Duplicated Listings From Dock


Hi Folks,
This is my first post. I am hoping I can give help as well as ask for help.

Here's my issue:
For convenience, I dragged my home directory to the doc and that lets me get to the files therein very quickly. I've been doing this for as long as I can remember with MacOS X and I've never had an issue with it until now. The problem is that I get duplicate entries for the folders. (Please see my screen shot).

Killing the Dock process clears it up, but I'd like to keep it from happening. Can any of you tell me why this happens and what I can to do make it stop?




  • wft_menus.png
    103.6 KB · Views: 4
Looks like your SpotLight Cache us getting messed up. Then restart the SpotLight index be using the Terminal code:

sudo mdutil -E

Then wait until you stop hearing the SpotLight service running. Then thus should restart the SpotLight service and fix the problem, Good Luck.

Then wait until you stop hearing the SpotLight service running. Then thus should restart the SpotLight service and fix the problem, Good Luck.

I expect the OP might like to know how you can "hear" the SpotLight service running... :D

@UncleFlubby - the terminal command resets/restarts Spotlight, resulting in a rebuild of the Spotlight database. It should fix your problem.
If you try using Spotlight while the database is still rebuilding, you will see that the rebuild is still in progress. It can take anywhere from 5 minutes, to an hour or more to complete.