DIY Failure


I have a three year old Intel Mac Mini. It had 1GB of RAM and an 80 GB hard drive. I wanted to upgrade it with more memory and a bigger hard drive.

So I plucked up the courage, purchased a plaster knife and opened the case (a few of the white clips snapped off, but not enough to consider it a disastrous opening).

I changed the hard disc and memory with surprisingly little difficulty (I grounded myself during the operation). However when I closed the case and started it up there was no chime.

Nothing is working now except the white light at the front. Any suggestions?
Open 'er back up and check everything.

The first time I upgraded my mini, I somehow killed the internal speaker. Opening it back up, checking all the connections, and closing it back up fixed it.

Does your mini boot at all? Will it boot from the Mac OS X Install DVD?
Even though it sounds fairly stupid and simple. I had the same thing when I did it once, it turned out to just be the memory and nothing else.
Looks like bad RAM or it just not properly seated. Probably one out of every five to ten memory upgrades I do turns out a bad chip or one the works in one machine but not another of the exact same configuration.
Well I'm guessing you could simply open it back it then put in the old memory and see if it boots up. If it does, then that's your problem!