The Incredible...
"so this was a pre configured computer from HP or has it been since customized?"
It is a computer build from 0 to 100% here in our company supposedly based on the "best" parts which were chosen by the customer...
"this is one of the things i do hate about pc's the fact that pc companies make some fubar computers lol ive always built mine and my friends' computers, it seems pc companies just dont put quality into their builds"
Right now, I don't know which part is the one with the poor quality and I really hope is JUST one
"question about your windows installs... on xp did you try both an upgrade from 2k and a clean install? also am i getting it right that it has 3 optical drives? why? shouldnt the 2 be enough? ive heard of some people on certain mobos (dont know which) that have probs with more than two optical drives (2 taking up one ide chain and the other being slave to the master drive on the other), i dont know if thats a feasible option to try or not though"
Each install was fresh! Meaning that each time I mentioned that we installed this and that OS, it was a whole new install... Format first (NTFS)... Then install everything...
As for why we put 3 optical drives: The customer insisted because a person whom he trusts A LOT, told him NOT to play CDs from the DVD-R and/or CD-RW; instead he must use a CD-ROM for playing CDs because if he'll not do it that way then the DVD-R and CD-RW will become damaged very soon!!! Go figure because both the DVD-R and CD-RW are top notch in quality!
The problem for us is that while under Windows 2000 Pro everything works like charm, the crashes come under XP only! But you gave me an idea which I'll give a shot tomorrow: I will disconnect the second device from the IDE1 channel and see what gives (we only disconnected the external device, changed jumpers on devices, cables, etc.)... Thanks
"anyways the way i fix things is odd, i just try weird stuff until it works, and its usually a guessing game *shrugs*"
Yes, I know what you are talking about... At strange times like this one, the trial & error method becomes the ONLY method
"and no, there arent hard feelings lol, im not stupid enough to judge you based on one thread in which our opinions were different its very hard to get on my bad side, trust me"
It is a computer build from 0 to 100% here in our company supposedly based on the "best" parts which were chosen by the customer...
"this is one of the things i do hate about pc's the fact that pc companies make some fubar computers lol ive always built mine and my friends' computers, it seems pc companies just dont put quality into their builds"
Right now, I don't know which part is the one with the poor quality and I really hope is JUST one
"question about your windows installs... on xp did you try both an upgrade from 2k and a clean install? also am i getting it right that it has 3 optical drives? why? shouldnt the 2 be enough? ive heard of some people on certain mobos (dont know which) that have probs with more than two optical drives (2 taking up one ide chain and the other being slave to the master drive on the other), i dont know if thats a feasible option to try or not though"
Each install was fresh! Meaning that each time I mentioned that we installed this and that OS, it was a whole new install... Format first (NTFS)... Then install everything...
As for why we put 3 optical drives: The customer insisted because a person whom he trusts A LOT, told him NOT to play CDs from the DVD-R and/or CD-RW; instead he must use a CD-ROM for playing CDs because if he'll not do it that way then the DVD-R and CD-RW will become damaged very soon!!! Go figure because both the DVD-R and CD-RW are top notch in quality!
The problem for us is that while under Windows 2000 Pro everything works like charm, the crashes come under XP only! But you gave me an idea which I'll give a shot tomorrow: I will disconnect the second device from the IDE1 channel and see what gives (we only disconnected the external device, changed jumpers on devices, cables, etc.)... Thanks
"anyways the way i fix things is odd, i just try weird stuff until it works, and its usually a guessing game *shrugs*"
Yes, I know what you are talking about... At strange times like this one, the trial & error method becomes the ONLY method
"and no, there arent hard feelings lol, im not stupid enough to judge you based on one thread in which our opinions were different its very hard to get on my bad side, trust me"