The Incredible...
In the past two days I had THE trouble!
In a mixed environment of 16 PCs with a variety of hardware and OSes I was consumed by the mind/soul breaking of PC troubles... Just follow me:
Experience from the Dark Side... For 07 and 08/11/2002:
The systems...
Anything between Intel P2, P3 & P4 up to 1.7 GHz and up to Athlon XP 1600+ with NICs with Windows 98se, Windows 2000 (w/SP2) and Windows XP (w/SP1)...
The problem...
Everything worked almost perfect for the past 6 months or so that we support the company that owns the above systems. Until the systems took matters into their own "hands"! They started NOT to see each other on the Network...
The solution...
No matter what I tried: Inspected/Changed switches, cables, NICs, drivers, patches, EVERYTHING... Check for Viruses: Clean! Run some hardware tests: Perfect! So, freaking systems what is your problem I asked and of course NO answer came... Then not wanting to visit a doctor myself tried the following: Uninstalled ALL network related settings, drivers, apps, cleaned up the Registries as much as I could (manually) and after all said and done, I re-installed all the above stuff... Guess what? Everything works just fine! Sounds logical, doesn't it?
Welcome to the Dark Side! Part 4 of ?
I would like to tell you about the BSOD that I have to fix on a Windows XP with P4/2.4 GHz after I'll finish with this post but that's a story for another time...
In a mixed environment of 16 PCs with a variety of hardware and OSes I was consumed by the mind/soul breaking of PC troubles... Just follow me:
Experience from the Dark Side... For 07 and 08/11/2002:
The systems...
Anything between Intel P2, P3 & P4 up to 1.7 GHz and up to Athlon XP 1600+ with NICs with Windows 98se, Windows 2000 (w/SP2) and Windows XP (w/SP1)...
The problem...
Everything worked almost perfect for the past 6 months or so that we support the company that owns the above systems. Until the systems took matters into their own "hands"! They started NOT to see each other on the Network...
The solution...
No matter what I tried: Inspected/Changed switches, cables, NICs, drivers, patches, EVERYTHING... Check for Viruses: Clean! Run some hardware tests: Perfect! So, freaking systems what is your problem I asked and of course NO answer came... Then not wanting to visit a doctor myself tried the following: Uninstalled ALL network related settings, drivers, apps, cleaned up the Registries as much as I could (manually) and after all said and done, I re-installed all the above stuff... Guess what? Everything works just fine! Sounds logical, doesn't it?
Welcome to the Dark Side! Part 4 of ?
I would like to tell you about the BSOD that I have to fix on a Windows XP with P4/2.4 GHz after I'll finish with this post but that's a story for another time...