaker back into the company once again and join up with other Apple software like Final Cut Pro, iLife, and Apple Remote Desktop. Perhaps not the same group though...
Originally posted by TommyWillB
Do you think all of those sites that are IE only are suddenly going to start supporting Safari? No way... They are just going to use this as an excuse to stop supporting Macs.

This is not about personal web sites, or content sites... This is about your home banking and other Web applications that you MUST access... Without IE most of these will simply become unavailable to us.
As I said, there is only one site that I can only get to using IE and it is hardly a vital one. It's not a banking site or anything else like that. And at any rate the current version of IE will still work while I continue to lobby them to use more open standards.
Originally posted by pyroboy
I just went to filemakerpro.com to purchase some software. I couldn't because there was a warning message that says,

This is a company that is owned by Apple and it doesn't support Safari.

That is pretty funny actually :confused:

Surely Filemaker could modify their website so it works with Safari easily. I forced a windows user friend of mine to make all of his websites safari compatiable! Its just some of the tables. theyre dodgy in Safari... apparnelty
What do you actually have to recode to make a site work in Safari?

I sure hope Microsoft doesn't get away with making all software subscription-based. That would majorly blow. Imagine, instead of plunking down US$600 for Adobe Photoshop, you had to pay $10/month to use it. Sure, you can afford it, but you still have to pay that amount every month or you don't get to use Photoshop anymore.

Extended to the actual OS, that would probably be almost criminal.
Imagine, instead of plunking down US$600 for Adobe Photoshop, you had to pay $10/month to use it.
Why would MS' decision to make their software subscription-based affect software made by Adobe. Or any other company for that matter? Just because a lot of silly people think Microsoft is the "way of the future" doesn't make it true.
If Microsoft's subscription model proves to work (for Microsoft I mean), then undoubtedly other companies will follow suit.

Saying this, as is quoted... I wouldn't mind paying $10 a month to use Photoshop, that means 5 years before I've forked out $600! ;)
Thats all too true... people do follow microsoft, even if its a nasty idea. Its like when Internet Explorer came out on the mac, I was shocked to why apple had followed them with this. Ok, so its a bad example, but there are lots of stupid things Microsoft have done and people followed like sheep.

Just imagine a world where apple were in microsoft's place! think of how clean and shiny it would be...

Theres a point, if Apple were in Microsoft's position, do you think everything would be all screwy like Microsoft? would it be better or worse?
But what some people don't seem to understand is, that it's not 1998 any more. Organisations, businesses, governments, people are all starting to realise that microsoft isn't the only way. But they are also learning to look for alternatives.

Suppose the microsoft business model works. Then say, Adobe follows suit and Photoshop becomes subscription based. Ok, so i don't want to have to keep paying (I doub't it would be $10/month for a $600+ app) for something i use. Oh wait, that's right. In todays world there are OPTIONS. Hmm. What about macromedia. or corel. or what about the FREE alternatives, like the GIMP? Oh, wait. sorry. It doesn't say Microsoft, and it doesn't say Photoshop, so it must be cr*p.

It helps to think every so often.
It also helps not being a sheep.
As far as all of those retarded banking sites and others that choose only to support one browser, I'm hoping that the accessibility laws that the government has been throwing out left and right will eventually apply to them. I mean, when it gets to the point that you can't even get to your own money without going through MS, the government needs to step in, bitch slap some higher-ups, and tell them that IE isn't the only browser around.