well, i also agree with .dev's basic idea as well. there are plenty of important members of our community like him, who are not racing towards 1000 posts, who also deserve to be acknowledged. And i admire people like him who simply do what they do and don't go trying to gain some attention for the sake of attention - which is basically what some of the new speed posters appear to be doing.
on the other hand, i have to wonder how much of a part of the community have some members been, who have been registered for over a year, and have less than 100 or even 200 posts. There are more than enough people with problems for anyone to get 10-20 posts a month just directing them to other threads where the answers are. Just sitting and watching to see what happens is not really being a member of the crew.
on the other hand there are people like .dev who seem to speak volumes when they do speak - meaning they say things that make me think, or i see them working with someone to clear up a difficult tech problem. I know these people by name and not by post count. i certainly consider them my peers and often my betters. They often know far more than i do about some problem.
so i guess i am just rambling in circles at this point because i don't know the answer. but i do think this current nonsnese with pointless posting will run its course and we will be discussing some other issue before long. I also think it is up to people who have been here for awhile to lead by example and not be afraid to slap the offenders on the wrist next time they interrupt your thread with their meaningless mush and demonstration of counting ability. I think we are pretty nice people for the most part, but sometimes rudeness needs to be countered with truthfulness.