Ok, it's a freaking USB device. It has nothing to do with race or "types of people."
This feature is readily available in Windows, and, in my opinion, would be nice to have on the Mac-side, too. Does it make the Mac suck? Not in my opinion. Does it make Windows better than Mac OS X? Naah.
But it's a freaking preference. Some people want to just unplug their USB devices (remember back in the day when USB was touted as true "plug-and-play" in the sense that you could just plug and unplug the devices?) without having to do a song and dance first.
Now that there's a handful of posts between two members trying to prove who's better over something as stupid and irrelevant as how to unplug a USB device is going to give new members to this board a bad taste in their mouth, and we'd rather be known as helpful and understanding, not as a complete bunch of short-fused a-holes who think they know best and refuse to look at things from others' perspectives.
"This is the way it's done on the Mac side and if you can't do that, you're obviously an idiot or have small genitalia, and I refuse or am unable to see another's perspective if it differs from my own."
"Oh yeah? Well, I just dissed your mother, and I'm now going to make some obscure basketball references, so now who's the idiot?"
Letting something as simple and asinine as this start a flame war is ridiculous, and nothing else. Let those who want to rip USB devices out of their ports without properly dismounting them first do so, and let those who want to properly unmount their devices do so as well. Fight about something real, like intelligence, or money, or who has the bigger... SUV.