downloading pics. from digital camera


How do I download pictures to mac os x with sd card? I've been using a usb port but I have a video on my camera that is too long and it shuts off before it downloads. My friend uses windows and he just takes the sd card out of the camera and plugs it into a slot and downloads the pics. I can't do that on my mac os x.
Thanks for your reply. I just talked to Apple Store and they told me what I needed. It's called a "Belkin Hi-Speed USB 2.0 15-in-1 Media Reader and Writer."
After downloading Snow Leopard, when I click on firefox, or anything else for that matter, the window won't open up in front of the window I'm in. Ex: If I'm in my email and I click on a link to open up something on the internet, the browser won't open in front of my email window, it stays in the back. I can't figure out how to get it to open up in the front.
No, I'm simply asking why when I open firefox or anything in my dock it won't open in front of the window I'm in already. Instead, it opens behind the window I'm already in. Ex: If I'm reading my mail and I decide to open firefox, it opens behind mail and won't open in front of it.
jadbel3 - the problem with hijacking an older thread (even though you did start it), is that the title now tells nothing about your present issue. You will get more effective results if you post your question in a new thread.