I'm trying to determine if this is actually a disk issue or not.
All of my data is on a drobo disk array. So no single disk issues should cause a disk corruption. About 4 months ago I had a hard drive failure (well 2 actually over a few weeks) Both drives were replaced in situ and all seemed fine. I only noticed this cause I was just running a SetFile on all of the files so that I didn't have to look at the extensions in Finder. That's when I get these messages
Invalid File Attribute Specified.ERROR: i/o Error (Bummers). (-36) on file: ./Ashes to Ashes/Season 2/S02E08 - Who Am I, Really?.avi
ERROR: i/o Error (Bummers). (-36) on file: ./Battlestar Galactica (2003)/Season 4/S04E07 - Guess What's Coming to Dinner?.avi
ERROR: i/o Error (Bummers). (-36) on file: ./CSI - Miami/Season 2/S02E23 - MIA|NYC
ERROR: i/o Error (Bummers). (-36) on file: ./CSI - Miami/Season 6/S06E10 - CSI: My Nanny.avi
This is 4 out of about 20 messages. I immediately ran a disk check on the FS and that comes back clean. I've noticed that all of the files in question have special characters in them
, |, ? etc)
When I look at the directory contents for one of these I see that it's the only file that doesn't have extended attributes set
ls -la "./Ashes to Ashes/Season 2/"
total 11426344
drwx---r-x@ 1 dave staff 16384 23 Sep 21:21 .
drwx---r-x@ 1 dave staff 16384 16 Apr 00:10 ..
-rw-r--r--@ 1 dave staff 6148 23 Sep 21:21 .DS_Store
-rw----r--@ 1 dave staff 0 18 Apr 00:00 Icon?
-rw----r--@ 1 dave staff 730099390 21 Apr 2009 S02E01 - Found in Soho.avi
-rw----r--@ 1 dave staff 730763526 28 Apr 2009 S02E02 - Reckless Driving.avi
-rw----r--@ 1 dave staff 732481536 5 May 2009 S02E03 - Fight for their Rights.avi
-rw----r--@ 1 dave staff 730557738 13 May 2009 S02E04 - Gene's Queen.avi
-rw----r--@ 1 dave staff 732637674 19 May 2009 S02E05 - Blood Staines.avi
-rw----r--@ 1 dave staff 730802542 26 May 2009 S02E06 - Canal.avi
-rw----r--@ 1 dave staff 731763934 1 Jun 2009 S02E07 - Traitor.avi
-rw----r-- 1 dave staff 730961754 8 Jun 2009 S02E08 - Who Am I, Really?.avi
I don't know the best way to deal with this - any ideas ?
I'm trying to determine if this is actually a disk issue or not.
All of my data is on a drobo disk array. So no single disk issues should cause a disk corruption. About 4 months ago I had a hard drive failure (well 2 actually over a few weeks) Both drives were replaced in situ and all seemed fine. I only noticed this cause I was just running a SetFile on all of the files so that I didn't have to look at the extensions in Finder. That's when I get these messages
Invalid File Attribute Specified.ERROR: i/o Error (Bummers). (-36) on file: ./Ashes to Ashes/Season 2/S02E08 - Who Am I, Really?.avi
ERROR: i/o Error (Bummers). (-36) on file: ./Battlestar Galactica (2003)/Season 4/S04E07 - Guess What's Coming to Dinner?.avi
ERROR: i/o Error (Bummers). (-36) on file: ./CSI - Miami/Season 2/S02E23 - MIA|NYC
ERROR: i/o Error (Bummers). (-36) on file: ./CSI - Miami/Season 6/S06E10 - CSI: My Nanny.avi
This is 4 out of about 20 messages. I immediately ran a disk check on the FS and that comes back clean. I've noticed that all of the files in question have special characters in them

When I look at the directory contents for one of these I see that it's the only file that doesn't have extended attributes set
ls -la "./Ashes to Ashes/Season 2/"
total 11426344
drwx---r-x@ 1 dave staff 16384 23 Sep 21:21 .
drwx---r-x@ 1 dave staff 16384 16 Apr 00:10 ..
-rw-r--r--@ 1 dave staff 6148 23 Sep 21:21 .DS_Store
-rw----r--@ 1 dave staff 0 18 Apr 00:00 Icon?
-rw----r--@ 1 dave staff 730099390 21 Apr 2009 S02E01 - Found in Soho.avi
-rw----r--@ 1 dave staff 730763526 28 Apr 2009 S02E02 - Reckless Driving.avi
-rw----r--@ 1 dave staff 732481536 5 May 2009 S02E03 - Fight for their Rights.avi
-rw----r--@ 1 dave staff 730557738 13 May 2009 S02E04 - Gene's Queen.avi
-rw----r--@ 1 dave staff 732637674 19 May 2009 S02E05 - Blood Staines.avi
-rw----r--@ 1 dave staff 730802542 26 May 2009 S02E06 - Canal.avi
-rw----r--@ 1 dave staff 731763934 1 Jun 2009 S02E07 - Traitor.avi
-rw----r-- 1 dave staff 730961754 8 Jun 2009 S02E08 - Who Am I, Really?.avi
I don't know the best way to deal with this - any ideas ?