Finder FTP Support


I have been having trouble with finder and ftp support for a while now and it is starting to get very annoying. If I type into the address bar of Safari the address of my local ftp server ( I will start connecting and 1/5 times it will connect (after a long wait) other times it will give an error about not being able to read or write to the server. I then login and access the server through finder. Often I will disconnect me and even if I can access and read files from it I am unable to write anything. However, this problem is finders. If I connect trough net2ftp, windows (virtual pc'ed) or any other ftp client it will work perfectly every time with me being able to write files and do what I want on the server. I only have trouble with the one in finder, has anyone else has this problem?
The Finder's FTP implementation is read-only. You cannot write to an FTP volume mounted via the Finder. There is no word on when or if Apple will implement write abilities for Finder FTP. It is my opinion that Apple will never implement the ability to write to FTP volumes mounted via the Finder.

The Finder's FTP implementation is also pretty flaky -- good for directly downloading files from FTP servers, but crappy for anything else like browsing, etc. I would suggest using a 3rd-party FTP client.
Interarchy also mounts FTP servers on the Desktop as network volumes. The user has read/write access to this mounted volumes. Recommended.
Why have they not implemented write support? It is supported by way of the 'ftp' terminal application so why not via finder. It is not as if it is all that hard to do (the ftp protocol is amazingly simple), and if I can make a ftp client in PHP I find it quite silly that apple have not been able to.
There is full support for things like Windows File Sharing etc., but not for FTP which is one of the more simple protocols around. I am quite disappointed actually...
Evilguru said:
Why have they not implemented write support? It is supported by way of the 'ftp' terminal application so why not via finder. It is not as if it is all that hard to do (the ftp protocol is amazingly simple), and if I can make a ftp client in PHP I find it quite silly that apple have not been able to.
There is full support for things like Windows File Sharing etc., but not for FTP which is one of the more simple protocols around. I am quite disappointed actually...

Well if you are really into the UNSECURED function of FTP, then you could use a built in OS X application, the good old reliable Terminal.
It's not that Apple has not "been able to," it's that they don't want to. FTP is old, old, old, insecure, flaky technology. There are much better substitutes for secure file transfer across the internet.

It would be like Apple putting a lot of effort into supporting old ADB devices -- sure, it'd be easy, but why bloat the system supporting every last old technology known to man? We'd end up having a bloated OS like Windows!
FTP is old, however it is still used a lot. While SFTP is taking over most servers (like the ones I run locally) are plain old FTP, as it is supported. Almost every hosting company around uses FTP to transfer files, and while many also provide sFTP options as well currently Finder does not support it either (please correct me if I am wrong).