Finally found the world's biggest idiot! (PC'ing his G5...)

2 things:

1) This guy's so smart, he turned an awesome Mac into a crappy PC, then posted about it on the Internet with a part about how mad his parents would be if they found out. I mean, it's not like they could ever run across it when it's available to the entire networked world! Geez...

2) Exactly what is his friend going to do with a bunch of G5 intestines? Unless he also has a G5, I doubt he'll be able to do much with them. The mobo won't fit a G4, the hard drive is Serial ATA, the video card is 8x AGP... etc.
He could buy an 1.6 GHz G5 and put the mobo and stuff into that. :) Still cheaper than to buy a dual 2.0 GHz G5. ;-) Although I guess it's some work, too...
Yeah, but he'd still have to buy a new computer to use what is basically free upgrades. Oh well, I guess I'd do the same thing in his place...
There's ben a note added to the site. Apparently it was all a prank.

Ed NOTE: I just received this email from Andy:

"I have been feeling a little guilty about causing so many people out there to have nightmares, depression and sickness from my little joke. The reaction of people word wide has blown me away. I never intended for such a thing to happen.

My in box went from 1% to 100% in 2 days (1300 messages). So many people were pointing out what a stupid thing to do, so many people were telling me of feeling sick, some even said they cried. I felt bad for those people. It was amusing to read things like "I should be hung by my testicles and lit on fire" or the constant reference to "Taking a Porsche and replacing the engine with a KIAs". Most people cried out in horror and carefully pointed out the error of doing such a silly thing.

I am sure you are wondering why this all took place.

Are the pictures real? Yes.
Is it my own G5 case that has been cut and hacked? Yes.
Did I give away two G5 2GHz processors (IBM PC 970)? No!
So what happened?

I got a free G5 shell from a buddy of mine and pulled a prank on a Mac loving friend. He got so upset. I wrote up a little story, my imagination and warped sense of humor kicked in. I sent it to just to see the reaction. I honestly didn't think it was going to be posted. I cannot believe how fast or how far it has spread on the internet. There are an amazing number of people who are emotionally attached to inanimate objects such as computers. Mac fans seem to be much worse that I ever expected. The G5 is amazing, I would never dream of really doing that ;)

Andy - G5 Killer"
The stupidity of the Dark Side has NO end! It is surely unlimited... :)

Read that site again! Now, that "smart guy" says that it was all a joke or something! :o

Nice joke, Einstein! Next time just explode a dozen G5s, some XServes, the VT cluster or something in a video and not just in pics! :rolleyes:

Unfortunately that "smart" one didn't get that the joke was on him all those days as well as that not only he was buried from Mac users for his stupidity but from his fellow Dark Side Sith Lords too! :D

Andy the G5 killer he says? Nah! Andy the Jacka$$ more likely! :p

And they call us brainless... :rolleyes:
I love it!

That is truly hilarious. I'm always game for a good hijinx. Normally I like to think I'm a little more on top of pranks like this, but I fell for it completely.


p.s. I wish I had time to pull of pranks like that. That would be so much fun.
I think he really did that, then when he got all the emails pointing out how utterly stupid he was, he decided to "come clean".

Either way, he's a complete tool.
Especially because G5's are so new nobody is gonna have a completely fried motherboard and scrap thw whole thing...
Sounds just like a really, really, embarrased and nervous guy trying to impress someone.
How many people know of a place to get a G5 shell?

I'd be willing to bet SOME are out there. There are always mishaps in shipment, merchandise falls of trucks, gets dunked in water, trucks catch fire. The aluminum case would survive any of those, but the guts wouldn't. Maybe he's gotten hold of a shipping casualty.
Well, someone said something on the OC forum that you can get a G5 case from Apple for $300 as a service part, so that might be where the shell came from. Then they said that it's a hoax because of the inconsistencies in the stories, which the addendum backs up. Now someone thinks it's not a hoax because the first pic shows the insides of the G5, but if you look closely you'll see that the optical drives are different, meaning those are two different computers.
Oh this is a riot. Apparently this guy was trying to be funny too. Unfortunately lightning didn't quite strike twice.

Personally, if you want to go and take the mac case and put some PC in, go ahead... just throw me the old parts. ;)

People do this just to inflame, as Andy's "I was just playing a joke" e-mail explains...

So think before you e-mail these people... What good does it do to the mac community for us to jump down these people's throats... It only gives us all a bad name. :|

Total Konfuzion said:
i found it pretty interesting...heh....they had yet another mod.... where someone put an x-box into a dually g5 :)

there you go....more crying shall proceed :P
Yeah, I heard about that one from [H]ardOCP. Even those MacHaters thought this was lame. LOL!