Flurry of Bad Behavior


Hello, nice to meet you all. I use my book professionally, to produce music and spin music as a DJ. I've recently encountered some bad behavior from my Mac. It started as it relates to my audio interface, which handles audio and midi (although I don't use midi at this point).

At first, I was getting audio dropouts and sharp static in my headphones, and then the audio would just quit altogether, even though it was still playing in the software. Often, but not everytime, I would get a message that noted,
"Error while synchronizing midi - Sample Rate 45301 recognized." The specific sample rate varied from incident to incident. Mind you, this happens perhaps once every eight hours of use, so it does not render the machine useless, but if it happened during a gig....So, it sounded like there was a conflict between Logic Pro and external device. I made sure the sample rates were the same on the program as they were on the device, and yes, that was the case. So now I'm not sure what to think. Last night it was particularly bad, and happened twice, so I restart the program. When I hit the program button, it told me Logic was already recording, even though it wasn't. Never has before happened.

A couple other weird Logic things were happening, such as the program noting it was saving aif files of a different song, and pan feature not working in touch mode.

To add to this intense worry, I restarted my Mac at one point yesterday to try and get things to cool down and work again, and my desktop background had been reset to the "Aurora" scene that came with the machine, and some of the icons on my desktop were different, mostly the text files docs. Very unsettling, wouldn't you say? Last night the Mac was almost completely unusable, being very very slow and sluggish.

I purchased this machine refurbished aprox. one year ago. I turned it off last night and this morning it seems to be working fine. Does the desktop background find itself controlled by caches? I started using Cache Out X each day in order to free up more space.

Does anyone have any hints, tips, clues, etc that may help me? I've performed research on the interface sample rate issue, and I don't know what to further do.

MacBook Pro 15.7" OS X 10.6.6, 2.53 GHz Intel Core i5, 4 GB 1067 MHz DDR3
Logic Pro 9, MOTU UltraLite mk3, Traktor DJ software.
Any particular reason you have not upgraded to 10.6.8, even if for no other reason then to gain the advantage of the current security updates?

If you do decide to upgrade, I'd recommend downloading and installing the combo update from Apple, it just might correct any file corruption that might be happening.
Some of what you are describing might be caused by a nearly full hard drive.

How much space is available on your hard drive?
Thank you for your responses. I had a friend diagnose my system and it is in perfect working order. I believe the problem may be with my USB ports, which seem loose. I've been using Firewire to support my interface for the last few days and haven't encountered any issue.

Satcomer, cool handle you have! I did reset the PRAM at your suggestion - I hadn't done this in at least three or four months - and it may have helped.

Delta, to answer your question, I have 80.25 gigs remaining free of a 500 gig hard drive. Would that little free space be issue?

And jbarley, no reason why I haven't upgraded. Sounds good to me...

Thanks again for your responses!