Error: I/o Error (bummers). (-36) On File



I'm trying to determine if this is actually a disk issue or not.

All of my data is on a drobo disk array. So no single disk issues should cause a disk corruption. About 4 months ago I had a hard drive failure (well 2 actually over a few weeks) Both drives were replaced in situ and all seemed fine. I only noticed this cause I was just running a SetFile on all of the files so that I didn't have to look at the extensions in Finder. That's when I get these messages

Invalid File Attribute Specified.ERROR: i/o Error (Bummers). (-36) on file: ./Ashes to Ashes/Season 2/S02E08 - Who Am I, Really?.avi
ERROR: i/o Error (Bummers). (-36) on file: ./Battlestar Galactica (2003)/Season 4/S04E07 - Guess What's Coming to Dinner?.avi
ERROR: i/o Error (Bummers). (-36) on file: ./CSI - Miami/Season 2/S02E23 - MIA|NYC
ERROR: i/o Error (Bummers). (-36) on file: ./CSI - Miami/Season 6/S06E10 - CSI: My Nanny.avi

This is 4 out of about 20 messages. I immediately ran a disk check on the FS and that comes back clean. I've noticed that all of the files in question have special characters in them (:, |, ? etc)

When I look at the directory contents for one of these I see that it's the only file that doesn't have extended attributes set

ls -la "./Ashes to Ashes/Season 2/"
total 11426344
drwx---r-x@ 1 dave staff 16384 23 Sep 21:21 .
drwx---r-x@ 1 dave staff 16384 16 Apr 00:10 ..
-rw-r--r--@ 1 dave staff 6148 23 Sep 21:21 .DS_Store
-rw----r--@ 1 dave staff 0 18 Apr 00:00 Icon?
-rw----r--@ 1 dave staff 730099390 21 Apr 2009 S02E01 - Found in Soho.avi
-rw----r--@ 1 dave staff 730763526 28 Apr 2009 S02E02 - Reckless Driving.avi
-rw----r--@ 1 dave staff 732481536 5 May 2009 S02E03 - Fight for their Rights.avi
-rw----r--@ 1 dave staff 730557738 13 May 2009 S02E04 - Gene's Queen.avi
-rw----r--@ 1 dave staff 732637674 19 May 2009 S02E05 - Blood Staines.avi
-rw----r--@ 1 dave staff 730802542 26 May 2009 S02E06 - Canal.avi
-rw----r--@ 1 dave staff 731763934 1 Jun 2009 S02E07 - Traitor.avi
-rw----r-- 1 dave staff 730961754 8 Jun 2009 S02E08 - Who Am I, Really?.avi

I don't know the best way to deal with this - any ideas ?

This article looks like a good one, and should help you clear your file issues.
I expect that it is related to your file attribute change. Do you think it might be related to your earlier problems with the drobo?
Maybe you have a few files that were corrupted in some way as a result, and you are only now finding out where some problems did occur?
Can you try running your setfile on those few files, one at a time?
Or, you may have some weirdness in the file headers for those files, which might not be fixable, except for downloading new copies, then replacing your corrupted files one by one.
Or, if you think there is some issue with special characters in the file name, you could test a couple of those files by simplifying the name to all standard characters. If that helps, fix the rest by doing the same. If you use a file library system, you will probably need to adjust for the file name changes - if that does help.
Or - the files are just corrupted. Download good copies. Replace the bad files.
This article looks like a good one, and should help you clear your file issues.
I expect that it is related to your file attribute change. Do you think it might be related to your earlier problems with the drobo?
Maybe you have a few files that were corrupted in some way as a result, and you are only now finding out where some problems did occur?
Can you try running your setfile on those few files, one at a time?
Or, you may have some weirdness in the file headers for those files, which might not be fixable, except for downloading new copies, then replacing your corrupted files one by one.
Or, if you think there is some issue with special characters in the file name, you could test a couple of those files by simplifying the name to all standard characters. If that helps, fix the rest by doing the same. If you use a file library system, you will probably need to adjust for the file name changes - if that does help.
Or - the files are just corrupted. Download good copies. Replace the bad files.

I'm hoping it's not related to the drobo issue as that would be bad. That's exactly why I have the drobo, to stop losses like this.
I'm not sure I've tried doing the SetFile locally to the file - it's always been over a remote mount. I'll try locally.
The HFS+ filesystem is journaled so I would hope that it would be able to spot any file issues like this and at least flag them as errors and remove the entries from the filesystem header (which suggests to me that maybe the files are actually ok and not trashed).
The special character thing just seems like a bit of a co-incidence - I doubt that these are the only files where I have used specials but I haven't checked to be honest. Can't simplify the name though as it will not let me update the name. I get a 'No such file or directory" message.
The extended attribute stuff just seems a bit weird as it's the same on all of the files. Now I know that you don't need it but it's odd that it seems to only be these files where it's gone.

I'll try doing stuff with the files locally this evening and maybe taking down the volume and running a full fsck to see if these get picked up at that stage. If so we'll know it's corruption I guess.

Well - I'm not sure what's going on - It seems that the files are definitely ok - I have removed the ? from the names and was able to do that - the extended attributes flag is back on the files too.

The file are definitely readable so there not corrupted or anything like that. One thing that has happened is that the filesystem would have been unmounted and then remounted when I got home - maybe it was just a mount anomaly ?

Confused, but no longer worried.
I hear you...
That i/o error is probably the most "miscellaneous" error on a Mac.
Could be hardware.
Could be a directory issue
Could be a file corruption.
Could be, etc, etc.

So, you may get a fix without really knowing what really was fixed.
You may be right about the unmount, then remount.

Just another thought - could be a slight mismatch between the drives in the drobo - drive motor speed, just-slightly-off drive syncing (?) (just thinking out loud) - where the drobo tests good, but occasionally pops out an error or two. I may be talking out of my ***, but still might be one to throw at Drobo support to see if they have any other enlightenment - particularly if the error reappears.