External Hard Drive (1 or 2TB) recommendations


Good morning - I recently purchased a new Airport Extreme Base Station (without Time Machine) - I am looking to invest in a 1TB or 2TB External drive to connect to the USB slot and was looking for any recommendations on a drive.

Can this theoretically be used in the same manner as Time Machine if I wanted to do backups over my network?

Time _Capsule_ is an Airport Extreme with a built-in hard drive.
Time Machine is the OS X utility that makes it simple to use a storage device for back ups.

The internal hard drive on a Time Capsule base station can be used for Time Machine backups. That's one of the advantages of the Time Capsule over the Airport Extreme.
An external hard added to a Time Capsule, or attached to an Airport Extreme Base station can be used for other storage. It is NOT supported as a Time Machine backup volume: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT2038?viewlocale=en_US&locale=en_US